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  "cannonfodder1 said:
now when i try to join the server i get:

Connection Lost

Internal Client Error: java.netConnect.Exception: connection refused:connect

any help?

I'll check it out, but that seems to be on your side.


  "iamnotinsane said:
the airships seem like a bit of a waste of time, since moogle left ive not seen ours and havent missed it to tbf

Its at the old base. Go to the airship pad and look up...

Unfortunately, at some point it was moving with only some of its chunks loaded, and part of it got ripped one block to the side. I fixed it enough to get it to limp back home, but that is all. It is currently attached to my sky highway towboat. That was a project to make a highway of small frame motor stations in the sky, that a large + shaped sled of frame could crawl along at maximum speed, towing things along with it.

However, I abandoned that project after the griefing, because a sky highway is predictable and fixed and susceptible to griefing easily, unlike an airship that just floats anywhere with no trace left behind.

Thus, there is an abandoned rig, some stations that I cannibalized for parts, a half-finished factory for airship parts, and the old M-tech airship in shambles attached to a towing cable, all at about y=180 above the old base (Whoeever griefed it didnt see that up there apparently...)

Feel free to take what you need from there if you are M-tech


I got one little request andrew, Can you turn of creeper damage ? so the kill you butt don't destroy any blocks ? they kill all the hard work atleast i have done and i'm sure there are other peple how agree with me.


  "iamnotinsane said:
i knew where the airship was ive left it there, because the idea of a warship is stupid all it takes is a guy with a swift wolf and minin laser and its gone and ur dead

Presumably the airship is not meant to attack players, but to attack installations and/or other airships. Or to roam the skies searching for things, etc. Of course it would lose against a player.

I think that we should actually set up airship battles on our server as a fun thing to do. Designate an empty section of ocean as a battleground, or something, and each team builds an airship, then they fight each other, no human involvement allowed.

Or people can build a base (just a shell of a base, the defenses), with the intention of defending against airships, and other make airships deisnged to destroy it (have one token gold block or something as the one you have to destroy to count as "winning" on offense)

I got one little request andrew, Can you turn of creeper damage ? so the kill you butt don't destroy any blocks ? they kill all the hard work atleast i have done and i'm sure there are other peple how agree with me.

I strongly disagree. If your base is vulnerable to creepers, then you did a bad job of building it. There are SO SO many ways in tekkit to defend against creepers, that this is entirely within your control.

* Interdiction torches (used intelligently at chokepoints, not just spammed around)

* Tesla coils

* Wireless jammers (which act like tesla coils)

* Simply properly lighting your base + a wall

* Surrounding important or expensive things with a layer of reinforced stone or obsidian

* pressure plate + ccsensor that fires a mining laser at anything not human?

* Making your floor out of half steps

* Etc. Etc.

Turning off block damage from them would just make the server more boring and make a bunch of cool toys less useful and interesting.


  "gavjenks said:
Presumably the airship is not meant to attack players, but to attack installations and/or other airships. Or to roam the skies searching for things, etc. Of course it would lose against a player.

I think that we should actually set up airship battles on our server as a fun thing to do. Designate an empty section of ocean as a battleground, or something, and each team builds an airship, then they fight each other, no human involvement allowed.

Or people can build a base (just a shell of a base, the defenses), with the intention of defending against airships, and other make airships deisnged to destroy it (have one token gold block or something as the one you have to destroy to count as "winning" on offense)

I strongly disagree. If your base is vulnerable to creepers, then you did a bad job of building it. There are SO SO many ways in tekkit to defend against creepers, that this is entirely within your control.

* Interdiction torches (used intelligently at chokepoints, not just spammed around)

* Tesla coils

* Wireless jammers (which act like tesla coils)

* Simply properly lighting your base + a wall

* Surrounding important or expensive things with a layer of reinforced stone or obsidian

* pressure plate + ccsensor that fires a mining laser at anything not human?

* Making your floor out of half steps

* Etc. Etc.

Turning off block damage from them would just make the server more boring and make a bunch of cool toys less useful and interesting.

