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My base consists of two floating islands that are connected with a bridge (with a glass fiber cable in it). One with 10 nuclear reactors on it and the other one has my house/everything else. I have 2 forcefields (with block breaker, zapper, and camo upgrades) completely encasing both islands, a mffs tube projector allowing save passage between reactor island and main island, and one that is controlled by a password system using 3 computer craft computers and rednet. all the forcefield are powered by the one forcefield core.

Then my friend (who I am at war with) comes along and walks straight through the bloody thing!

I have no idea how he did it, and i didn't see him do it (it took less than 30 seconds), but he somehow got thought the forcefield and then proceeded to detonate 25 nukes.

Does anyone know how he might have got in, but more to the point, how I can set up my forcefield so he cant get in. I also don't understand why there isn't a complete guide to making a forcefield that can do more than look cool. I have looked around the Internet and have see some people saying you need a couple of forcefields with a 1 block gap between them, but i don't understand how i can place 3 mffs projectors in the same block, or am i missing something?


Basically, there are glitches which people use to get through a forcefield. Chances are your friend used an ended pearl, which teleports you, and basically just teleported through a corner of your forcefield. You need extra forcefields to make this impossible, but they don't have to be perfect. Putting a second forcefield projector next to the first should fix it.


Or you can push for the owner to disable ender pearls. I've disabled them in both my vanilla server and Tekkit server because they can be used to glitch through any wall, even though they aren't supposed to. Dat Notchbug.

Plus, I doubt what theprolo said is entirely fool-proof. I haven't done any deep testing with EP's and forcefields myself so please slap me hard if you have, but I think if thrown at the right angle and with the right amount of lag he can get through a 2 layered forcefield anyways.


Thanks, I'll try making my forcefeilds 2 layered. but i know that he didn't use ender pearls, because when i checked his inventory straight after he didn't have any. HA, Just as i was typing this i found some glass cover corners blocking the path of my forcefeild and making a small hole in the bottom that one could fly through. obviously the block breakers weren't breaking it. Also, throwing an ender pearl at the bottom of the forcefeild tp's you through. I reckon someone should put a complete guide on the wiki on how to make a forcefeild impenetrable.


I have made my forcefeild 3 layers thick, but i have a new problem. the logoutelevator. people are just getting through the bottom of my forcefeild with nothing but 2 blocks of dirt and a trapdoor. I have tried making the forcefeilds 2 blocks apart at the bottom, but you just have to do it 3 times over to get through. if anyone knows how to stop people from doing this, it would be great.


Fist of all it was 30 nukes not 25, if your going to rage do it right, and second of all you still haven't solved or discovered the first way I got in.

LOL. I can sure use a guy like you in my server. Look up my name in the forum to find the thread.

I have made my forcefeild 3 layers thick, but i have a new problem. the logoutelevator. people are just getting through the bottom of my forcefeild with nothing but 2 blocks of dirt and a trapdoor. I have tried making the forcefeilds 2 blocks apart at the bottom, but you just have to do it 3 times over to get through. if anyone knows how to stop people from doing this, it would be great.

The only way to protect against logoutevators is to land-claim your base so they can't place any blocks under. Then they could drive a turtle in and place the door for them since turtle block-placing doesn't care about claimed land, so then the only way is to cobble up all cave entrances to your chunk.


Well considering that my reactors blew up due to SOMEBODYS antics with the temperature sensors, I think I'll start over and make a base at the bedrock level. Either that or become a nomad, with everything in my inventory, or at least until forcefields get fixed, if they ever do. I would imagine a bukkit plugin to stop logoutelevators would be easy to code. I might learn Java and get onto that. thanks for the help.


Fist of all it was 30 nukes not 25, if your going to rage do it right, and second of all you still haven't solved or discovered the first way I got in.

You probably hacked your way in.

Want to disprove that claim? Then do tell us how you got in. Otherwise, I'm just going to assume you hacked or lagged your way in.


I would imagine a bukkit plugin to stop logoutelevators would be easy to code. I might learn Java and get onto that.
well, I did just that. its pending bukkit approval. I will post a link here when it is done.

Edit: Disregard that. I just realized "dat notchbug" is fixed in the latest bukkit release. so they wont approve it. I feel like a moron now D: anyways, for those of us dwelling on the outdated minecraft that comes with tekkit I shall be putting a dl link on my own website. when I can get on my main computer.


well, I did just that. its pending bukkit approval. I will post a link here when it is done.

Edit: Disregard that. I just realized "dat notchbug" is fixed in the latest bukkit release. so they wont approve it. I feel like a moron now D: anyways, for those of us dwelling on the outdated minecraft that comes with tekkit I shall be putting a dl link on my own website. when I can get on my main computer.

Looking forward to that.

Got a BukkitDev page or something to show feedback? This could make my computer explode for all I know.
I don't really have any way to prove that it is not malicious. logoutelevators are going to be fixed in the next tekkit update anyways so you haven't got long to wait. I did submit it to bukkitdev, just after I realized that logoutelevators are fixed in the latest bukkit version so they rejected it. if you don't trust it don't download it, I did not make this plugin with the idea of publicly releasing it. I just thought someone could benefit from it.

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