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Defenses against missiles, a small guide.


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As we know, Missiles are in the ICBM mod, and they are incredibly destructive. The most obvious first defense would be obsidian, since it blocks MOST explosives.

But what if they launch a nuke? Or anti matter bomb? Or even a red matter bomb?

Well, you can add Radar stations along your borders. They require constant power, and can scan over an area, sending a redstone signal when it gets within range of the warning radius.(You are able to change the radius of the Radar. Right click it, the first number is the alarm zone. When a missile gets within range of that, it sends a redstone signal.) This can be hooked up to an Anti-ballistic missile, which will then chase the rocket through the air, and destroying it mid flight.

That is a nice addition, true. But that is a one shot system. You may need something more... Advanced. Another possible solution is called the EMP Tower. This is a hyper expensive machine, but it pays for itself in a missile attack. What's interesting about the EMP tower is it fries missiles that come in range, detonating them in the air. You can change what it will target by right clicking it. Set it to missiles, when it recieves a redstone signal, it will send a powerful wave of electricity, effectively frying them. (As a defense against clusters, I suggest setting up the EMP with a bit of a delay to try and eliminate as many missiles as possible.) Little side note, EMPs need ALOT of power. The larger the radius of the wave, the more electricity is required.

So! You have your energy hooked up to your Radar tower and EMP tower, now you need to link them. Do this by simple redstone. The Radar tower will send a redstone signal, setting off the EMP wave.

Now, we are basicly missile proof. With our obsidian bunker, no explosives can reach us, except the really expensive ones. But, we aren't safe. The Chemical missile and Contagion missile actually send their toxins THROUGH the wall. You will want to dig down a bit to prevent such an attack, and have antidotes on hand.

Now your base is decently defended against long range missile attacks! Bombs are another story, and require another world of protection.

Please, add to this! I love listening to your ideas on how to make effective bunkers against missiles, and I read every comment. Put in suggestions, state if I did something wrong, I don't care. I want to hear back.

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Setting up a redstone circuit that would alternate between two or more EMP's would certainly be nice in the event of a few missiles coming in rapid succession. That would help remedy the gap in your defenses that occurs after an EMP has been fired and is recharging. For example, If my enemy has only one auto-firing EMP tower set up, I would fire a conventional missile to use up their EMP tower’s charge, followed by a higher tier missile a few seconds later to destroy them.

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So, has anyone figured how to work a radar-based anti-ballistic missile?

I've got the radar set up properly. There's no question there.

But how does the launcher need to be set up? If I leave the settings as they are, the anti-ballistic missile won't launch, seeing as the target is too close.

If I set the coordinates far away, the missile launches, but completely ignores the incoming missile.

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True, that would help a lot. I was thinking of more of a sustained bombardment type scenario spanning a few minutes or so. I guess if you had a ton of resources and really wanted to go for broke, you could set up a whole ton of EMP towers and put them on a redstone clock that would activate one around every ten seconds-ish. That would be pretty much a sure-fire lock against missiles if I'm correct. Of course, you wouldn't be able to fire any missiles either, unless you stop the redstone clock. This would probably be ridiculous for one person to do, but on a large-scale faction vs. faction server…

I'll go test it out to see how well it works/how feasible it is.

EDIT: @ Melfice, you set the coordinates to a few blocks away from the launcher, so it launches almost straight up.

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The way it seems to work best (for me) is this.

Set up the radar at the middle of your base. Have it be in the default mode, when it comes to redstone.

Set up four launchers, and have each of them point in one of the cardinal directions. Set their coordinates about one-hundred blocks out from the radar's alarm zone range. That way your missile will more easily intercept the incoming missile.

That's what worked for me, at least.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i see 1 blaring loophole in your defense, mainly a sonic bomb/rocket will fling up anything, including bomb proof walling (tested)...though the emp will take care of the rocket, the bomb would still be an issue...

main reason im posting this is not of course to ridicule, mainly to figure out how to defend against it (i have no idea)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have encountered one issue this morning. The EMP tower does not react to a redstone signal. I have wondered why it is not working as intended. Tested it many times, using laser designator to remotely launch missles at my base ( SHRAPNELL MISSLES due to fact that they don't make any dmg to structures), seeing the Radar outputs the signal to my Siren and the EMP tower. The siren goes on, but the tower emits no EMP pulse. Now, if I place a leaver right next to the EMP tower and pull it, the Tower Emits the Pulse. But If I connect redstone to the Tower and a leaver to the redstone, pull the leaver, again no reaction from the tower... Somehow it does not accept redstone. WHY? -.-

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Also, I have no idea if this is relevant for the EMP tower, but did you set the radar station to emit a redstone signal on ALL sides when it detects an impact?

The default mode is that it emits a signal to only the side opposite from or to the side of where the missile is coming from.

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YES ofc I did. As I said before, The radar emits the signal to the Tower. The redstone glows but no reaction by the tower. (All other things I connected to the redstone signal work as intended) And OFC have I powered the tower. The only way it works is by a presure plate next to the EMP tower or a Leaver. But that is all manual control. Now, I made it work on a weird way. Hooked up a dispenser to the Radar, so when the radar emits the signal, the Dispenser shoots out coblestone that lands on a presure plate next to the EMP tower, thus activvating it. But I'm not satisfied to use such Primitive contraptions. :-D

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Well, I just tested it. It works just fine for me.

At this point, I can only repeat Blocker's question. Is the EMP tower fully charged? As in, does it say that it's ready to blast?

You DO say that it reacts to a manual input, but still. It's the only reason I can think why it's not working for you.

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