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How do I autocraft chipsets?


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Hi guys, I was wondering how to autocraft chipsets. I read there is a thing called the Advanced Crafting Table in Buildcraft, but also I read they hold the 'middle between an automatic crafting table and a workbench'. Is this middle firm enough to be able to put a crafting logistics pipe on it and expect chipsets to come out like sandwiches? Or is it 'heavily bugged and dysfunctional' as many people seem to think?

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Uhhmmm... Yeah thanks, but I am really looking for the autocraft approach so I can use them in my log pipe setup... I guess one could use the assembly table because it starts crafting as soon as the right resources are present, but I'm unsure if it works in the logistics setup.

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I made a few test setups, and my apologies.

I have no idea what the Advanced Crafting Table is for, but I haven't got it to make chipsets. But, indeed, you can set the assembly table to work in a logistics setup.

I attached a crafting pipe to the bottom, and configured it to bring in gold and redstone and expect a gold chipset. After the 'request' for a golden chipset, it neatly has the gold and redstone in its inventory. I start the creation by clicking on the gold chipset, and the lasers start to power up. They craft a golden chipset just fine. So far so good.


When it's done it doesn't 'suck up' the chipset! It just spits them out to the top side. Now I'm thinking, I could place a satellite pipe on a chest next to it, but will it pick them up? Suggestions anyone?

I could put a chest next to it with a quicksort module, but will it play well in the request? I'm not sure if it expects the chipset at the crafting pipe... Or that it will rout the chipset to the next recipe... I mean, I could even put an obsidian pipe there but does it work...

Edit: Test 2. Changed crftng log pipe to side. no luck.

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Somehow it doesn't work to edit the previous post again.

So yeah, inadvertedly double posting.

Anyway. Case at hand test #3.

Added a obsidian transport pipe on top of the crftng log pipe on the side. Doesn't work. At all. Not even when I power it. It still spits out the chipset at the crafting log pipe.

Test #4. Added a few piped so that the obspipe is RIGHT ABOVE the Assembly table. Doesn't work.

Test # 5. Smashed up everything and blew it up with TNT. Refreshingly enough, that works just fine. I feel a lot better.

Test #6. Added a second chest in the network with an item sink in it requesting chipsets. Finally, this works to some degree. Made chips are transported off to the new chest. BUT why the hell will it not go to the requester pipe?!

Gathering mental prowess to set up a recipe needing the chipset to see if it will whizz off to the next step. Urgh. Why isn't this stuff simple, it's all buildcraft; it's not like I'm going cross mod here. :( :(


Meanwhile I am wondering why the crftng log pipe won't pick up the chip, as it pops out exactly there... Has it timed out? Hmmm

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Place a chest next to the assembler

Place the crafting pipe on the CHEST,

Place a satelite pipe on the ASSEMBLER

Set the mats to go to the satelite pipe

Set the crafting pipe output to chipset wanted.

Set the assembler to craft the chipset.

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Love is in the air Casstor.

This works! Also, this is the only article on the internet now solving this problem, so congratulations.

Finally I can automate a very tedious bit of work. I never thought it was possible to put a crafting pipe on a chest and get results. Learned something today then! :)

edit: Searched for 'autocrafting chipsets' in google. This page is the second result. Good stuff. :p

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it depends what recipe you tell it to act upon. When you set it to something it will stick to it (the red crosshair thingy). To make all 4 chipsets you will have to put down 4 assembly tables, all set to a certain chipset... Just like you need an autocrafter for every recipe.

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One tip, set them apart from each other. I just had a major wtf moment as the tables ejected their created stuff in their neighbouring table's inventory and therefore did not fulfil the request.

Finally. Auto crafting log pipes. Does life get any sweeter, tekkit wise?

(Yeah it does because auto crafting the dreaded hv solar array still is a bit of a challenge due to the lapotrons)

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Or, just for giggles, one could use a bunch of manager controlled chests linked together (one item type per chest) with one wireless crafty turtle for each crafting step that moves between the chests (if necessary). Then one could have a crafting controller turtle with an inventory sensor watch the chest contents and direct crafting activities by the turtles.

If one was into that sort of thing of course.

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Nah. We could just have one table for the wires, one for iron, gold and diamond chipsets, one for redstone and pulsating chipsets and the a few more for the AND/OR gates, which I believe you can upgrade to autarchic gates, which shouldn't need another table.

Tip: these assembly tables automatically output into an inventory. So how about multiple enderchests for more sides for a Crafting pipe to attach to? A double wooden chest could also do the job I guess.

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I tried that, I advise against it. For instance, when you use it as a satellite, any redstone you'd need for recipe a could be eaten by table b.

I'm now waiting for my quarry to come up with enough copper, tin and iron. And then I'm requesting the big one. The high voltage solar array.

When i requested it it said i needed about 1,5 k of each ore, the rest it has covered. It's gonna be epic seeing that fly about through my base.

I should film it with Wagner under it or something....

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Since when is that feature implemented? I've gotta play with that.

Wait, I mean, like Castor said, that you send the materials directly into the crafting table with a satellite log pipe, and plug the crafting pipe on the chest below the table.

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