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In average, about how rare is each ore? For example how much per chunk? (I have done the calculations and got a rough estimate based on 64 chunks now [6/15/13])

Iron - 92

Gold - 9

Diamond - 3

Copper - 37

Silver - 18

Tin - 34

Lead - 15

Ferrous - 4

Emerald - 3

I'm trying to set up some trade booths in an NPC village with this stuff.

5,856 Iron = 92 per chunk

2,383 Copper = 37 per chunk

2,157 Tin = 34 per chunk

1,280 Lapis = 20 per chunk

1,149 Silver = 18 per chunk

988 Lead = 15 per chunk

974 Quartz = 15 per chunk

575 Gold = 9 per chunk

493 Quartz dust = 8 per chunk

231 Ferrous = 4 per chunk

201 Diamond = 3 per chunk

198 Emerald = 3 per chunk


Emeralds are really the only rare thing, and once you find a village that will trade you for them, then even those aren't rare. After one Dense Ore world in Mystcraft everything else is common, even diamonds. We have 1000s of diamonds, and 5-6k of all the others except Ferrous. But even that one, we have a few hundred Invar ingots.


Emeralds are really the only rare thing, and once you find a village that will trade you for them, then even those aren't rare. After one Dense Ore world in Mystcraft everything else is common, even diamonds. We have 1000s of diamonds, and 5-6k of all the others except Ferrous. But even that one, we have a few hundred Invar ingots.

I was asking rarity per chunk in the normal world. Not how rare it is "after a while". Naturally occurring rareness of the resources.

I already know this much now from another post I found:

Copper: Levels 40-75

Lead: Levels 20-40

Silver: Levels 15-35

Tin: Levels: 50-25

That's not all of them though and it's not an amount per chunk either.


Iron is around the same , if not higher, density then copper. Where as gold is lower density, as low as only 6 per chunk. Diamond is about the same as Gold. Ferrous seems to be a bit lower then even diamond and gold, usually only finding 2-3 in a given chunk sometimes as many as 8, and emeralds can only be found under extreme hills biomes, and at that, only in single ore blocks. Something like 1-4 per chunk.


Ok, so gold and diamond are 6 per chunk, ferrous is 3 per chunk, emerald is about 1 per chunk. That fills in some of the list:

Iron - ?

Gold - 6

Diamond - 6

Copper - ?

Silver - ?

Tin - ?

Lead - ?

Ferrous - 3

Emerald - 1


Iron, I would say about 75 per chunk. Copper, about 50. Silver, and lead switch back and forth. You find more of one in one try, then more of the other in the next try. so something like 20/30 for silver and 30/20 for lead. Tin can be strange at times, not sure why. For me anyways, it seems to stick around 35 average.

I can agree with TokiWartooth. 3 is a good average for Emerald. But ONLY in extreme hills biome and extreme hills edge. The spawn rate is 0 everywhere else.


This sort of thing is could be figured out pretty easily by setting up a quarry with the dimensions of one chunk, then store all of the blocks from that chunk in a chest (maybe even an ME one, so it all fits). Repeat the experiment several times, then average the chests to find your answer.


Well I didn't want to ruin a bunch of land in order to find out. Maybe if I can get worldedit in, I can create a temporary server and do an average for a 15x15 chunk radius. Get all the numbers, then divide by 225 if nessicary. :P (15 * 15 = 225, so dividing by 225 would give me per chunk numbers)

Dunno how to install worldedit currently so meh.


Well I didn't want to ruin a bunch of land in order to find out. Maybe if I can get worldedit in, I can create a temporary server and do an average for a 15x15 chunk radius. Get all the numbers, then divide by 225 if nessicary. :P (15 * 15 = 225, so dividing by 225 would give me per chunk numbers)

Dunno how to install worldedit currently so meh.

Or just single player creative, quarries.


Would it be faster to figure out how to install world edit, or to setup the system in creative?

One two three race!



Single player appears to be slightly broken, my machines and cables wouldn't link together. Ah well, I'll do it in my server 10k+ away from spawn.


Dudes, I wanted to reply earlier, but the forum was not accessable from europe 10 hours ago. If you want the easiest method to figure out how much of what ore per chunk. Just have a look at the configs. go config, then cofh and look at the world.cfg there you got everything to know about it: minY, maxY, approx. clustersize, approx. clusters per chunk :)


Based on a 64 chunk analysis, I have acquired the following:

929,872 Cobblestone

117,776 Dirt

26,979 Gravel

10,348 Coal

7,075 Redstone

5,856 Iron

3,038 Flint

2,399 Obsidian

2,383 Copper

2,157 Tin

1,652 Wood Plank

1,280 Lapis

1,230 Fence

1,149 Silver

988 Lead

974 Quartz

755 Sand

575 Gold

493 Quartz dust

231 Ferrous

215 Rail

201 Diamond

198 Emerald

171 String (Web)

162 Sludge

102 Sewage

32 Clay

6 Silverfish Stone

3 Water Spring

So taking the ores out of this list and dividing by 64; (rounded)

5,856 Iron = 92 per chunk

2,383 Copper = 37 per chunk

2,157 Tin = 34 per chunk

1,280 Lapis = 20 per chunk

1,149 Silver = 18 per chunk

988 Lead = 15 per chunk

974 Quartz = 15 per chunk

575 Gold = 9 per chunk

493 Quartz dust = 8 per chunk

231 Ferrous = 4 per chunk

201 Diamond = 3 per chunk

198 Emerald = 3 per chunk


no small you probably didn't have a single extreme hills biome in it, that's not luck.

vas good info looks like you hit an abandoned mine area.

I just teleported to 10,000 100 10,000 and picked a nice flat area and set up 8 quarries with an AE network :P


I just teleported to 10,000 100 10,000 and picked a nice flat area and set up 8 quarries with an AE network :P

You could also have used WorldEdit's //distr command to check mineral distribution. That's how I did it once to calculate the prices of ores for the server bank.


You could also have used WorldEdit's //distr command to check mineral distribution. That's how I did it once to calculate the prices of ores for the server bank.

I can't install worldedit, I don't know how. This server doesn't allow for bukkit plugins or I would have done that.

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