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Reward for the team.


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I don't often post. When I do I usually reply to another thread. I try to generally keep all of my posts helpful. I have been using Technic long before it had it's own launcher. I've watched it evolve and grow. It was only a few months ago when FTB and Technic were essentially the same thing, and I thought to myself then "there going to become 2 completely different and amazing platforms"

I was right, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly.

I just wanted to give the Technic team props for all the shit they've done, for keeping this modpack alive and for shrugging off all the hate they get and still being able to grow and develop the pack into what it is today.

You guys are amazing, and you can have my assnipples if you would like them. No no don't be modest. Here they are, please; those assnipples are yours to take. You've earned them.

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  • Forum Administrators

Thanks. I've done (almost) nothing but have my head in code and problems for the last 2 weeks so it's good to hear a little bit of positive feedback from the community. I'm sure the rest of the team feels the same way.

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Thanks. I've done (almost) nothing but have my head in code and problems for the last 2 weeks so it's good to hear a little bit of positive feedback from the community. I'm sure the rest of the team feels the same way.

You all already know how the majority of the community* feels about what you do (They are grateful), but a reminder can't hurt once in a while, right? Personally just thought I'd toss in my thanks and say that what the development team does is something generous that few people would do in the team's place.

Whether keeping the site working and up-to-date, the forums running and safe (Here's to the moderators too!), or working on the actual launcher things (Just generalizing. I'm too tired to be specific), what you all do is something I can get behind and is really why I stay on as a regular for this forum.

I could keep explaining what you already know you do to you, but you know it. So for redundancy's sake I'm just gonna say, "Hey, thanks." You don't want your asses collectively kissed, I'd imagine.

*Community referring to the regulars of this forum, not necessarily the hundreds of thousands (Probably more) of anonymous users, or 1-posters, or entitled idiots.

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  • Moderators

Why Cant I spawn A CAT??

Why Does it say "DOwnload Failed" when I have AVG turned off??

Why Doesnt TMI Work??

Why Is Jay? so meen??

Why Cant the Luncher serve me a drink??

Why Does Cheep always post "fart" I dont think this is good for the communtiy!!?

Yep, this is my way of gratitude :D

It has been an In-FURIATing funny and stressfull year for Technic!

Props to you guys! Cheers mates! Buenas Navidad and Hyvää Joulupuu! From yours truly :)

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I don't know how many time's I've said this, or something along the same lines, but it's well worth repeating.

Thanks for being awesome guys! Minecraft would be boring without you ;)

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