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[1.4.7]Technic Battles Redux[PvP][45][TBR: The Modpack] Semi-Anarchy/Factions!

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Because the forums are not working, think you could look over the app I posted here a few days ago? It is at the top of page 23. I will repost it here:

Name: Kyle

Age: 15

Country and Time Zone: United States, -8:00 PST

IGN: GuyLordMan

Hobbies: Playing bass, learning foreign languages, playing guitar, playing tekkit, and riding my longboard.

Tell us a bit about yourself: I am very easy to get along with, mostly because I am not a very agressive person. Don't take that to mean that I am not competitive, but I go out of my way to avoid offending people. I love eating new things, as long as they are not fish. I have played bass guitar for 5 years, and like the death metal/prog metal/jazz/funk/latin/black metal/opera/classical/gregorian chant/djent genres. :)

Mods you are proficient in: Industrialcraft 2, Redpower, Buildcraft, Universal Electricity, and a few smaller mods.

Past histories on servers: A lot... I cannot remember/find them all because the newest technic launcher update wiped my old servers :/. One of them was SGTekkit.

What company do you want to join: Quantum

What do you like about this server: I like how it is PvP, but only when provoked. I also love whitelisted servers, as there are generally not nearly as many immature players on them. I also am looking forward to trying out tekkit lite, so this seemed like an ideal starting point :)

Why do you want to join this server: ...I like how it is PvP, but only when provoked. I also love whitelisted servers, as there are generally not nearly as many immature players on them. I also am looking forward to trying out tekkit lite, so this seemed like an ideal starting point :) (XD exact same reasons)

Why should we let you join this server: I am mature, I am open to listening to/helping other players, and I make sure to participate in server conversations when I am not playing all hardcore-like. I also look to contribute some of my crazy factories as well :D.

What is your greatest achievement in tekkit: Oh... probably my old redpower UU-matter factory. A close second was my signature 100-oven coal coke factory before they updated how coal coke ovens worked :/...

Looking forward to playing on this server! :D

[EDIT: It would be greatly appreciated if you would make the modpack compatible with mac users, as I am sure I am not the only one on/applying to this server who falls victim to this circumstance.]

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Because the forums are not working, think you could look over the app I posted here a few days ago? It is at the top of page 23. I will repost it here:

[EDIT: It would be greatly appreciated if you would make the modpack compatible with mac users, as I am sure I am not the only one on/applying to this server who falls victim to this circumstance.]


For mac users until andrew developes a fix use virtual box with linux

Nothin I can do, unfortunately.

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Guest Ysharma

The things I do to keep supreme dominance... Those damn LWJGL devs better fix this before my dad found out i partitioned his hard drive.

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Guest Ysharma

The only windows install cd's are the vista ones that I had from my ass of a computer. Just to make sure you read the message after the word vista say "LOL COW CAT DOG FAT"

Edit: We should do a quantum lets play

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Name: Nathan

Age: 15

Country and Time Zone: USA Eastern Central Time

IGN: siac89

Hobbies: I enjoy building things. Ever since I was a little kid I have always been fascinated with Legos and own a very large collection of Legos. I play soccer for a private school and play as forward on the team. In my free time, I usually end up on the pc playing Minecraft. I also enjoy to snowboard.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I’m 15 in the 9th grade, homeschooled. I would like to believe I live a normal life, but my life style says a different story. Throughout the year I can become a recluse and later in the year I’ll become an outgoing person. I wouldn’t call myself a popular person but I do have friends and a great Gf.

Mods you are proficient in: I really like industrial craft and seem to be pretty good at it. (At to myself at least) I love the way the technic pack has created a well, whole new game. Creating machines in Minecraft really make the game a real thrill.

Past histories on servers: I enjoy the idea of servers, but I do not enjoy the grief that usually comes with a server, such as people destroying built project for no reason or people disobeying rules. I have always stuck to the rules on servers and tried to make peace with others. I’m hoping with this server that none of the stupidity that goes with normal server will occur.

What company do you want to join: Me and my friend, Sloth (truwolf13), are going to make a company. The name has yet to be decided but it shall be amazing.

What do you like about this server: I like the companies and that minor stealing and pranks are ok but that major griefing is not allowed and dealt with. Also the screening process of accessing the server, it shows me that this is a real server, where I can play and actually have fun.

Why do you want to join this server: I love tekkit and this is, by far, the most well written and well-made server I have ever seen.

Why should we let you join this server: I will follow the rules, as I said before I hate people who disobey rules on servers. I’ll try to help anyone I can and hopefully won’t bother anyone one the server.

