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To all MAC users, good news! You may have encountered an issue while trying to download Voltz, Technic dev builds, or the new Tekkit Lite Pack. You would either get to a screen that says "Hello" and download would fail, or it would fail instantly sometimes in the case of Lite. After much work looking into the problem we determined it was related to macs and running FML. We were able to come up with a solution and it is now available.

FOR EVERYONE USING A MAC. Please back up your saves and texture packs and DELETE YOUR TECHNICLAUNCHER folder.

For mac users that folder is located here:

Users/"User Name"/Library/Application Support/techniclauncher

If you have any other trouble doing this, more information is available in the common problems and solutions threads or other places on the forums.

Next you'll want to go to www.technicpack.net and redownload the launcher. DO NOT use the .exe version, it will not work for mac users obviously.

If you have deleted your techniclauncher folder, running the newly downloaded .jar will put a fresh folder in its place.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now able to play everything! If you have any further issues, they are with your computer. The community can trouble shoot your computers settings to make sure you have things properly set up on your end such as java. Only if you ask nice and aren't lazy though. Thank you to all mac users who helped solve the issue by posting logs and submitting proper bug reports.

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I have used this fix sucessfuly, however it needs repeating. I can do the fix and it works fine, then the next day I get the same message, and have to pull out my save file, redownload from the launcher and put the save back in. It is functional, but not ideal. I am only attempting to run Lite at the moment, if I pull lite it works after the fix, but if I also pull classic, then lite gives me the error again.

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This is not working for me. I've deleted the techniclauncher folder, and downloaded the latest jar. After launching, I first select the Tekkit Lite option, and it starts downloading the mods. Soon after, another window pops up with "Hello" in the title, and it just sits there with both windows blank until I force quit.

This is with no other packs ever chosen. However when I switched to classic, the whole download and launch process worked normally. I still can't launch lite.

EDIT: So I've tried several times, and left it alone with the "Hello" window open for a few minutes. It looks like that eventually it starts working. It just seems to get stuck on launch. So wait about five minutes, and hopefully it finishes launching.

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If anyone runs into problems with it not properly launching, try downloading and installing the latest libraries from http://lwjgl.org/download.php . Solves it for me with the latest launcher.

To install, simply delete the lwjgl.jar, lwjgl_util.jar and the jinput.jar ONLY, and replace with the corresponding jars from unzipped folder.

Then, inside the unzipped library, go to the natives folder, and copy the files from the folder corresponding to your operating system (Most likely Mac) into the natives folder in your .techniclauncher/<modpack name here>/bin/natives folder.

If at any time you feel you've done something wrong on the install, simply start the techniclauncher, go to options, and hit clear cache. This will restore the library and the natives from the servers.

Hope this solves some peoples problems, it always works for me :)

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The "fix" didn't work for me either. Luckily I have a bootcamp on my mac and am still able to play but I know that not everyone can run a bootcamp due to aging computers so this error really sucks.

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i hope someone finds a REAL fix not just switching the mac luancher to the linux crap it doesn't work and i have tried it times and times and still i am getting kicked off the launcher after the thing it says hello then it just turns off and nothing happens then i rage quit it scks really someone HELP!!!!

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The fix doesn't work for me either. Whenever I try to launch any modpack via the technic launcher it just shuts down.

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What I've been trying to do now is taking the mod list and trying to install them all manually. I've got about 2/3 of them working. I started with a clean MC install and using Forge MCL and going down the list one by one and testing it. Most work, some make MC crash. What I wonder is can a client not running all the mods log in to a Tekkit server?

I've also tried other launchers (FTB) and have gotten the same issue; after login crash after initial splash page. So this isn't just a Technic Launcher issue, it's something else to do with OS X and Java. But clean and lightly modded clients do run. I'm confused!

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Found a work-around! I downloaded MultiMC and made a fresh instance for 1.4.2. Then downloaded the Technic Launcher and tried to launch Tekkit Classic (it crashed on load). Went back to MultiMC and opened it's central mod folder. I copied all the mods from the Tekkit folder to the MultiMC mod folder including the ModCores, TexturePacks. Loaded the mods into my MultiMC instance and ran the instance (make sure you get those ModCores in there too). I then tried to connect to a Tekkit server, but failed (cfg files way off). I went back to the Tekkit folder and copied the Config folder and opened my MultiMC instance folder and copied all the cfg files and folders into the instance and loaded the instance again and connected to the server! Played around for a bit and it works like a charm!

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have tried this a couple of times now, still won't work... First I have to click 3 or 4 times on the technic.launcher.jar to open the laucnher, then when I log in, it just quits almost immediately, anyone has a solution for this?

