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75% of Portal 2 if you want it


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Didn't think this was worth a spot in the video-game section. A coupon for 75% off Portal 2 on Steam has magically appeared, and I have no idea why, but I don't need it, so the first person to post here with their Steam name (or whatever it is I need to trade with you) that doesn't have an asinine username or profile picture will get it.

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I also got one of those. I wasnt aware that they were transferrable. In that case, I also have a coupon for someone who comes in and wants it.

Also, this totally belongs in the arcade, so i'm moving it there.

EDIT: also, thanks a lot steam, for sending me awesome coupons for awesome games, but only when i already own them.

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EDIT: also, thanks a lot steam, for sending me awesome coupons for awesome games, but only when i already own them.

BTW Jay? the coupon was only for people who already owned the game. It was essentially advertising for the update to the testing initiative that added multiplayer.

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