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[3.1.2] FuryTekkit [PvE] [15 Slots] [PEX, Essentials] No Banned Blocks!

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  • IGN: noahwhygodwhy
  • Age: 16
  • Skype(optional): noahwhygodwhy
  • Tekkit experience(1-10): 10
  • Time Zone: -6:00 gmt (US central)
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? at least 2 hours
  • The build you are most proud of? A fully automated hv solar array factory or a fully automated computercraft email system, not sure which one is better
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? I'm looking for a server which is well managed, but doesn't ban items, on which i can build epic things.


GN: samonjourus

Age: 15

Skype(optional): I'd rather not say here

Tekkit experience(1-10): 5

Time Zone: United States central

How much time do you plan on playing per day? at least 1 hour, if not more

The build you are most proud of? Redpower based quarry system.

Why do you think our server is right for you? I like the fact that it's a smaller server, and no item bans


- IGN: Emitt54321

- Age: 24

- Skype(optional): I don't have skype but more than willing to get / set it up if accepted.

- Tekkit experience: 8-9, I've done pretty much everything except computercraft, redpower frames and sensors.

- Time zone: US Central

- How much time do you you plan on playing per day: It all depends, I am currently on another server where I have to manage a tram system, but it's very light maintinence, aside from that and one class on tuesdays and thursdays I could devote several hours, 5 at the minimum.

- Build you are most proud of: I have two builds if that's ok: a 4 fully overclocked recycler scrap box factory that also redpower sorts the items, and a virtually automated / safe fuel combustion engine power set-up that produces around 330 EU/T.

- Why do you think this server is right for you: I'm looking for a server where I will be able to build without a ton of restrictions, and therefore be able to enjoy / share a much fuller tekkit experience.


Yea i was on this morning and when it went down, and its been down aaaaaaaall day. Now i regret not getting the admins skype so i could atleast contact to kno whats up.


  • IGN: 1257miners
  • Age: 15
  • Skype(optional): none
  • Tekkit experience(1-10): 8-9
  • Time Zone: mountian
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? as much as possible (about 1-2 hours)
  • The build you are most proud of? my castle
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? i have been looking for a small tekkit server with fun and nice pepole to have fun with. On a server that doesnt have pvp unless it is wanted


  • IGN: IEatBedrock
  • Age:16
  • Skype(optional): jamesakenn
  • Tekkit experience(1-10):10
  • Time Zone:GTM +9.30 australia
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day?8+
  • The build you are most proud of?my factory producing 50 tanks of fuel per hour and 53 nucular reactors
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? it is white listed and im hoping i dont get grifed on this server like i have on all the open server with like 200 + people


  • IGN:welsh20
  • Age:12 (soon to be 13)
  • Skype(optional):No skype Sorry
  • Tekkit experience(1-10):7
  • Time Zone:GMT (Uk)
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? I will probably end up playing 2-4 hours a day not guaranteed but most probably.
  • The build you are most proud of? I am probably most proud of a great big factory I made in tekkit with loads of cool machines and automated systems.
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? I would love a server with a small community where you can trust everyone and not worry about having your house griefed.



Incase you have noticed I have already posted but my friend cannot visit this page for some reason so here is what he said

  • IGN: yoyomark1
  • Age: 12
  • Skype(optional): No skype sorry
  • Tekkit experience(1-10): 8
  • Time Zone: GMT (Uk)
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? 3-5 hours a day
  • The build you are most proud of? My awesome house I build it all the time and it takes a lot of time and effort to do
  • Why do you think our server is right for you?Like my friend welsh20 I like small communities where you can trust everyone



  • IGN:
  • Age: 16
  • Skype(optional): N.A ask me on the server
  • Tekkit experience(1-10): 10 (i memorised all the recipies)
  • Time Zone: Gmt (england)
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? only 2 hours since im curently making my own mod for forge.
  • The build you are most proud of?my automatic hv solar aray factory that makes all resorces from uu matter and places down the solars
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? the server seems to have a decent size comunity (just small enough to not suspect everyone of griefing) and im fed up of all the griefers on non whitelisted servers


  • IGN: strikerjd1
  • Age: 16
  • Skype(optional): xstrikerjdx
  • Tekkit experience(1-10): i would say about 7
  • Time Zone: eastern U.S
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? whenever i play tekkit i can play for hours so on weekdays mabey 4 hours and weekends about 6 if im not doing anything and if i am building something on the server.
  • The build you are most proud of? i can build pretty nice houses if i put time in it which i usually do in tekkit.
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? i have been looking for a good tekkit server for forever and this one sounds good for me and i love a server that has a good community and good mature players and i hope this server is that :)


  • IGN:B1uedog
  • Age:15
  • Skype(optional):Yes i have sype my name is B1uedog but i probley will not be able to use it normally.
  • Tekkit experience(1-10):9
  • Time Zone:it is UTC/GMT i live in Florida usa
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? I plan to be on the server around an hour and thirty min a day + or -
  • The build you are most proud of? Once i built a giant automated cookie cake and meets factory. it breed the animals and killed them for fresh meat and it was amazing. Also it was powered by energy collecters
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? I belive the server is right for me because i read the description and i belive it is just what i am looking for a smaller server were i can build with a few people and not have to worry about griefing or pvp amd raiding. (normally servers like your own tend to be funner for me i can tell ill enjoy it because of the amount of applications isnt over 10 pages and normally that is a good thing.)


