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[3.1.2] § Tekkit Realms § [Looking for Staff] [150 Slots] [Towny] [Player Shops] [Few Items Banned]

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IP: Tekkit.legends-realm.com

Welcome to Tekkit Realms! The brand new Tekkit server open to everyone!

Latest News: Looking for Staff: Scroll to bottom of page to see Details!


Tekkit Realms is Towny based server, meaning that users can create their own Town or/and Nation and start their own kingdoms! With Towny you can protect your builds and ensure that griefing is prevented. This server is extremely open and versatile meaning that you do anything you want, with stupendous amounts of plug-ins making this possible! If you want to Role-play and create a factory, you can do it!

Our Unique Selling Point at Tekkit Realms has to be our Spawn. Our spawn utilises the latest plugins inorder to give YOU the best experience possible.

Spawn Tour:


Spawn: This will be the first thing you see upon entering. These boards the essentials commands in-order to use this server.


Spawn Castle: This is the castle that we call spawn. It was built by us over a long period of time and we it is something slight unique for a Tekkit Server!

Bank: This the bank where players can safely store one chest full of items in our vaults. Using a clever plugin, simply right click one of the chests inside and it will open your own personal bank account that noone else can enter!

Server Specifications:

This server revolves around the marvellous Tekkit! Tekkit is a collection of Modifications to ensure the best Minecraft experience! You can download the Client


Processor: Intel Core i7 4.6GHZ


Hard Drive: 2TB SATA

Upload Rate: 100MBPS


Admin: Laptop903, Xknight

Mods: Horoxio, Flarox

Guards: pending...


Click the titles for more info:

Plug-ins you need to know about:

  • Towny - Create towns and nations, protect and sell land
  • ChestBank - Access your own personal bank account to store items at the bank at spawn
  • ChestShop - Allows players to buy and sell items via chests. A great way to make money
  • MobArena - Visit the MobArena at spawn and duel Mobs to progress through the levels and earn rewards!
  • McMMO - Provides a RPG aspect to the server allowing special perks and reduce times on certain skills

If you wish to have a plugin that have enjoyed using before and would like to see implemented on this server please simply reply to this with below form filled out:

Plugin Request Form:

- Plugin Name:

- Link to Plugin page:

- Reason for Requesting:


Below is the current overview of what is allowed and what isn't on Tekkit Realms. We have tried to keep the rules minimal to ensure that people can still have fun.

  • Griefing is NOT allowed under any circumstances.
  • Swearing/spamming is NOT allowed. This server is aimed at people of all ages and their may players as young as 11 playing. (TO enforce this, there is a plugin which disables swearing in the chat.)
  • PvP is allowed, though refrain from mindlessly killing directly outside of the spawn.
  • Raiding is NOT allowed under any circumstances.

If you are doing something that you believe to be wrong, please query with a member of staff who will be happy to help you.

Breaking any of these rules can result in different forms of punishment. Small rule breaking can result in a mute, jail or kick where as more severe breaking of rules can result in a Temporary or Permanent Ban.


Voting is very important to keep the server populated. If you feel that you are enjoying your experience on the server, we politely ask that you click the link below and vote for us! Of course we pay you for your gratitude. In return for voting we will give you 5 Diamonds and $1000 In-game coins!

Links for voting:

Vote on Planet Minecraft:


Vote on Tekkit Server List:


Staff Application Form:

We are currently looking for staff for our server, if you feel you have what it takes to be a member of staff, please fill out the application form below:

  • In game name:
  • Age:
  • Country:
  • Why should we hire you:
  • Previous Experience:

Please post your application as a reply to forum post. Thank you and Good luck!

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Don't join this server.

Sorry guys but you have virtually no banned items, making "Towny" completely useless. I had all of my stuff within my town, I'm guessing someone used a mining lazer or something, because my town literally no longer exists, I spent quite a while getting what I had, and it all just got destroyed when I logged out for half an hour.

This server won't last long, unless something is changed.


This screenshot was a room within my town that I had blocked off, and it got leveled. Mind you I made my town about 20 layers below the surface, with no entrance. Only way out was to do /spawn.


  "ScottDark said:
Don't join this server.

Sorry guys but you have virtually no banned items, making "Towny" completely useless. I had all of my stuff within my town, I'm guessing someone used a mining lazer or something, because my town literally no longer exists, I spent quite a while getting what I had, and it all just got destroyed when I logged out for half an hour.

This server won't last long, unless something is changed.


This screenshot was a room within my town that I had blocked off, and it got leveled. Mind you I made my town about 20 layers below the surface, with no entrance. Only way out was to do /spawn.

So sorry this has happened to you. This server has now only been up for 4 Days, And I myself am still learning what the "lowdown" is with Tekkit and servers.

