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Didn't think this was worth a spot in the video-game section. A coupon for 75% off Portal 2 on Steam has magically appeared, and I have no idea why, but I don't need it, so the first person to post here with their Steam name (or whatever it is I need to trade with you) that doesn't have an asinine username or profile picture will get it.


I also got one of those. I wasnt aware that they were transferrable. In that case, I also have a coupon for someone who comes in and wants it.

Also, this totally belongs in the arcade, so i'm moving it there.

EDIT: also, thanks a lot steam, for sending me awesome coupons for awesome games, but only when i already own them.


Not like I was going to use it anyway

Dude, you gave us an incorrect steam name. We couldn't give anything to you if we wanted to. Stop whining.


EDIT: also, thanks a lot steam, for sending me awesome coupons for awesome games, but only when i already own them.

BTW Jay? the coupon was only for people who already owned the game. It was essentially advertising for the update to the testing initiative that added multiplayer.


Sorry if I made it look like I was complaining. Just now, thinking about it, I probably would not have used it, with all the upcoming games. And sorry, I thought that was the correct steam name, I made a mistake.


My coupon is still available.

So post your name and hope that the hacker Viking with the tiny Mobil doesn't hack my account until i can respond.

Too late I'm on to you.

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