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[3.1.2] TekkitCraft [250 slots][Hard][New Map] || [CC dissabled, EE enabled]


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Loved this server until recently. Found that mod's were gradually being pushed away due to automation meaning any new players were alienated (robots aren't good guides). TPS is often terrible and block lag is frightful. The front page may as well be rewritten as the server has reset so their prestigious 5 months of no reset is well, gone. The screenshots are all outdated and now should be replaced by a spawn stolen from the interweb (although i must say the 1st and 3rd screenshots i never saw on the server...ever).

To give small credit to the server it has run for a long time and it can be entertaining (mainly to troll now though). Hope this small review helps any potential joiners.

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Sorry for the connectionissues, but thats not really our fault. Our server is hosted in the US, and are affected by some bad wheater over there and we really cant do anything about that. Our TPS still have to drop under 16 TPS even with chunkgeneration (you can do /lag ingame to see the current TPS)

And only parts we have removed/dissabled are related to autimatic EMC generation (thats our choise to keep EE with following nerfs related to that).

And thats true. our webpage could prob be alot more uptodate, but its ingame that it happends, and what we do on our website is forumrelated 99% of the time. We never claimed to be easy ;)

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This server is a pile of shit. Get over it

Sorry for banning you for using your modpowers to gain advantages while in staff. Thats the reason you got banned, and you know it. Im allowing your alt on, due to its not really saying much, but i guess it would be better of without that aswell?

Edit: Allowed

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So ... its been a long long time since ive posted here. And im not posting with joy.

Im back to post that TekkitCraft will as of next saturday shut down for good. Its been a blast while it lasted, but however we dont have the resources to continue the server, nor the will.

Its time to move on, and even if there are players that are willing to continue the legacy, that will have to be done after this, TekkitCraft will shut down permanently without anyone taking over, etc etc.

I know many might feel thats unfair, but i however want TekkitCraft to be known "as is", even if it could be even alot better with someone else in charge.

When its time, ill request this post closed for all eternity but not deleted (hey I do like to go back and read on it from time to time, spent 1 year on this after all).

And for final words: Tekkit, you guys opened up a communitydoor, even if alot of haters walked through it, that all were for the better. I might never liked how you guys did your stuff myselfe, but it was a portal to reach players easy without the part of "howto install mods" etc. Thanx for that, that cant be put a price on!

Signing out (for now)

Johnny aka Sp0nge

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