What is your greatest achievement in Tekkit: My greatest achievement in tekkit, which is quite simple, was just making a geothermal generator work and supply me power.

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Guest Ysharma

I have nothing to do so i will right an ideal application. But to the guy above me that is decent for our standards

EDIT: Here is my application if I had to fill one out

Name: Yash

Age: 14

Country and Time Zone: GMT -8

IGN: Ysharma

Hobbies:Since I am in high school, quite a bit of my time is devoted to homework, I have band practice for two hours directly after school, I play the flute in band, and this year we placed one of the top 5 bands in southern California. In addition to playing music, I enjoy listening to instrumental music of all sorts of varieties. I am currently enthusiastically teaching myself the C++ programming language and hope to program a game. I enjoy talking with my friends on Skype, the topics we speak about range from computers, to music to "what if this happened...." I am incredibly busy, so when I play tekkit It feels like a nice break. I mostly play after finishing my homework, I try to do as much homework at school in order to play a little bit at home.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm 14 and I am a freshman in high school. I turned 14 this December, I am one of the youngest people in my grade, but am still academically ahead than most of my class. I am taking English, World History H, Spanish II, Algebra II H, Biology H, Concert Band, and Marching band. I am from India and moved to the United States when I was a couple months old. Ive lived there for most of my life, but I still have an Indian accent. I have Indian and American friends, and enjoy the company of both of them. I have taken the SAT 3 times, and on the latest try I placed 75% among all 12'th graders in the United States. I consider my self very intelligent, but I often mess up due to my limited organization skills.

Mods you are proficient in:I once had the privilege of saying that I am proficient in all mods, but with the new modpack I am only proficient in the mods that existed in previous versions of tekkit/technic.

Past histories on servers:I have played on minesrc.com, until the administration and griefing pulled it to bits, after that I played quite a bit on the T4S TF2 server. I played a lot of single player after that and mostly played on personal servers with 4-5 friends. Then I nagged the members of the technic battles redux server until one of them invited me, which at the time was the only way to join. I went from being a tiny new member of the former Quantum Industries to the leader of Quantum.

What company do you want to join: Quantum

What do you like about this server: I enjoy the idea of limited corporate espionage, but other than the idea of the server, I love the community. Ive read all of the posts in both server threads and I enjoy the community. I read about how Ysharma stole huge amounts of items from mooseman, and once accidentally burned down gavjenks base, with greenwolf and moose man. They were rather upset at the beginning, but then they forgave and the parties continued on normally.

Why do you want to join this server: I love the community, and I love the idea of a server with an actual organized company structure. I also like that this server has a nice small community. Another huge plus is that the modpack we use has 73+ mods. This server also has people who you steal from, then become sworn allies with as shown by Creepist Tech, and Quantum.

Why should we let you join this server: I feel that I can contribute a great amount to the redux server, while following the rules. I can help out by creating forums, and managing them and doing my best to fix them when something goes wrong.

What is your greatest achievement in Tekkit: My greatest achievement in tekkit was building an HV solar panel factory 3 times. The first time I tested a couple methods in SSP. The second time I build a messy, slow resource starved one on the redux server. I finally made an insanely compact one with magtubes. The factory itself was not what I was proud of, but the diligence of me trying to perfect it

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name david

username rofeky

friend mortensa66

me and my friend want to join your server

we finaly found a server that is like the yogscast server

are goal is to build the worlds best bar

more about me

i love to build old fashind buildings i also like to build intricit railcart tracks

i would love to join this server thanks

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Guest Ysharma

could you pm me your coords? not at home and wont be able to finish installing linux for a bit though, everyone else check out my application 4 posts above

name david

username rofeky

friend mortensa66

me and my friend want to join your server

we finaly found a server that is like the yogscast server

are goal is to build the worlds best bar

more about me

i love to build old fashind buildings i also like to build intricit railcart tracks

i would love to join this server thanks

Screw you look at the post 4 posts above you dumbshit. You dont use the fucking format, now save yourself shame before more people see this, edit it and make a real application. Also make your friend fill his own fucking application out. Try to spell things right and use decently correct grammer GOD DAMN IT.

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Hey Yash, not trying to be a smart-ass or anything but towards your model application, you have to take into effect that you actually had stories from this server to tell, so most will probably be shorter. Not complaining, just stating. ^_^

Although I do agree rockefy's was crap

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Guest Ysharma

Yeah, its just the general idea of what should happen, I guess those sections are not completely ideal, but the personal ones are

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Guest Ysharma

Hey andrew, I dont think mercalyn broke anything. Miniboxer created an account on January 12, I restored the forum from a backup from January 11'th and it still is broken. Maybe its web browsers? I am using safari

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