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:siren: The actual problem IS fixed. This is the fix. All the crap with MultiMC is not needed. You are all just doing it wrong. Something is wrong with your Java settings probably, or you are not following the steps properly. If you just keep redownloading and expecting it to work it obviously wont until you figure out what you're doing wrong. If you do some crazy work around and wait for a solution you will wait forever because the solution is at the top of this thread.

I can't make it more clear. I am on a mac right now and have resolved the issue for myself and have played today.

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  "Nlorant99 said:
1) you install multimc

2) download zip file from media fire

3) open multimc

4) click on instances button in multimc

5) copy zip to this folder

6) unzip

It doesnt load the mods for me then... when trying to join a server, first it says I require MCForge, you can download that with multimc, dont now what version, but I assume it's the first one... Then I have the mediafire file in the instance, I start up the instance, forge is loaded but tekkit isn't... forge says it has only loaded one mod, and that's forge...

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  "Cheap Shot said:
:siren: The actual problem IS fixed. This is the fix. All the crap with MultiMC is not needed. You are all just doing it wrong. Something is wrong with your Java settings probably, or you are not following the steps properly. If you just keep redownloading and expecting it to work it obviously wont until you figure out what you're doing wrong. If you do some crazy work around and wait for a solution you will wait forever because the solution is at the top of this thread.

I can't make it more clear. I am on a mac right now and have resolved the issue for myself and have played today.

well how can u figure out what's wrong with my java settings then?

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  "Cheap Shot said:
:siren: The actual problem IS fixed. This is the fix. All the crap with MultiMC is not needed. You are all just doing it wrong. Something is wrong with your Java settings probably, or you are not following the steps properly. If you just keep redownloading and expecting it to work it obviously wont until you figure out what you're doing wrong. If you do some crazy work around and wait for a solution you will wait forever because the solution is at the top of this thread.

I can't make it more clear. I am on a mac right now and have resolved the issue for myself and have played today.

Mr. Shot, the "Fix" you gave us was a simple 3 step procedure. Backup your saves, delete the Technic folder, then re-download the launcher and run it. To insult our intelligence and say that we are doing those steps wrong is asinine. Then to go on about some mysterious Java setting that you do not give one detail about is just as ludicrous. You never mention Java setting that must be correct for your launcher to run. And on top of that you insult us again and state that you yourself are running on a Mac and have resolved the issue for yourself. I can guarantee that you did more that just delete a folder and re-run the launcher. What version of Java are you running? What version of lwjgl are you running? What are these mysterious Java setting that you are passively talking about that must be correct to run your launcher?

You, Sir, have made nothing clear. You give a 3 step procedure that clearly doesn't work for all Mac users, then blame us for not following it.... Your Name says it all.... I'd say it's time to move on.

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  "Mercurial said:
Mr. Shot, the "Fix" you gave us was a simple 3 step procedure. Backup your saves, delete the Technic folder, then re-download the launcher and run it. To insult our intelligence and say that we are doing those steps wrong is asinine. Then to go on about some mysterious Java setting that you do not give one detail about is just as ludicrous. You never mention Java setting that must be correct for your launcher to run. And on top of that you insult us again and state that you yourself are running on a Mac and have resolved the issue for yourself. I can guarantee that you did more that just delete a folder and re-run the launcher. What version of Java are you running? What version of lwjgl are you running? What are these mysterious Java setting that you are passively talking about that must be correct to run your launcher?

You, Sir, have made nothing clear. You give a 3 step procedure that clearly doesn't work for all Mac users, then blame us for not following it.... Your Name says it all.... I'd say it's time to move on.

Yes "Sir", I have done more then just delete a folder. We applied an actual literal fix for the issue to the .jar launcher to repair the FML crash (that was effecting all launchers, not just ours). That is why you should only need to do this simple three step fix. Because we did all the work behind the scenes. If this is indeed your issue then that is simply all you need to do. If you have followed those steps exactly then there is something very wrong on your end and expecting us to be able to fix it is beyond hopeless. The "mysterious" java settings I don't go into detail about are literally "make sure you have java properly installed". My version of java is just the regular latest that mac auto updates to. No seeking out fancy builds, or finding tricky versions. I literally didn't have to do anything beyond "delete launcher and all files for clean slate, redownload, play). If you can't do exactly that it is because you have other issues with your computer that are unrelated to this problem. I can't fix those because they're on your end. It's up to you to troubleshoot why it's not working and find a solution. Telling me I'm being insulting and that you're taking your "business" elsewhere is meaningless. I already go well beyond the bounds of what is required of me (nothing) to help the community. Instead of getting mad at me and demanding I come up with all the answers (without knowing anything about all your computers), you're just going to have to be a little constructive.

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