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I need to connect to my server (which is hosted on my PC) in offline mode. Now i need to connect to it with the offline mode of tekkit (aka. username Player). Dont get it wrong, i have bought Minecraft, but i need to connect with username Player for a reason. Any help?


i understand where you are trying to come from i have/had a similar problem..

the first thing you can do is cry yourself to sleep at night

or you can bridge internet connection from a 3G enabled device (running andriod or IOS)

then again you could just set up a normal minecraft server.

or cry, crying helps sometimes.


This is a legitimate question. Especially with minecraft authentication servers being down for almost a whole day recently (happens fairly often, too).

I know that in the past I HAVE successfully logged onto a tekkit server "offline." It is possible, and useful for non pirates, and there is probably an option for it somewhere since it worked on mine once without me even trying.

Not telling minecraft who I am every time I log on does not make me a pirate. It makes it easier for me to potentially be a pirate. but it does not make me a pirate. It just makes me a person who wants to actually play the game instead of waiting for Mojang to fix their website every week (how hard can it possibly be to serve name queries? Why does that crash so damn much? Incompetency extraordinaire)


Starting up the server in offline mode is as easy as changing the server config I think right?

But to launch "Tekkit" from the client side... wouldn't the question be better posed as something like, "How do I start Tekkit without using the launcher?"


Starting up the server in offline mode is as easy as changing the server config I think right?

But to launch "Tekkit" from the client side... wouldn't the question be better posed as something like, "How do I start Tekkit without using the launcher?"

No the launcher is capable of connecting to servers without authenticating with minecraft.net. I've seen it happen before (and it SAID on the screen "launching in offline mode"). But I don't know how to do that on purpose.


Temporarily disable your internet connection, like, switch off wireless or yank the ethernet cable out until you're done.

It's about the only way I know of to do so.

No, its still connected to the internet... Offline doesn't mean no internet connection. It means no connection to minecraft.net.

While you are in offline mode, you can connect to tekkit servers without having authenticated your name with the minecraft.net authentications servers.

I have seen this happen before. Minecraft.net was down, I ran my launcher, it said "starting in offline mode" and I was then able to connect and play tekkit on a server which had "online mode = false" set in its server properties. But it only happened once, and I don't know how to make it happen again.

It was NOT a mistake or a glitch, because the actual text "connecting in offline mode" appeared in the tekkit launcher, meaning it is an intentional feature.


but just disabling your internet connection, like the Merchant of Menace said, makes up appear ingame (and on a server) with the name Player. and thats not good when 2 or more people do that then becuase you share inventories and then its not really multiplayer minecraft.

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