I admit I agree with all of his points, it is just a shame that in the event of an unorganised warship fight that a guy with a swiftwolf can wreck the whole thing so I think that organised warship fights would be a great addition to server, and also I feel like it would be disrespectful to Moogle to abandone it so I'll fly it home a begin repairs.

  "gavjenks said:
Presumably the airship is not meant to attack players, but to attack installations and/or other airships. Or to roam the skies searching for things, etc. Of course it would lose against a player.

I think that we should actually set up airship battles on our server as a fun thing to do. Designate an empty section of ocean as a battleground, or something, and each team builds an airship, then they fight each other, no human involvement allowed.

Or people can build a base (just a shell of a base, the defenses), with the intention of defending against airships, and other make airships deisnged to destroy it (have one token gold block or something as the one you have to destroy to count as "winning" on offense)

I strongly disagree. If your base is vulnerable to creepers, then you did a bad job of building it. There are SO SO many ways in tekkit to defend against creepers, that this is entirely within your control.

* Interdiction torches (used intelligently at chokepoints, not just spammed around)

* Tesla coils

* Wireless jammers (which act like tesla coils)

* Simply properly lighting your base + a wall

* Surrounding important or expensive things with a layer of reinforced stone or obsidian

* pressure plate + ccsensor that fires a mining laser at anything not human?

* Making your floor out of half steps

* Etc. Etc.

Turning off block damage from them would just make the server more boring and make a bunch of cool toys less useful and interesting.

If my base gets destroyed by creepers, i'm bad at building ? if your base not build out of a very expensive material thats explosive resistants that automaticly means your a bad builder ? you didn't even saw it so you can't jugde about it. also search the internet for a while and youu while see so many bases that aren't creeper-proof but are freaking awesome. for example The Yogscast base isn't creeper-proof. does that mean they are bad builders ?


  "iamnotinsane said:

I admit I agree with all of his points, it is just a shame that in the event of an unorganised warship fight that a guy with a swiftwolf can wreck the whole thing so I think that organised warship fights would be a great addition to server, and also I feel like it would be disrespectful to Moogle to abandone it so I'll fly it home a begin repairs.

Be aware that two of the frame motors are missing, I think. I had to remove them in the process of fixing the weird glitch where one side got shifted over a block. however, there should be plenty of materials for making new frame motors in the factory area right next to the airship.

If my base gets destroyed by creepers, i'm bad at building ? if your base not build out of a very expensive material thats explosive resistants that automaticly means your a bad builder ? you didn't even saw it so you can't jugde about it. also search the internet for a while and youu while see so many bases that aren't creeper-proof but are freaking awesome. The Yogscast base isn't creeper-proof. does that mean they are bad builders ?

If they have creeper damage turned on on their server, then yes. It is foolish and irresponsible to place expensive things in a non-creeper-proof base on a server that has creeper damage turned on...

I don't need to see the actual base to make that statement. it's just basic common sense. There are at least a dozen ways to defend against creepers, and if creepers destroyed you base, then that means you weren't using ANY of them. Which was a choice you made... a wrong one. That's your own fault and I don't see any reason to change the server settings to nerf things for people who aren't willing to put in the tiny amount of time it takes to defend their base. This is a SURVIVAL map, not a 100% creative build map.

Also, most of the things I listed above are not in any way "expensive." For instance, you can defend your entire base against creepers with a stack of torches and a 2 block high cobblestone wall: materials you can gather in less than 20 minutes with nothing but a stone pick. There are expensive choices too, yes, but those are for people who want their build to look more elegant and complex and "tekkity" by defending in amusing ways like lightning machines. They are not necessary to protect from creepers.


I'll talked to you later when you have only a few resources and your base gets overruned by 5 creepers. (accoording to that the damage isn't that bad but still....)

EDIT: that wall idea isn't that bad but i will give you one advice. you post came a bit pedantic over. i don't have a problem with that but other people might


  "battle_bas said:
I'll talked to you later when you have only a few resources and your base gets overruned by 5 creepers. (accoording to that the damage isn't that bad but still....)

