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[3.1.2]Tekkit Madness[no pvp][15 slots][whitelist][essentials,tree assist,logblock][EE enabled]


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  • IGN toto1252
  • Age 14
  • Reason for joining I want to be able to experience this wonderful game with others, and enjoy it to the max
  • Have you read the rules of course
  • Tekkit experience I have about 4 months of experience but still need the occasional reminder of how to do certain things

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  • IGN: sixftsam tomluxon gratchoof
  • Age: 28, 28, 30
  • Reason for joining: We are looking for a small friendly server where the three of us can make some things and have fun
  • Have you read the rules: certainly have
  • Tekkit experience: Tomluxon and sixftsam have a fair bit of tekkit experience. Had redpower inventions and energy production. Gratchoof has none, we're teaching him from scratch

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IGN: jerlegol

Age: not saying.

reason for joining: I want to join because I want a no PVP server that I can use with my friends.

Have you read the rules? Yes.

Experience with tekkit: If I have the right materials, I can build a functioning ore processing facility in under an hour.

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IGN: jambob201

age: 13

reason for joining: i really like tekkit but fine it very boring when playing alone. i really enjoy playing with nice friendly people that actually care about the game and don't go and spoile the fun.

have you read the rules: yes

tekkit experience: i have been playing tekkit for 1 and a half years now and i still love it.

other info: some time my computer puts caps lock on so sorry about that but i will be getting a new one soon

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IGN: Magical_Nut

Age: 22

Reason for joining: I love Tekkit, recently the server I have been playing on has shut down. I am looking for a good group of people without grief to join. I love to be left alone to do my thing, but will more than gladly help others.

Have you read the rules: Of course, and I agree to them as well. :)

Tekkit Experience: I know a lot about Tekkit, been working on a machine for a nuclear reactor and other functions that deal with automatic reloading and unloading of systems. :)

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Age: 16

Reason for joining: I would like to join this server because it seems like a friendly server that i would rather enjoy playing, or a server were things aren't to crowded or scarce because of so many people, I would also like to play in this server because i believe i would be a nice complement to the server that other players would enjoy playing with or spending time with me. One more reason for me or the most important is that i know ( i would like to think so ) that i will feel welcome here and be a part of the server once i get going.

Have I Read The Rules: Of course I have

Tekkit Experience: I have experience with most of it i wouldn't consider myself a pro but i would think that i do know my fair abouts of the game I haven't played in a while thats one of the reasons that i want to play again to get my practice going and get better in all so i could help my fellow team mates.

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IGN- openlattesteve

Age- 15

Reason- It's been awhile since i have played good-old fashioned tekkit. I want to get back to the basics.

Experience- 2+years. I am experienced with everything except railcraft, some redpower things, and anything with the plants...I am a server builder, and make adventure maps. My main purpose in minecraft is to build cool things for everyone to enjoy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  • IGN: Pikachublox3
  • Age: 11
  • Reason for joining: I really like tekkit but arn't very good at it, So i want to join to play with others who can help me out. Also because I like whitelisted servers because it makes it hard for griefers to get in.
  • Have you read the rules: Certainly
  • Tekkit experience: Not very much, have played tekkit for ages but can never really understand it.

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  • IGN : NitkaOfFinland
  • Age : 16
  • Reason for joining : I want to enjoy full tekkit without banned items in multiplayer.
  • Have you read the rules : Yes sir.
  • Tekkit experience : ive played tekkit over an year and do have quite a bit of knowledge.

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ING: NinjaHat_

Age: 13

Reason For joining: Because i love tekkit and it would be nice to be able to be part of a community and possibly create a business on there.

Have I read the rules: Yes

Tekkit Experience: 6 months and i side definitely with the magic side of everything

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