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[3.1.2][24/7][Mature] Tekkitia - A Small, Friendly Server [30 Slot]


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InGameName: bjarkiella

About me: Been playing minecraft for a month or so but have been watching it for a year at least, yogscast and others, so I'm a fan. Other then that, I'm a 27 year old MScs student loving life during the day and minecraft at night


Location: Denmark

Why Tekkitia?: I love pipes and automation and building some grand factory with my friends


Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Of course

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Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 95bb84c2 --------

Generated 2.8.2012 15:42

Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5

OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1

Java: 1.6.0_30, Sun Microsystems Inc.

VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 version 2.1.9115, ATI Technologies Inc.

java.lang.RuntimeException: unknown character

Any advice? :D

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About me:
i like to play tekkit but without hackers and greifers messing up all my work

british time zone

Why Tekkitia?: Because i like tekkit but not the big servers that everything been taken from the land from

Do you understand
will get you banned/removed?

i have never griefed so i'm ok with the rules

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InGameName: zephyrmop

About me: I've been playing for about a year now, just branched out into the Technic pack. Would be lovely to play with people who know how to use Tekkit


Location: England (GMT)

Why Tekkitia?: I like smaller servers with a more personal touch. It makes it much easier to get to know and talk to everyone

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? I do.

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InGameName: Sargeantpie901

About me:
I Live in england and have been playing minecraft for a year or so now, I'm generally bored of vanilla minecraft so i turned to mods. Found out about technic and loved it, so now i have been looking for a good tekkit server.

Location: England

Why Tekkitia?: I have been looking for a server where people are friendly and griefing is actually stopped. I also like small servers and it looks like tekkitia ticks all those boxes.

Do you understand
will get you banned/removed?: Like any other server that asks this, of course

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InGameName: folgar

About me: ive played minecraft sense alpha and now i found tekkit and want to try it out on a friendly server.

Location: central time zone (usa)

Why Tekkitia?: i really like it that you put forestry back in tekkit

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed?: of course!

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InGameName: EthanCGamer

About me: I'm a veteran Minecraft player, since Indev. Iv'e also been playing Tekkit since it came out. I'm (nearly) 14 but I'm probably 2x more mature than my classmates. I have a really good knowledge of Minecraft and Tekkit.

Location: North Texas

Why Tekkitia?: I want a friendly Tekkit community that I can build and thrive on for a long time. I don't want a server that has greifers everywhere, and I want a server that is mature and I think this one is it!

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes, I understand all this and I hate all of those. Being a MC player since Indev has shown me that greifers suck.

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IGN: ZaneM95

AboutMe: Have played MC since x-mas 2011 and started playing tekkit with a few friends and loved it. I would love to join your server.

Location: Eastern Canada (Ontario)

Why Tekkita?: becuase i love to play tekkit and your server looks like lots of fun and i would love to join you guys/gals.

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes, i do and i dislike greifers and will help out anyway to get rid of them

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Well people, I would not recommend posting here to get on this "Mature" server. Bewood was once a responsible owner, but over time, money has corrupted him, like it does with all people. If you do decide to go on, beware the flashman, because he WILL threaten to destroy your home. If you try to stop it, Bewood will come and ban you and everyone involved in the justice that should be served. Take me for example, I was obeying the rules, but then Flashman comes and threatens to burn/destroy my house with an item that another op spawned in. My friend and I, killed him, and took this destructive item and tossed it in lava. Flashman then proceeded to insult us, saying that we "Would be banned!" The op Ren, even threatened to ban me because of my retaliation to the threat. If you are looking for a small, mature, and friendly server, look elsewhere, because I can assure you that good times will not be had here.

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Well people, I would not recommend posting here to get on this "Mature" server. Bewood was once a responsible owner, but over time, money has corrupted him, like it does with all people. If you do decide to go on, beware the flashman, because he WILL threaten to destroy your home. If you try to stop it, Bewood will come and ban you and everyone involved in the justice that should be served. Take me for example, I was obeying the rules, but then Flashman comes and threatens to burn/destroy my house with an item that another op spawned in. My friend and I, killed him, and took this destructive item and tossed it in lava. Flashman then proceeded to insult us, saying that we "Would be banned!" The op Ren, even threatened to ban me because of my retaliation to the threat. If you are looking for a small, mature, and friendly server, look elsewhere, because I can assure you that good times will not be had here.

Okay, anyone that can read this and actually think using common sense, let's point a few things out here. We don't accept money in any form, we being me or my co-owner. My co-owner assists in the payment, and she is actually more to thank for the server being up than me.

I have lost my last partner, a good friend, in order to prevent them from having to pay/do anything to use the server. He wanted to make them, I said no.

I've banned 2 people today, and they were harassing my members. Not only did they kill a player and steal his things, they threw them all in lava. The items he had were spawned in by my co-owner to assist in creating spawn. However, these 2 decided to repeatedly kill him when he said they were breaking the rules, and then even lied to another OP of mine to get him to de-op my Co-Owner and ban the both of them.

Moose/Major is keller'd for a reason, and is not white-listed for a reason. Anyone wishing to buy into the nonsense he is trying to spit out, by all means PLEASE don't apply on my server. I don't want you if you can't see past the crap that he so OBVIOUSLY puts out.

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Okay, anyone that can read this and actually think using common sense, let's point a few things out here. We don't accept money in any form, we being me or my co-owner. My co-owner assists in the payment, and she is actually more to thank for the server being up than me.