No you won't, because my base will never ever be attacked by creepers. I am not lazy, and have built defenses that make it impossible for them to spawn there, and kill them if they get near. So if you're waiting for me to get blown up to say "I told you so," you have a LONG wait ahead of you.

And if it WERE attacked by creepers, then it would be because I made a mistake. That would be my own fault, and I would learn from it and change it in the future. I would not complain and ask for the rules to be changed so that I can't lose.

If I got overrun by FIVE creepers, then I would have done a TERRIBLE job of defending my base, and it would especially be my fault. Five creepers is ridiculous. Are you building your base in a the middle of a pitch black cave with no doors, or something? Seriously...

If you play soccer, and the other team scores on you because your goalie was on the wrong side of the field, would you ask the referee to change the rules for you so that goals "don't count" unless the goalie is there? No, you would learn to change your strategy.

Man up, learn how creepers work and how to defend against them correctly, and change your own strategy, not the game.


  "battle_bas said:
If my base gets destroyed by creepers, i'm bad at building ? if your base not build out of a very expensive material thats explosive resistants that automaticly means your a bad builder ? you didn't even saw it so you can't jugde about it. also search the internet for a while and youu while see so many bases that aren't creeper-proof but are freaking awesome. for example The Yogscast base isn't creeper-proof. does that mean they are bad builders ?

probabley a bad example using the yogscast because they are bad build XD(other the sips and duncan), I think that gavjenks conveyed his point badly (a vaild one none-the-less) what I think he means is that creeper proofing isn't that hard, it just takes effort and he didn't mean YOU did a bad job it's just some hyperthetical person.


  "iamnotinsane said:
probabley a bad example using the yogscast because they are bad build XD(other the sips and duncan), I think that gavjenks conveyed his point badly (a vaild one none-the-less) what I think he means is that creeper proofing isn't that hard, it just takes effort and he didn't mean YOU did a bad job it's just some hyperthetical person.

No, I meant what I said. If battle_bas built his base and it got blown up by creepers, then he did a bad job. Now, that doesn't make him a bad or a dumb person. I've lost my share of bases, too. We all have. But it also doesn't mean we should turn off creeper damage. It just means he needs to learn how to protect against them and do so (like I did).

due to the no wireless redstone rule.

Huh? Wireless redstone works fine on airships. I use it all the time, and have made at least a half dozen airships in SMP that never had any problems, and worked entirely based on wireless redstone.

I am aware than cannon_fodder's airship started working again when he removed the wireless redstone, but that doesn't mean that ALL wireless redstone will always crash your client. It is quite possible that he attached the wireless receivers in a way that placed them next to some weird block like a jacketed cable, and the interaction between the two caused a rendering situation that the client couldn't handle, or something.

I don't know, but I can assure you than plain old boring wireless redstone, such as a receiver placed directly next to a frame motor, works just fine. Also, even if it doesn't work, it only crashes you, not the server, so it's not a stability threat to the community.

If you're referring to andrew's ban on triangulators, that only applies to triangulators, not the rest of wireless.


  "iamnotinsane said:
probabley a bad example using the yogscast because they are bad build XD(other the sips and duncan), I think that gavjenks conveyed his point badly (a vaild one none-the-less) what I think he means is that creeper proofing isn't that hard, it just takes effort and he didn't mean YOU did a bad job it's just some hyperthetical person.

i agree on youre point that it isn't worth arguing over but he managed to piss me off

  "gavjenks said:
No you won't, because my base will never ever be attacked by creepers. I am not lazy, and have built defenses that make it impossible for them to spawn there, and kill them if they get near. So if you're waiting for me to get blown up to say "I told you so," you have a LONG wait ahead of you.

And if it WERE attacked by creepers, then it would be because I made a mistake. That would be my own fault, and I would learn from it and change it in the future. I would not complain and ask for the rules to be changed so that I can't lose.

If I got overrun by FIVE creepers, then I would have done a TERRIBLE job of defending my base, and it would especially be my fault. Five creepers is ridiculous. Are you building your base in a the middle of a pitch black cave with no doors, or something? Seriously...

