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I cannot ask questions on Questions.


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So, for whatever reason, I cannot ask anything on Questions. There is no ask button, and going to http://questions.technicpack.net/ask gives me the message "You do not have permission to perform that operation." Why is this? Is there something I am unaware of?

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong place. I didn't see a subforum for questions about the website itself.

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It's a bug I've raised in other forum posts. New users can't post questions, comment, upvote/downvote, or edit.

The ability to ask questions is granted after your first answer. The ability to comment is granted when you have more than 0 rep (i.e. after the first time someone upvotes you.)

This is a little silly, and hopefully the permissions for new users are changed soon.

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i see nothing wrong with it. you have to develop a rapport with the community that you're not an assclown and know what you're talking about before you should be allowed to comment. questions about the site and/or the client I can also agree with since you have to consider that the dev team would only consider input from people active in the community.

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The purpose of comments on a Q&A site, like Technic Questions or Stack Overflow, is to ask for clarification on questions or answers. This is a fairly basic requirement. New users without comment privileges still need to ask for clarifications, so they end up posting answers in response to answers. This isn't the way a Q&A site is supposed to work!

I looked around the Question2Answer software and I couldn't actually find a config file that modifies settings like the reputation level required to comment, etc. I have a nasty feeling that they're actually hard-coded.

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