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There has been HUGE chunks missing in my land and it always go ''End of Stream''. Or, I may join, but fall in the void endlessly then disconnects me from the server. I played on other servers, but the results weren't the same as this server's. So please, fix it.

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Ok due to the trauma inflicted on my insanity ive decided to narrow it down to a smaller group just for giggles: Jaimeecorn, Marythemango, ImBernie

Sorry lish youd be another pick but id be accused of picking favorites

Wally I respect you as a person but, i only know you as the first JWL donator... Not much else we never really interacted even when i was mod :/. Id like to get to know you a little better before i pick you as mod.

Camcar=smac, im not having two smacs its hard to deal with one

Minecraftguy: dont really know you :/

I will choose who is mod on Sunday EST

Claw out


xD Well you heard the boss guys, who ever has been left in the Poll for Moderator i wish you the best of luck, the Moderators and Admins will be sponsoring a player who is left for choosing, we will also be monitoring what you for the rest of the time that you are normal players, even if you arent online, we will know your past since you joined AmericanTao so We will also base our choices on that.

The Person that the Mods Sponsor will be Mailed Personally so that no one else knows.

P.S Claw isnt allowed to Sponsor since hes picking the winner of the rest of the staff's Input


  "Clawx207 said:
Ok due to the trauma inflicted on my insanity ive decided to narrow it down to a smaller group just for giggles: Jaimeecorn, Marythemango, ImBernie

Sorry lish youd be another pick but id be accused of picking favorites

Wally I respect you as a person but, i only know you as the first JWL donator... Not much else we never really interacted even when i was mod :/. Id like to get to know you a little better before i pick you as mod.

Camcar=smac, im not having two smacs its hard to deal with one

Minecraftguy: dont really know you :/

I will choose who is mod on Sunday EST

Claw out

Ikr Smac is madness! He "Attacked" me once...

I Live in my house thats Next to my neighbours house that is next to my house which is next to my other neighbours house which is across the road from the Neighbour over there which is next to his neighbour who is also my neighbour which is across the road from my house.

Where do u guys live?


  "ImBernie said:
Just an FYI for those who aren't familiar with Wurm: http://www.wurmonline.com/

Also, Markus Persson ( aka Notch) was the co-founder of this game.

One last thing, I'm only putting this out here because the word Wurm sounds dumb to anyone who is unfamiliar.

LIES notch founded this game jeb has taken over tho but still notch did all the shit for it so there is your correction.


We've been down for almost two hours now, Claw may be having host problems again.

Whatever the issue may be i'm sure it's nothing serious and that Claw is doing his best to fix this.


  "angeleon898 said:
LIES notch founded this game jeb has taken over tho but still notch did all the shit for it so there is your correction.

Co-founder of this game as in Wurm not Minecraft :P


oh and not that anyone noticed but i havent been on in a week or so but my computer keeps crashing when i launch tekkit sooooo i have to wait till i update java...till then ill be on vanilla


So after i hate a horrible substance called fish with my friend i get on my server to find my moderators drove away one of my most valueble players teh. So therefore due to my vacation with my gf being interupted i have demoted smac and whisp. Have a nice day.


What did i Do? i never drove him away... I did come onto the server to find out the rank change which really pissed me off... i threw my keyboard across the room, i have anger management issues so please just dont try to anger me...

P.S I am Stuck on creative tho... mind changing that for me?


  "Clawx207 said:
If any of you are getting end of stream try going into your laucher and do clear cache that should be a fix

It didn't fix it for me, I'm still getting it around my town and teh's town. ;_;


According to just about everyone on the server teh lost his klien star to a game error, asked you to help him and you said it would take to much work to do so are what ever. You will be suspended untill i get home.


So this just literally happened 5 mins ago... I was flying on my jetpack and randomly got stuck in a wall, and suffocated to death. I said "WTF" in chat and then got banned....

I have no idea why I got banned and if theres a way to get unbanned?


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