I have now installed serveral patches, mods and plugins to ensure that glitches cannot take place where people can destroy claimed land.

If you reply to me with you IGN, I will compensate you for your troubles :)

Hope to see you on the server!



  • In game name: The_Vetro_7
  • Age: 16
  • Country: United States
  • Why should we hire you: I am on the server a lot. And i help out a lot of people
  • Previous Experience: I have ran my own server, been a co-owner of a server, been a admin a few times, and a mod a lot of times, and a player tons of times :P

Note: You can always call me on skype


  • In game name: Klowe10
  • Age: 16
  • Country: USA
  • Why should we hire you: I believe I have what it takes to properly answer any questions that the players may have. Active and well known in the player base. I am very experienced in Towny, McMMO. Also, I am not afraid to donate to keep the server alive!
  • Previous Experience: Ran a server for awhile, Moderator in another server that was closed down due too lack of funds. I have also fund raised IRL and helped my uncle with Charity events, and I believe I am good with people.


  • In game name: vinster99 (bros)
  • Age: 16
  • Country: U.S
  • Why should we hire you: Because ive had experience with helping people. Ive been playing MC/Tekkit for 2 months or so. Everyserver ive been on ive been an admin and i love helping people. Im am trustworthy and i know how to be part of a team.
  • Previous Experience: TeamXtreme (Admin) CD server (Admin)
  • P.S I love this game :D


  • In game name: Zecoconutbrains
  • Age: 17
  • Country: UK
  • Why should we hire you: I'm dedicated and enjoy playing Minecraft. I enjoy helping out and being mature when using commands. Available a large amount of the time so I will be able to help out as much as possible.
  • Previous Experience: Admin on my own servers


  • In game name:Ciano2kaii11
  • Age:13 Nearly 14 lol
  • Country:Ireland
  • Why should we hire you:Well Im fair but strict when it comes to griefing,hacking and disrespecting to staff and other members. i Learn really quick and ill be on the server alot so if most admins mods and other staff are on ill mabye be on.Im Good with Plugins.
  • Previous Experience:I Was a Server Owner(It wasnt a very good server But it was cool lol). An Admin For Dhd Craft it was a Beastnode server, and a Mod for another Beastnode sever.
  • Thank You Hope You Think Im Good Enough
  • Your Sincerely
  • Ciano2kaii11


I'd like to know why I was banned. I decided to give away my items after my two friends got banned, and I was going to leave peacefully. I just wanted to return my items to the server circulation.


Computer made me think my other post didn't count. But seriously, I get banned because others griefed? This won't look so good as a permanent post, but I will edit it when I am unbanned. The server also constantly lags and crashes. The only reason I stayed was because the staff was very nice up until I was banned randomly.


Well seeing as I am still banned, I'm deciding to write an honest review of the server. The server constantly lags and crashes. The staff was nice, up until today. The staff started trapping people in pvp arenas, then banning them over accidents and I was banned because my friend griefed accidently. I am very disappointed with how this server turned out because of the amount of work I put into my base.


  • In game name: happy_builder
  • Age:15 next month
  • Country:U.S
  • Why should we hire you: you should hire me because i love tekkit :D, also it would be my 2nd staff member on a tekkit server wich would be cool, another reason is that i like helping people and building, BUILDING! yes im a builder type person, good with tekkit/technic, could help ur staff + players and maybe help u get donations. now on to my experience! my youtube could help(maybe...) i could make a banner.
  • Previous Experience: i have been staff on like 10-15 servers including conwy server wich is in the top 100 i believe on PMC, i have been mod before on a tekkit server, i love building and that is all i do ahhaha (i would like to build some tekkit buildings) i wil be on a lot i am very helpfull and will do my best :D.
  • P.s i tried not to make this long but plz consider me :P and if you dont its ok i will still play on server.


  "happy_builder said:

  • In game name: happy_builder
  • Age:15 next month
  • Country:U.S
  • Why should we hire you: you should hire me because i love tekkit :D, also it would be my 2nd staff member on a tekkit server wich would be cool, another reason is that i like helping people and building, BUILDING! yes im a builder type person, good with tekkit/technic, could help ur staff + players and maybe help u get donations. now on to my experience! my youtube could help(maybe...) i could make a banner.
  • Previous Experience: i have been staff on like 10-15 servers including conwy server wich is in the top 100 i believe on PMC, i have been mod before on a tekkit server, i love building and that is all i do ahhaha (i would like to build some tekkit buildings) i wil be on a lot i am very helpfull and will do my best :D.
  • P.s i tried not to make this long but plz consider me :P and if you dont its ok i will still play on server.


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