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Help with modpack


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Hey guys, I really need some help on my modpack for the Technic Launcher. My modpack is for 1.6.4, and inside my modpack.zip folder I have the following folders:

bin, config, Flan, and mods. Now what happens is if I include all of the Flans content packs (which run just fine on the normal Minecraft launcher) I get the following error:

Error unzipping a file for the following pack: Proteus Modpack. Error extracting file proteus-modpack-1.0.zip. Please consult the modpack author. Now when I don't include those content packs the pack works just fine and loads up. I suspect the reason is for this because inside the Flan folder, all of the other content packs are in a zip file format. However with these content packs, the Extra's soviet pack, hax modern manus, haxed manus ww2, and the monolith pack, they aren't zipped up but instead a file. However when ever I zip them, the game crashes while launching. I was really hoping that someone could help me fix this problem, as it is really frustrating me. I have also seen other modpacks with these content packs in them, and those load/work fine.

A download link for my modpack (with the content packs):


Also, the forge I used for the modpack.jar in the modpack.zip was Forge universal .965, so the recommended/latest version of 1.6.4 If anybody could help me, that would be great!



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You need to do several things with regard to your pack:

  • Change the www.dropbox.com in your download link to dl.dropboxusercontent.com, and the dl=0 on the end to dl=1
  • Start hunting down "official" copies of the mods you want to use.  Use the Minecraft Forums (www.minecraftforum.net), Curseforge (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/), occasionally GitHub (www.github.com/), or the authors' own sites for download.  Any other location can and will give you outdated versions or corrupted or malicious software.  The names of the files in your modpack zip tell me you probably didn't do that.
  • Flan packs are required to be in the Flan folder, in .zip format, for Flan's mod to read them.  If you can't find or make .zip files for Flan's packs, you probably shouldn't be using them.

I suggest, if you're unfamiliar with pack making in general, grabbing a well-built 1.6.4 pack and seeing how it's put together.  You could probably even use it for a base to build your own pack.

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You need to do several things with regard to your pack:

  • Change the www.dropbox.com in your download link to dl.dropboxusercontent.com, and the dl=0 on the end to dl=1
  • Start hunting down "official" copies of the mods you want to use.  Use the Minecraft Forums (www.minecraftforum.net), Curseforge (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/), occasionally GitHub (www.github.com/), or the authors' own sites for download.  Any other location can and will give you outdated versions or corrupted or malicious software.  The names of the files in your modpack zip tell me you probably didn't do that.
  • Flan packs are required to be in the Flan folder, in .zip format, for Flan's mod to read them.  If you can't find or make .zip files for Flan's packs, you probably shouldn't be using them.

I suggest, if you're unfamiliar with pack making in general, grabbing a well-built 1.6.4 pack and seeing how it's put together.  You could probably even use it for a base to build your own pack.

​Thanks for your response. I am quite familiar with modpack making, as this pack I have works just fine on my server and client (as well as my friends computers via the normal vanilla Minecraft launcher with forge installed). I did install the forge universal in the modpack, and all of the mods have been downloaded from the mod creator's pages or other various places (ie. planet Minecraft and curse forge). I tried renaming my drop box link to dl.dropboxusercontent.com and then the dl=0 to dl=1, and it did the following things:
After downloading the pack on technic it went from 15% done installing mods to 33% and then stopped. Please keep in mind that this works just fine without the 4 content packs I was talking about earlier, but there are other technic packs on the launcher which support those and I would like to be able to include those with this pack as well.

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Moved to the correct location, btw.

What is your Platform page url?  This may be a definition issue with that.  Have you incremented the version number on the Platform after updating the pack?

Have you attempted to find .zip formatted versions of the Flan's content packs you are trying to add to the pack?  If there are other packs on the launcher that use those particular ones, grab a copy of those and move the files into the Flan folder on yours.

Why would you rename mod files to include "files" at the beginning, or remove version numbers?  I can see several mod files that don't look like they've come from the authors' sites or the MCF or Curse pages.

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Moved to the correct location, btw.

What is your Platform page url?  This may be a definition issue with that.  Have you incremented the version number on the Platform after updating the pack?

Have you attempted to find .zip formatted versions of the Flan's content packs you are trying to add to the pack?  If there are other packs on the launcher that use those particular ones, grab a copy of those and move the files into the Flan folder on yours.

Why would you rename mod files to include "files" at the beginning, or remove version numbers?  I can see several mod files that don't look like they've come from the authors' sites or the MCF or Curse pages.

​Thanks for moving the forum to the correct location. What do you mean by platform page URL? That could explain it, but if you would explain to me what that it is it would be helpful (not trying to sound like an idiot, but do you mean the dropbox link or my technicpack modpack link?). I have attempted to find the .zip versions of the Flans mod content packs, and so far no luck, However I'm going to keep looking for them, like you suggested. I earlier tried to zip them, but that just caused it to crash. Also I haven't renamed any of the mod files, unless you can point out one directly I've renamed...... And as I've said before, they all work on the normal modded vanilla launcher, just not Technic.

Btw quite sorry for the long response time, Gotta Fricken Love Comcast for their WONDERFUL uptime in internet.....



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​Thanks for moving the forum to the correct location. What do you mean by platform page URL? That could explain it, but if you would explain to me what that it is it would be helpful (not trying to sound like an idiot, but do you mean the dropbox link or my technicpack modpack link?). I have attempted to find the .zip versions of the Flans mod content packs, and so far no luck, However I'm going to keep looking for them, like you suggested. I earlier tried to zip them, but that just caused it to crash. Also I haven't renamed any of the mod files, unless you can point out one directly I've renamed...... And as I've said before, they all work on the normal modded vanilla launcher, just not Technic.

Btw quite sorry for the long response time, Gotta Fricken Love Comcast for their WONDERFUL uptime in internet.....

​If you want to host a pack and have the Technic Launcher recognize it, you need to put it on the Platform (www.technicpack.net) somewhere.  So you know, the Platform doesn't use the same login and password as the forums.  Then you just need to tell the Platform the pack name, download location (that Dropbox url you gave earlier, updated), and version number (usually starts at 1.00).  How are you getting the Launcher to even show your pack to attempt to use it without a Platform page?

So, I took a closer look at your pack archive.  All "current" versions are the latest for 1.6.4:

  • I assume you're using an OS that doesn't like spaces.  Your mod files for DamageIndicators and Applied Energistics still have them, however.
  • bspkrsCore is on 5.3, you have 3.05
  • The Rei's Minimap file has been renamed from 1.6.2 to 1.6.4, for some reason.  As long as it functions, renaming mod files from the downloaded ones is not necessary.
  • TreeCapitator is on r06, you have r02.
  • You're a couple versions out of date on Dartcraft (0.2.18 where current is 0.2.20), and the file for it has 00001 at the beginning for some reason.
  • You're several versions out of date on Damage Indicators ( where current is
  • You're several versions out of date on Advanced Genetics (1.1 where current is 1.4.3).
  • Your Applied Energistics file name is completely different from the download available on either the author's site (http://ae1.ae-mod.info/Downloads/) or Curse (which is appeng-rv14-finale3-mc16x.jar)
  • As far as I know, you don't need AutoUtils if you're not going to include Chisel.

I could continue, but I think I've provided enough evidence that you will probably want to review your pack thoroughly for latest 1.6.4 versions before continuing to try to troubleshoot the finished product.  Also, be aware that most 1.6.4 mods are no longer being developed.

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