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Mediafire honestly doesn't work. I use omploader for my pack, using the second, shorter link it gives. If you feel you have done everything right, and it still doesn't work, go and ask lukeb28 and the rest of us in the stickied thread at the top of this forum. We will make your pack for you.


Here's my problem i can't make the zip folder i titled modpack.jar into an actually jar and also and i only suppost to have the forge files in here or am i suppost to have other files in here?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


I've managed to figure out just about everything regarding loading the actual game and no Vanilla crap (though I had my fair share). On that note, I am having an issue with loading any kind of mods whatsoever. I am using the latest version of fml-universal-1.5.2-, codechickencore, and buildcraft 3.7.1. When I start it after doing a clean start, I simply get a grey screen for minecraft. The Mojang screen splashes for a second like it should after FML does it's thing, then proceeds to just hang on a grey screen.

This is the FML-Client-0.log on pastebin. http://pastebin.com/0V6iJ4me

One other thing of note is I have managed to load MC with simply FML and Optifine installed. After adding any other kind of mod however, grey screen.

Perhaps it's this version of FML? I dunno.

A few times when I've been messing around, it did tell me that it required forge to be installed, even though fml was built into the modpack.



However, if that's the case, then I'll try that as well. Forge Mod Loader loads this site as one of the first links, which took me to the above site.


Top one. Build 2013-06-11 12:03:20 for MC: 1.5.2 (src) (universal)

Didn't realize there was a standalone of the ML implementation for forge available.

Download the forge universal from the link I sent you instead.


Works like a charm now. I appreciate the help. Now to find where I saw how to include your server's world in the modpack.

I don't know why you would want to as it is streamed to the client but you just add it into a saves folder with the bin, mods folders etc.


Whenever I try to start a server with the given instructions, this is what I get.

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----

// I just don't know what went wrong 


Time: 7/3/13 8:29 PM

Description: Exception in server tick loop


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ays

    at mod_ReiMinimap.getVersion(mod_ReiMinimap.java:16)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderModContainer.getVersion(ModLoaderModContainer.java:423)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:483)

    at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:86)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:345)

    at ho.c(DedicatedServer.java:64)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:458)

    at fy.run(SourceFile:849)

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ays

    at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.findClass(RelaunchClassLoader.java:185)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)

    ... 8 more

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

    at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at codechicken.core.asm.ClassHeirachyManager.transform(ClassHeirachyManager.java:80)

    at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.runTransformers(RelaunchClassLoader.java:228)

    at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.RelaunchClassLoader.findClass(RelaunchClassLoader.java:173)

    ... 10 more



A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:



-- System Details --


    Minecraft Version: 1.4.7

    Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.8.4

    Java Version: 1.6.0_51, Apple Inc.

    Java VM Version: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.

    Memory: 60544392 bytes (57 MB) / 85000192 bytes (81 MB) up to 129957888 bytes (123 MB)

    JVM Flags: 0 total;

    AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used

    Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed

    IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0

    FML: MCP v7.26 FML v4.7.4.520 Minecraft Forge 33 mods loaded, 33 mods active

    mcp [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    FML [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed

    Forge [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed

    CodeChickenCore [CodeChicken Core] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed

    NotEnoughItems [Not Enough Items] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed

    CoFHCore [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore.zip) Unloaded->Constructed

    ComputerCraft [ComputerCraft] (ComputerCraft-Mod-1.4.7) Unloaded->Constructed

    CCTurtle [ComputerCraft Turtles] (ComputerCraft-Mod-1.4.7) Unloaded->Constructed

    ExtrabiomesXL [ExtrabiomesXL] (ExtrabiomesXL-universal-1.4.7-3.11.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    FlansMod [Flan's Mod] (Flans Mod 2.1.1 for Minecraft 1.4.7 Universal) Unloaded->Constructed

    ICBM|Contraption [iCBM|Contraption] (ICBM_Contraption_v1.0.6.168.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    ICBM|Sentry [iCBM|Sentry] (ICBM_Sentry_v1.0.6.168.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    ICBM|Explosion [iCBM|Explosion] (ICBM_Explosion_v1.0.6.168.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    PortalGun [Portal Gun] (Portal-Gun-Mod-1.4.7) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerCore [RedPower] (RedPowerCore-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerBase [RP Base] (RedPowerCore-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerMachine [RP Machine] (RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerCompat [RP Compat] (RedPowerCompat-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerLighting [RP Lighting] (RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerLogic [RP Logic] (RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerWiring [RP Wiring] (RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerControl [RP Control] (RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    RedPowerWorld [RP World] (RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6) Unloaded->Constructed

    TwilightForest [The Twilight Forest] (TwilightForest.zip) Unloaded->Constructed

    mod_ReiMinimap [mod_ReiMinimap] ([1.4.7]ReiMinimap_v3.2_06) Unloaded->Constructed

    NEIPlugins [NEI Plugins] (neiplugins.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    ThermalExpansion [Thermal Expansion] (thermalexpansion.zip) Unloaded->Constructed

    ThermalExpansion|Factory [Factory] (thermalexpansion.zip) Unloaded->Constructed

    ThermalExpansion|Energy [Energy] (thermalexpansion.zip) Unloaded->Constructed

    ThermalExpansion|Transport [Transport] (thermalexpansion.zip) Unloaded->Constructed

    WR-CBE|Core [WR-CBE Core] (wirelessredstonecore.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    WR-CBE|Addons [WR-CBE Addons] (wirelessredstoneaddons.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    WR-CBE|RedPower [WR-CBE RedPower] (wirelessredstoneredpower.jar) Unloaded->Constructed

    Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)

    Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml'

    Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)


And when I try to add more RAM to the server, this is what happens:


Last login: Wed Jul  3 20:23:59 on ttys000

MYNAME-MacBook-Pro:~ myname$ /Users/myname/Desktop/CGPackServer/start.command ; exit;

Unable to access jarfile minecraft_server.jar



[Process completed]

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