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Alright, I have been having this issue where my Stirling Engines quit pumping power to my Redstone Energy Cell for no good reason and power "builds up" within the pipeline. If I wanted to get it working again to power my Quarry, Pulverizer, and Furnace, I'd have to delete and replace the pipes and then the energy would flow as normal.

So, I figured this was all due to my complex array of piping, and invested in some Phased Conductive Piping. I have used these before in the past, and they've worked, but they aren't working now. Right now I have 2 sets of 3 Stirling Engines with a Redstone Energy Cell in the center, which then has a Wooden Conductive Pipe connected to a Gold then a Phased one, set on Send Only and freq 5. Then, on each of my 3 devices, I placed a Gold Pipe and then a Phased Pipe, each set to the same freq and Send & Receive.

Thinking that this wasn't right (since they weren't working) I tried putting a Wooden pipe between the output Phased and the Gold ones; this did not work either.

Is the Redstone Energy Cell not compatible with Phased Piping, or am I doing something wrong? Or, if you know a solution to my first problem, what would that be?

For simplicity, here is a rough diagram of my setup:













--------------------Phased Send Only


Phased Send&Receive>Gold>Device


Phased Send&Receive>Wooden>Gold>Device

(neither of which worked)


Buildcraft conductive and phase pipes are borked across the board; you'd be better off using conduits and tesseracts. Several bug reports have already been posted along with numerous threads in the tekkit section.


Buildcraft conductive and phase pipes are borked across the board; you'd be better off using conduits and tesseracts. Several bug reports have already been posted along with numerous threads in the tekkit section.

Are they compatible with Buildcraft engines, or would it be better to use the other MJ-producing engines?


Yep, everything is compatible with everything else. Though you might want to invest in higher-end engines, or at the very least steam.

Edit: Just in case you were wondering, redstone engines don't transfer power to conduits.


Yep, everything is compatible with everything else. Though you might want to invest in higher-end engines, or at the very least steam.

Edit: Just in case you were wondering, redstone engines don't transfer power to conduits.

I figured so, but I can't confirm it anywhere on the internet. I knew about the redstone, but do both Steam and Magmatic engines need water?


Just steam, though both will break if they don't have anything to output power to. Just whack it with your wrench to fix.

No need to rely on the internet, just experiment in creative mode.


Just steam, though both will break if they don't have anything to output power to. Just whack it with your wrench to fix.

No need to rely on the internet, just experiment in creative mode.

Thermal expansion engines only break if they have nowhere to output, true. However, using even one single conduit between the engine and wherever your destination is, will prevent this from happening - conduits have an energy loss margin even when you only use one. This is enough to dissipate energy from the engine so that it never locks up.


Thermal expansion engines only break if they have nowhere to output, true. However, using even one single conduit between the engine and wherever your destination is, will prevent this from happening - conduits have an energy loss margin even when you only use one. This is enough to dissipate energy from the engine so that it never locks up.

While this is true, a single conduit doesn't actually let you send energy anywhere. At least not right now.


Nope. Had it working but it broke compatibility with immibis' microblocks and everyone whined.

We're redoing conduits completely anyways and sidedness will no longer be a thing on Energy Conduit.


While this is true, a single conduit doesn't actually let you send energy anywhere. At least not right now.

Weird, I always get minute amounts of energy (About 1/20th of the normal energy amount) when using 1 Conduit, or two Conduits which are both set to Blue.

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