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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]


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Cobye you posted your Application twice on the same page on the same day which is really stupid. File can't get to it in 12 hours. And also the spots are full right now so both of you just shut up.

-j_q_a (Moderator/Donator)

I help people in need.

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Okay guys,

I'm not going through the moderator/admin apps till i get my old computer back. (Hopefully tomorrow)

Second, I'm not going to keep restarting the server until I get my old computer back because the disk space is nearly maxed out, so when you guys do stuff, it crashes. You're gunna have to wait until I can get FTP access to it again and can delete some large files.

Thirdly, @j q a

What is UbuTekkit and where do I get it?

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Okay guys,

I'm not going through the moderator/admin apps till i get my old computer back. (Hopefully tomorrow)

Second, I'm not going to keep restarting the server until I get my old computer back because the disk space is nearly maxed out, so when you guys do stuff, it crashes. You're gunna have to wait until I can get FTP access to it again and can delete some large files.

Thirdly, @j q a

What is UbuTekkit and where do I get it?

First off, if the server is running then I cant find it.

Second I think I have a document for the link. Let me get it... Download Files: http://www.mediafire.com/?nhst2evfbvq974r Instructions: http://ubutekkit.tumblr.com/page/2

Third, I hope you get your old computer back tomorrow, too.

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Cobye you posted your Application twice on the same page on the same day which is really stupid. File can't get to it in 12 hours. And also the spots are full right now so both of you just shut up.

-j_q_a (Moderator/Donator)

I help people in need.

lol srry i just wanted to make sure :D

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Secondary Moderator Application Attempt

IGN: _Cobye_

Why Do You Want To Be A Moderator?

I want to be a Moderator Because i want to help out in the server. I have a lot of experience at being a moderator, i Could help making sure that no one spams or exsecive swearing. i Want to Help others And i Will Play like a normal player

What Is Your Time Zone?

Eastern USA

How Would You Moderate The Server?

I Would moderate the server by going to spawn occasionally to see if anyone follows someone to kill or Griefing near the spawn or in the spawn, I would Look at the chat bar to see if anyone is spamming/escecive swearing/And or using cap locks, if they are I will Mute them. I will help others with recipes and questions if they need it. I will make sure that everyone is following the rules of your server and make sure no one is raging on the server, (Cause Someone Griefed them Cause This is a Griefing server), or i will mute them.

What Is Your Experience As Being A Moderator?

I've been a moderator on a lot of different servers Cause i help a lot of people. But i've never been moderator or had been on a griefing Allowed Server but ill try my best to help others in the server. I've been admins on servers to but some of them got shut down, now i play a lot on this server. I even have my own server but it got boring and no donation or funds were coming so i shut the server down ill try hard to be a moderator on the server So please let me be a moderator.

Cobye, please do not poste another Moderator application if the first has not been decided if you are going to be Moderator or not.

Computer is dead til wednesday. Hard drive is corrupted and a new one is on its way. I'm slowly but surely freeing up disk space, so the server should be up soon.

Server is up again!

Hopefully it should hold until wednesday.

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Guy's, file has a small laptop that he is luckily running the server on, it's laggy for the fact of low ram, buy once he gets his new computer, the server will not be so laggy. And the applications will be dealt with, i've asked him already because I was curious. So just calm down, and relax.

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Guy's, file has a small laptop that he is luckily running the server on, it's laggy for the fact of low ram, buy once he gets his new computer, the server will not be so laggy. And the applications will be dealt with, i've asked him already because I was curious. So just calm down, and relax.

just in case he is not running the server from home, a hosting company is. He just need to be able to access the ftp for his account on the server to delete files to make space.

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just in case he is not running the server from home, a hosting company is. He just need to be able to access the ftp for his account on the server to delete files to make space.

Regardless, Just letting people to know to calm down. They need to settle a bit. I applied, and don't believe for one second I'm not anxious but, I'm patient.

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I lost everything in my blue alchamy bag, everything disappeared. File can u get my stuff back. I had a morning star and a katar, about 32 rm and 14 dm, 1 high voltage solar array, 7 iridium ore, a uu matter and a lot of other stuff that I don't care about, can u get it back for me plzzzzzzzzzzz

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No he won't cobye, lots of people lost stuff, he is not going to go give items to people is not fair for everyone, he has stated this before. I lost full quantum and morning star and Katar as well, i just made some new :P. Btw for future reference i recommend personal safes, they survive this type of corruptions :P

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Personally, I lost nothing in my Alchemy Bags, but other, and alot of them complained that they lost stuff in ALL their alchemy bags. I am all set, I may have lost the stuff in my blue one, but still. Have a good day guy's, hope the server's back up soon.

