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Hey guys, i just got back onto the forums after being busy with school and what not and i realize that my picture is a baby that says noob.... Why did you do that? Torezu are you trollin me?! Because its a NOMEGUSTA! on my part :(


Well, you did some something wrong, broke one of the rules maybe?

From a quick look at your content, I can see you bumped, you double posted, you posted in the wrong section, you made low effort posts, and this.

whats your problem dude, i was talking to djdisturbed not you so don't talk to me


Also please keep your Memes away from me, I am really allergic, thus this is the only site I can post on and I don't want hives.

Says the guy who invented the official Technic Pack "Viking Hacker" meme.


Says the guy who invented the official Technic Pack "Viking Hacker" meme.

I helped! I came up with the viking sitting on the subway bench with a tiny phone in his hands. I think I am entitiled to some credit too!


Hacker Vikings

(Don't say you didn't see this coming)

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