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MageCraft - Alpha 0.2.1d


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Okay, due to the 1.5 prerelease being released today, I've decided to skip the release for 1.4.7 I had planned for today and begin porting to 1.5 immediatly. In the mean time, here's a copy of the MageCraft Design Documents and Planned Crafting Recipes. Let me know what you think.



Great! I want to update it in my pack but my internet's been down for about 5 days... Great to see you're making progress on developing your mod though! :)

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Okay, I changed my mind and decided to release a final 1.4.7 version before the port to 1.5. Hre's MageCraft 0.2.1b for Minecraft 1.4.7 : http://bit.ly/Z7AAyk

With that, the release cycle for 1.4.7 is officially over, and development can begin on a 1.5 version.

Some changes in this update:

•No textures yet, but I'm working on stitching the texture file together, and I'll distribute that when it's ready.

•Added Alchemist Charge.

•Changed Essence recipes to require you to already have one of the item you're trying to make.

•Removed amulets until their fully functional.

•Temporarily removed some essence recipes due to time constraints during updating. They will return in the next version.

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I love to see the progress you are making with this mod! Those ideas... All awesome!

If needed I could help you out with some basic coding or textures, just shout! ;)

EDIT: Green, I am looking at your code (version 0.2.1c) to learn how you did things etc. I understood the code in your main class (...well I didn't get the shapeless recipes, but I am looking that up right now :)). I didn't quite understand the code in the item classes; for example.

import tj;

import up;


public class Amulet3Item extends up


  public Amulet3Item(int id)











I see you are setting the name (not the ign), and that you are extending something... could you explain what you're doing here to me? Or otherwise point me to a good tutorial? :)


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Oh, that's the obfuscated code. What you're looking at is the class for the Amulet of Ender. The reason it's not referenced elsewhere in the code is because I commented it out due to it not being fully functional yet. (Which indirectly led to the Null Pointer Exception in 0.2.1b, as I forgot to comment out the Language Registry entries for the Amulets). Anyways, up is the obfuscated name for the class Item in the Minecraft source. up.n is the obfuscated name for Item.diamond. Basically, I'm setting the Item id, the stack size, the creative tab, the icon index, the object name, and the container item. Any Item that uses Amulet3Item will have those values by default.

If you want to take a look at the unobfuscated code, I'll see what I can o about getting you a copy. I also recommend grabbing a copy of Bearded Octo Nemesis. It's a Minecraft mod deobfuscator that immibis made. I also recommend taking a look at the tutorials on the Forge Wiki, and taking a look at the source code for open source mods, like MineFactory Reloaded

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Oh, that's the obfuscated code. What you're looking at is the class for the Amulet of Ender. The reason it's not referenced elsewhere in the code is because I commented it out due to it not being fully functional yet. (Which indirectly led to the Null Pointer Exception in 0.2.1b, as I forgot to comment out the Language Registry entries for the Amulets). Anyways, up is the obfuscated name for the class Item in the Minecraft source. up.n is the obfuscated name for Item.diamond. Basically, I'm setting the Item id, the stack size, the creative tab, the icon index, the object name, and the container item. Any Item that uses Amulet3Item will have those values by default.

If you want to take a look at the unobfuscated code, I'll see what I can o about getting you a copy. I also recommend grabbing a copy of Bearded Octo Nemesis. It's a Minecraft mod deobfuscator that immibis made. I also recommend taking a look at the tutorials on the Forge Wiki, and taking a look at the source code for open source mods, like MineFactory Reloaded

Ah, I see. That explains a lot.

Yeah, if you are willing to share a copy, please do. I downloaded BON a while ago actually, but I couldn't figure out how it works. I'll try again ;)

EDIT: I am dumb... it was really easy to figure out >.<

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Okay, I lied. Here's the final (I mean it this time) release for 1.4.7: MageCraft 0.2.1d

•Added essence recipes for several blocks and items

•Added a way to craft Nether Stars, but it requires you to have killed the Wither at least once

•Fixed me forgetting to change the version number from 0.2.1b

And, for those of you who wanted it, here's a copy of the source, so all the world can see how bad I am at coding and laugh at me: https://www.dropbox.com/s/662ijk7imjooe6m/MageCraft_0.2.1d_Source.zip

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  • 1 month later...

So, LazDude2012 and I are continuing MageCraft, as it was (sadly) abandoned by GreenWolf13. We are rewriting it from scratch. I am currently working on cleaning and tidying up the code to make sure it is future proof. A basic 1.5.1 port is not far from done, expect a new thread in a couple of days. ^^

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So, LazDude2012 and I are continuing MageCraft, as it was (sadly) abandoned by GreenWolf13. We are rewriting it from scratch. I am currently working on cleaning and tidying up the code to make sure it is future proof. A basic 1.5.1 port is not far from done, expect a new thread in a couple of days. ^^

Oh if you ever need someone for graphics and sprites im available. Ive worked on a couple texture packs back in the day...

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Could we also have the new version ported to 1.4.7 for backwards compatibility, and as most servers here are still on 1.4.7

I do recommend a 1.4.7 version, though. Some of us would appreciate it.

alright, it'll be ported to 1.4.7 as well then. Keep in mind though, the first version available for 1.5.1 will be the same content wise as alpha 0.2.1d. The only difference will be that textures will be added.

Oh if you ever need someone for graphics and sprites im available. Ive worked on a couple texture packs back in the day...

Sure, just make sure that they are in the same style as vanilla minecraft. :)

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Could you pm me a list of items you want textures for?

Well, for now just the items that already exist in MageCraft. We haven't added any new ones yet.

I will also try to contact Green about his plans on MageCraft and, more importantly, his last non-public changes to it. He said he completely changed the alchemy system around.

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Ok and I need to know how to arrange the items. Is it one big file? Individual sprites? How many items are 3d? how should I design textures for the 3d items? Is the sprite size standard sprite. Are textures just for inventory and hotbar use? etc...

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It was Green's intent to transmute base metals into Mithril, then Adamantine for tools,.armor, and other things. He was even going to add crystals of the basic four elements using Powercrystal's models and craft amulets of power.

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Alchemical catalyst-magecrafts philospher stone

low essence-magic power

high essence-magic power

mithril ingot?

adamantine ingot?

Yes, it's just items currently. So, no need for any fancy stuff just yet: just sprites.

As of 1.5.1 they all have to be different files. (which is a right pain in the butt for developers, as they'll have to specify the path and file for each and every item/block.. imagine red power...)

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