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Re: Simplest way?


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Woah woah! I know you get loads of these.

I've been with Tekkit for a while but not so much on making a Tekkit Server.

As some people like to disable certain items(not a complete mod), such as, Nukes, Dynamite, Destruction Catalyst, etc.. I'd like to know what the BEST way to do it. I don't mind if it's confusing I'll try and get a way round it. People say use PermissionEx as they offer ModifyWorld?

Can someone help me in this way?

- Elysian.

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Considering you didn't take the time to read and undertsand the rules, or the board titles, I doubt that you would understand any help we give you.

(Hint: I suggest you read the rules and post in the proper section.)

Well, I'm obviously new to the community, therefore not aware of where to post(And FYI, I did read the board posts, I still don't know where to post:/). Maybe you could be a little bit more helpful and guide me to the right place(?)

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Well, I'm obviously new to the community, therefore not aware of where to post(And FYI, I did read the board posts, I still don't know where to post:/). Maybe you could be a little bit more helpful and guide me to the right place(?)

We aren't here to say, "Here it is! Do better next time!"

Abide by the rules, then we will help you.

Edit: Imminet Freackachu in 3..2..1

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you know what burns my biscuits more than people not reading the rules? people not reading the rules and then claiming they did. you're either a) lying or B) the worst ever at reading comprehension.

if it's option a, I don't want to help you

if it's b then no matter what I write you will not remember it in 20 seconds.

so which is it, are you a goldfish or super lazy?

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you know what burns my biscuits more than people not reading the rules? people not reading the rules and then claiming they did. you're either a) lying or B) the worst ever at reading comprehension.

if it's option a, I don't want to help you

if it's b then no matter what I write you will not remember it in 20 seconds.

so which is it, are you a goldfish or super lazy?

That's actually a common misconception. Goldfish actually have the memory spam of several months. There are just no ways of telling without actual tests. So, I suppose a better analogy would be comparing him to a handicapped turtle.

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I never said you was here too do that. However, It'd be a great help if you'd atleast help me!

It would also be great if you'd at least help yourself. It's not hard to work out what forum this should be in, if you look properly. (In this example, "properly" does not mean really hard or closely, just reading stuff.)

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you're crimpin' my style here man :argh:

edit: also, it sounds like something server operators might know. maybe they meet up somwhere and swap tips about running servers or something?

Since my irl peers are currently too irritated to speak with me, I will simply have to settle with doing this.

Edit: WO WO WO!!! Why are you helping him?

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seriously....read the rules

there i even gave you a link to avoid having to click more then once.

We aren't here to say, "Here it is! Do better next time!"

Abide by the rules, then we will help you.

Edit: Imminet Freackachu in 3..2..1

you made my day with that :)

EDIT: what is with the RE: at the start of his thread, he isn't replying to a thread or anything.

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That's actually a common misconception. Goldfish actually have the memory spam of several months. There are just no ways of telling without actual tests. So, I suppose a better analogy would be comparing him to a handicapped turtle.

Don't try to argue with him, he's right. Wikipedia knows all...

edit: He's also right about turtle's... well sorta. The turtle wouldn't even need to be handicapped. They have no memory, they rely solely on instinct to survive.

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edit: He's also right about turtle's... well sorta. The turtle wouldn't even need to be handicapped. They have no memory, they rely solely on instinct to survive.

I back him on this--this is one of the reasons why gopher tortoises are an endangered species. They're too stupid to survive around us.

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