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  • Discord Moderator
  • As Disconsented suggested, your dropbox URL for your modpack is incorrect. Dropbox public share links must be changed in order to work correctly (make them direct). Change the "www" to "dl" and remove the "?" at the end and everything after it.
  • Your /bin/modpack.jar is named modpack.jar.jar. Google "windows explorer always show file extensions" to learn how to prevent this problem.
  • Your modpack.jar(.jar) file is in RAR format. All archives intended for use in the platform must be in ZIP format only. That being said, you should not be messing with the Forge JAR in any way other than to rename it to modpack.jar. The modpack.jar file is simply the correct version of the Forge universal binary JAR file renamed to modpack.jar. Don't extract it, don't recompress it, don't add anything to it. Just rename it.
  • Your selected Forge version is very old. You will need to use a newer version of Forge.
  • You have BigReactors (and MFR, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation) but are missing the required dependency mod CoFHCore.
  • Your Extra Utilities mod is out of date.
  • Your Tinkers' Construct mod is out of date.

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