If you play soccer, and the other team scores on you because your goalie was on the wrong side of the field, would you ask the referee to change the rules for you so that goals "don't count" unless the goalie is there? No, you would learn to change your strategy.

Man up, learn how creepers work and how to defend against them correctly, and change your own strategy, not the game.

You sire are the most wisecracking person i ever met. i tryed to do it nice but it seems that the only botheringg you is that youre right and nobody else. i agree on your wall idea what means that i basically ended up the conversation but still you made a very long post about it. do you really want to get the last word ? als iamnotinsane sayed you made your point but in a very bad way. there are ways to tell somebody something friendly and not to start breaking down the person right away. and finally i'm not building my base at a pitch black cave with no doors. i just picked a area with a lot of mobs. five creepers is normal in that area. also i think soccer is a very bad example because thats real life and not a video game. i didn't ask to change to rules. i did a little sugestion about a little change that could be made on the server. thats not changing the rules? if you don't see the difference that your even more stupid than i though.


i just picked a area with a lot of mobs.

There is no such thing. Mobs have an equal chance to spawn on any valid block (i.e. non-halfsteps, etc.) at the required light level within all loaded chunks (at least 24 blocks away from any player). It used to be the case that there was a higher chance in chunk #(1,1) which was previously exploited by people to make mob towers. But that was fixed a long time ago, I think even before minecraft beta. Nowadays, it is an equal % chance. Also, I doubt you built your base in the very first chunk at spawn anyway.

Additionally, no matter where you are, if the light level is above 8 or whatever, there is exactly a 0% chance for mobs to spawn. No number of creepers is "normal" in a properly lit region.

i did a little sugestion about a little change that could be made on the server.

A change to the rules, yes. Whether it is little or not (and by the way I do not at all agree that it IS "little," since it would greatly change the fundamental design of bases on the server), when you change the regulating mechanics of the server so that it functions in a different way, that it a rule change. That's what a rule is.

And it is generally a good idea not to change rules in the middle of playing a game, because it is unfair to people who were basing their strategy on the previous rules, and because people who were interested in playing the game originally may lose interest if the rules change, since it becomes a different game.

Rule changes mid-game, IMO, should only be made if absolutely necessary - for instance, banning tirangulators since they make the server crash. That's about it.


  "cannonfodder1 said:
Warptech is scattered and in disarray. but every member i see i am telling them the coords to come to a new base. hopefully we can get united again.

(P.S. Greenwolf will have no trouble with griefing. his new castle is completed, and it has a Tesla Coil defense grid. holy cow thats alot of Coils.)

EDIT: i am still crashing when i move my airship. HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE

I haven't finished my castle, what are youmtalking about? I went somewhere far away from the old one to build a new one.


  "gavjenks said:
There is no such thing. Mobs have an equal chance to spawn on any valid block (i.e. non-halfsteps, etc.) at the required light level within all loaded chunks (at least 24 blocks away from any player). It used to be the case that there was a higher chance in chunk #(1,1) which was previously exploited by people to make mob towers. But that was fixed a long time ago, I think even before minecraft beta. Nowadays, it is an equal % chance. Also, I doubt you built your base in the very first chunk at spawn anyway.

Additionally, no matter where you are, if the light level is above 8 or whatever, there is exactly a 0% chance for mobs to spawn. No number of creepers is "normal" in a properly lit region.

A change to the rules, yes. Whether it is little or not (and by the way I do not at all agree that it IS "little," since it would greatly change the fundamental design of bases on the server), when you change the regulating mechanics of the server so that it functions in a different way, that it a rule change. That's what a rule is.

And it is generally a good idea not to change rules in the middle of playing a game, because it is unfair to people who were basing their strategy on the previous rules, and because people who were interested in playing the game originally may lose interest if the rules change, since it becomes a different game.

Rule changes mid-game, IMO, should only be made if absolutely necessary - for instance, banning tirangulators since they make the server crash. That's about it.

yep you definitly want to have the last word always

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