P.S. @_Cobye_

What did you lose in that alchemy bag?

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I wrote it on the comment

Personally, I lost nothing in my Alchemy Bags, but other, and alot of them complained that they lost stuff in ALL their alchemy bags. I am all set, I may have lost the stuff in my blue one, but still. Have a good day guy's, hope the server's back up soon.

P.S. @_Cobye_

What did you lose in that alchemy bag?

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I lost everything in my blue alchamy bag, everything disappeared. File can u get my stuff back. I had a morning star and a katar, about 32 rm and 14 dm, 1 high voltage solar array, 7 iridium ore, a uu matter and a lot of other stuff that I don't care about, can u get it back for me plzzzzzzzzzzz

Shut up Cobye people can lie all the time and we don't know if you are lying or not. And File doesn't do returns so SHUT UP ABOUT UR STUFF!


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IGN: Assault_Tiger

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I wish to become a moderator on the server because i wish to help and be part of this ever-growing Tekkit server. I have several ideas for server atractions, such as Spleef, mob areana (which i can make without the mod and with vanila only items) and PvP areana, aswell as having the staisfaction of punishing rulebreaker's, especialy those who grief spawn.

How would you moderate the server?: I would be fair to all and help those who are new to tekkit the best i can in the times that i have available to moderat the server (which is alot), aswell as and just as important, punishing rule breakers. If someone has been griefed, i would help them get back on track, so they dont rage quit and never retern

What is your experience as a moderator?: i have moderated several servers and co-owned 2, if you wish to verify this, i can suply the owners of some of the servers skype names for you to question them about my expireince as a staff member on tekkit servers.

What Timezone are you in?: GMT, i can be online both before and after college

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Shut up Cobye people can lie all the time and we don't know if you are lying or not. And File doesn't do returns so SHUT UP ABOUT UR STUFF!


File may be able to check the logs for the stuff. But yea, if he gave 1 person there stuff back everyone would be complaining. And j_q_a, as staff I expect you to be atleast little nicer to members.

IGN: Assault_Tiger

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I wish to become a moderator on the server because i wish to help and be part of this ever-growing Tekkit server. I have several ideas for server atractions, such as Spleef, mob areana (which i can make without the mod and with vanila only items) and PvP areana, aswell as having the staisfaction of punishing rulebreaker's, especialy those who grief spawn.

How would you moderate the server?: I would be fair toral servers and co-owned 2, if you wish to verify this, i can suply the owners of some of the servers skype names for you to question them about my expireince as a staff member on tekkit servers. all and help those who are new to tekkit the best i can in the times that i have available to moderat the server (which is alot), aswell as and just as important, punishing rule breakers. If someone has been griefed, i would help them get back on track, so they dont rage quit and never retern

What is your experience as a moderator?: i have moderated seve

What Timezone are you in?: GMT, i can be online both before and after college

I think that you should be Moderator because you have good Experience and you can help the server with event stuff. But I am not sure if I can accept Moderator Applications, I haven't talked to file about that yet.
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File may be able to check the logs for the stuff. But yea, if he gave 1 person there stuff back everyone would be complaining. And j_q_a, as staff I expect you to be atleast little nicer to members.

I think that you should be Moderator because you have good Experience and you can help the server with event stuff. But I am not sure if I can accept Moderator Applications, I haven't talked to file about that yet.

Ok Master Poke XD

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Ok Master Poke XD

Try to relax when addressing other members. There is no need for excessive Caps in your sentence. I can't tell if you are joking or being serious because apparently, you're "yelling" when you put on the Caps lock (or shift) to type your sentence, but then you put ":P" at the end, signaling you are sticking out your tongue.

Tell me again why he was accepted for Mod?

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Try to relax when addressing other members. There is no need for excessive Caps in your sentence. I can't tell if you are joking or being serious because apparently, you're "yelling" when you put on the Caps lock (or shift) to type your sentence, but then you put ":P" at the end, signaling you are sticking out your tongue.

Tell me again why he was accepted for Mod?


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Try to relax when addressing other members. There is no need for excessive Caps in your sentence. I can't tell if you are joking or being serious because apparently, you're "yelling" when you put on the Caps lock (or shift) to type your sentence, but then you put ":P" at the end, signaling you are sticking out your tongue.

Tell me again why he was accepted for Mod?

I cAn TeLl SoMeOnE iS JeAlOus !? :P

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