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16GB DDR3 Ram

1 TB Hard DIsk

25TB bandwidth

Intel Core i7-3770 Dedicated Server

All for 99$ a month Might be a small set up fee.

Does this sound reasonable as a tekkit server? If so I can link you to it. also could help buffer that cost to.


  "cmsjr123 said:
16GB DDR3 Ram

1 TB Hard DIsk

25TB bandwidth

Intel Core i7-3770 Dedicated Server

All for 99$ a month Might be a small set up fee.

Does this sound reasonable as a tekkit server? If so I can link you to it. also could help buffer that cost to.

small setup fee WTF are they smoking


  "angeleon898 said:
small setup fee WTF are they smoking

it says there is none but you never know. Just thought I'd send it out there. And that Id offer to help with costs as well.

Im getting a small "temporary tekkit server up in the mean time should be up in a few hours. only to last untill claw can get his up.


Alright i lied, mostly because my accomplise told me not to tell you until today. jd210 the owner of JWL has decided to bring JWL back to life, and he wants me to be admin which is very exciting for me. I would rather you all played on JWL now because of the extremly low lag levels, better quality and no "end of stream" troll and the dreaded chunks actually loading! So im shutting AT down and and i plan on reviving it in the future in hopes that i can fix all the errors it had :( I hope i see you all on JWL! You wont regret it!

JWL forum


  "ImBernie said:
Ok I plan to see you there Claw!

Ps: Do I keep my rank?

JWL contained 7 ranks for players to get 2 were free (beginner and respected player) and the rest were donations so unless josh (jd210) carry's the ranks from AT through then probably not as the ranking is different.

the rest of the 7 are donation ranks $5/$10/$25/$50/$75 which gave u access to banned items (something to keep note of)


Woah those donations are way extrapolated for a minecraft server. I'm sure many of you are anticipating to switch from AmericanTao to Jwl but this really seems to be all in a hurry. Fixing what's wrong and doing as best we can to minimize lag on Tao is still an option, right?


If i'm switching to JWL then the plan with americantao is to use it as a back up. As for the donations im planing on giving some back to the players whom donated. Those who didn't donate and were high ranked i'm planing on arranging them to be [Resident] if jd will allow me.


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