I have lost my last partner, a good friend, in order to prevent them from having to pay/do anything to use the server. He wanted to make them, I said no.

I've banned 2 people today, and they were harassing my members. Not only did they kill a player and steal his things, they threw them all in lava. The items he had were spawned in by my co-owner to assist in creating spawn. However, these 2 decided to repeatedly kill him when he said they were breaking the rules, and then even lied to another OP of mine to get him to de-op my Co-Owner and ban the both of them.

Moose/Major is keller'd for a reason, and is not white-listed for a reason. Anyone wishing to buy into the nonsense he is trying to spit out, by all means PLEASE don't apply on my server. I don't want you if you can't see past the crap that he so OBVIOUSLY puts out.

Okay Bewood, lets get a few things straight with your argument. What I meant by money corrupted you, was not that players give money, its that if people can do something for you that takes a 5 minute google search to do, and get op for it just because its a cheap host, means that money you still have for not thinking of the players has corrupted you.

Yes, you have lost your partner, because he was the first one that money had corrupted. You were the second. Also, your partner was an asshole, like you.

You have banned 2 members today, both of which were following the rules put down by you, and trying to stop the people who were from breaking it. Yes, we killed Flashman whe he threatened to destroy our homes, and yes, we did take his spawned item and flowers to a volcano. The item that was spawned in was WAY too powerful for a 12 year old cunt to handle. Yes, they were spawned in to help Renmnx in making spawn, but he clicked once and went to coon's home and my home. He then repeatedly threatened to destroy our homes. He said we were breaking the rules, when in all actuality, it was Flashman who was breaking the rules. Then we told the op, xtrasyn, (who is only an op btw for trying to make a spawn on his last server) the truth. He then promptly de-opped and banned Ren(the supposed Co-Owner) and banned Flashman for rulebreaking.

Your right, I am kellered for a reason. That reason is abusing the report function when I started an EE thread and the mods told me that it was done before, and that there was a whole subsection on the forums dedicated to it. Then a few days later, I saw another EE thread where the mods actively took part in conversation about EE, and never once mentioned the other subsection. I then reported everyone there for their abuse. Also, yes please anyone who believes me don't go on the server, hell, anyone don't apply for this server.

Edit: Also, good job Bewood for bolding your whole argument, I'm very sure that it will make people want to come on your server, when you're forcing lies down their throats. Good job to you sir! Also, I see you deleted all my posts off your profile, erasing any evidence that might go towards an argument against you.

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1) Flash had a site I didn't find in any of my searches, I spent hours looking, he has no power and isn't OP.

2) Ren offered her money up out of the kindness of her heart so YOU ALL could play, she didn't even ask for any power.

3) I think about nothing more than the players, I would have turned it off when we lost the last host if that was the case.

4) I actually only banned one player, YOU, and that's because you were killing people before they even do anything. Thought police much? Then you were insulting them both on skype and in game, humiliating another to the point where he didn't want to play. Then lied to my OP getting him to de-op and ban my co-owner and a player.

5) A 12 year old cunt? Nuff said.

6) Xtrasyn is OP because I want him to be, because I've gotten to know him personally and judged his character. He deserves it from not only the help he supplies, but he is someone I can trust.

7) I bolded my post because it's easier to read.

8) I deleted all your posts because I am making it very clear that you are not welcome.

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Your right, I am kellered for a reason. That reason is abusing the report function when I started an EE thread and the mods told me that it was done before, and that there was a whole subsection on the forums dedicated to it. Then a few days later, I saw another EE thread where the mods actively took part in conversation about EE, and never once mentioned the other subsection. I then reported everyone there for their abuse. Biased much? Also, yes please anyone who believes me don't go on the server, hell, anyone don't apply for this server.

I'm the mod that was posting in that other thread. Want to know why your reports there were ignored? You failed to notice that the majority of that 2nd thread you mentioned were started long before you started yours, and someone resurrected it from a few weeks to a month before. Obviously, you can't read. So, enough of this. You are kellered for a reason. If this continues, in this thread or anywhere else public, you will be banned for a reason.

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I'm the mod that was posting in that other thread. Want to know why your reports there were ignored? You failed to notice that the majority of that 2nd thread you mentioned were started long before you started yours, and someone resurrected it from a few weeks to a month before. Obviously, you can't read. So, enough of this. You are kellered for a reason. If this continues, in this thread or anywhere else public, you will be banned for a reason.

If my talking about my kellering continues, or stating the truth about this server continues?

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If my talking about my kellering continues, or stating the truth about this server continues?

The latter. You can talk about how you were kellered all you want. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out who to believe, so I'm going to tend to side with the person who's acting the most maturely, which right now isn't you. Drop it. The server will either continue running if the owner's telling the truth, or it'll collapse if you are. It's not worth throwing a fit over. Since it's still here, you should probably just leave it be.

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InGameName: gradyjoslin

About me:
i found technic by friends who wanted me to get it tried it out liked it my friend made a techkit server i looked for more found one played it and moved to a better server with better community than the previous one and played it.


Why Tekkitia?: want to play with other friends that are using the server and they siad it was a good one

Do you understand
will get you banned/removed? yes i do

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InGameName: wardflyers

About me: i love to play tekkit i would say im kind of advanced and now a lot about it.

Location: USA

Why Tekkitia?:it said that people are usually always on and i like active servers.

Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? yes.

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