  • GN:jnasj
  • Age:18
  • Skype(optional):not at the moment
  • Tekkit experience(1-10):7-8
  • Time Zone:usa-eastern
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day?1-2 hours. depends on the day and college classes
  • The build you are most proud of? a self sustaining bio-fuel power factory
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? seems like a fun server and all the fun stuff isnt banned. Seems like you put trust into the members you accept rather then assuming everyone will grief like some other servers


  • IGN: i don't have one :S do i need one?
  • Age: 15
  • Skype(optional):irhino24
  • Tekkit experience(1-10):4 because I'm not exactly a fan of green peace and often run out of oil FAST
  • Time Zone:London (GMT)
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? depends maybe 5 or up to 8 hours
  • The build you are most proud of? well this is a long one, i used to run my single player tekkit on the map Aquilia by FRYREUK and in the underground city i had built a reactor and the coolant cells decided to die on me, causing quit a bit of damage, though with some time and effort i managed to pretty much re-build it
  • Why do you think our server is right for you?
    i'm pants at pvp, Ive always been more of a cooperative person, team builds ect. I suppose that's why I am looking for a tekkit server to join :)

    (Minecraft Name: Drlyingcake) i thought it might be needed...


  • In-Game Name: Cyblocker
  • Age: 13
  • Skype: Not giving out, sorry
  • Tekkit Exp: 8; I know almost every item, except a few of the nuclearcraft ones... luckily...
  • Time Zone: EST
  • Time per day: between 2 1/2 to 5 hours, usually.
  • Best Build: A mage tower about 60 blocks high made out of mossy and cracked stone brick with a nether brick stair roof. That was on a server, but the host ran out of money and it shut down.
  • Why is this server Right: It started a few days ago, and a server I was playing on (it was deluxe) had collectors nerfed to get 1 EMC about every 15 minutes. I want a server that has free energy-stuff allowed. :)

Also, zRhino, IGN means In-Game Name, not the website.


  • IGN: Zorbic
  • Age: 15
  • Skype(optional): N/A
  • Tekkit experience(1-10): 8 - 9 (I'm assuming this means how much you know about it)
  • Time Zone: (-8:00 GMT) Pacific Time Zone
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? Maybe an hour or two during the week since I have school but on weekends I can play anywhere from 2 - 6 hours
  • The build you are most proud of? I made an automated solar panel making facility on my own. Plus I can build some pretty nice looking houses
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? It looks like a great server and I really like how it doesn't have EE banned because it is really helpful in making large scale builds.


  • IGN: IEatBedrock
  • Age:16
  • Skype(optional):jamesakenn
  • Tekkit experience(1-10):10
  • Time Zone:GTM +9.30
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day?try 8 +
  • The build you are most proud of? 36 nucular reacter chambers with redpower door control
  • Why do you think our server is right for you? its white listed and im hoping there is no greifers


  • IGN:ZiNk_x_J0sTeR
  • Age:14 about to be 15 next month
  • Skype(optional):
  • Tekkit experience(1-10):9
  • Time Zone:US and Canada Central forget the gmt
  • How much time do you plan on playing per day? about 3-4 hours which depends on how much school work I have to do
  • The build you are most proud of? I made a huge castle it was like where I would put the render on extreme and it would lag and I can't even see how far the wall goes and another huge castle in the nether (In the same world) which is nice and has an awesome shadow to it.
  • Why do you think our server is right for you?I'm sick and tired of the griefers and this is a little confined server with only 15 people I mean I can't pass this up and I am sick of the you know "Oh I'm cool i can have 2500 people" that pisses me off and the ranks and economy etc...


  "Cyblocker said:

  • In-Game Name: Cyblocker
  • Age: 13
  • Skype: Not giving out, sorry
  • Tekkit Exp: 8; I know almost every item, except a few of the nuclearcraft ones... luckily...
  • Time Zone: EST
  • Time per day: between 2 1/2 to 5 hours, usually.
  • Best Build: A mage tower about 60 blocks high made out of mossy and cracked stone brick with a nether brick stair roof. That was on a server, but the host ran out of money and it shut down.
  • Why is this server Right: It started a few days ago, and a server I was playing on (it was deluxe) had collectors nerfed to get 1 EMC about every 15 minutes. I want a server that has free energy-stuff allowed. :)

Also, zRhino, IGN means In-Game Name, not the website.

no ign mean in game name not IGN thats the tm for the website


In-Game Name: nermolov

Age: 12

Skype: I'll see

Tekkit Experience: 9.5, know almost everything except railcraft

Time Zone: CST

Time per day: 2-3 hours

Best Build: A fully automatic quantum suit factory

Why I want to go on this server: I have my own private server with only one other friend but I want to play with more people

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