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As we've seen, Forestry has been removed due to mod author backlash.

However, do all these authors feel the same way? I doubt it.

Does anyone have quotes where mod authors are explicitly pleased to have mods they coded included in the technic pack? If so, share them :D, or let this topic fade into obscurity, whatever works.



No one involved with minecraft is actually happy.

Especially not Notch, who will never top Minecraft in any endeavour ever again.

I guess this thread will turn into a "state the obvious" contest.


Alblaka who made Industrailcraft seems lukewarm about technic pack.

The stuff I'm linking is a bit aged, so I'm not sure if it is still relevant.

He was obviously happy about the financial support the pack gave via donations.


Initially though he was angry at technic, since he felt it was illegit:.


(NOTE: By modpack he means the Technic pack)

It is also evidenced that he has given permission for Industrialcraft:



"He(Kakermix) DID contact me afterwards and got my approval for the modpack and excused for using it before asking."


most of the people who get angry that their mods are being redistributed without their permission is that they are losing their adfly pennies. i feel so sorry for them. not about the money, that they have mental handicaps.



most of the people who get angry that their mods are being redistributed without their permission is that they are losing their adfly pennies. i feel so sorry for them. not about the money, that they have mental handicaps.

It's honestly not that. Forestry isn't even behind adf.ly. There's so much more to it and its all disgustingly disappointing.



It's honestly not that. Forestry isn't even behind adf.ly. There's so much more to it and its all disgustingly disappointing.

notice how i said most. the rest are just uptight assholes who should be banned from the internet, like flowerchild


It blows my mind that more than two decades after GPL, and more than a decade since linux became the default platform for everything from web servers to embedded systems in appliances and gadgets (if you look at the entirety of the computing ecosystem, other operating systems are miniscule in comparison to linux), and almost a decade since open culture began to sweep the art and fiction world, there are still people out there who bitch about "unauthorized redistribution" of their -fucking freeware- -fucking video game mods-.

Complaining about misattribution and plagiarism (i.e. taking credit for someone else's work) is one thing, but actually bitching that someone else is making it easier for more people to enjoy your creative works? Let alone actually trying to stop this? Are you kidding me? What do you do this shit for except to share it with others, to bring an idea to life and take pleasure in seeing other people enjoy it? How incredibly insane and self-defeating is it to actually make it *harder* on other people to do that? What kind of fucktard hipster thinks that people don't "deserve" to enjoy crappy amateur artwork if they can't figure out how to use it?

We don't "deserve it"? We need "permission" to use and share something you created and gave away for free? Fuck you, pal! Your shit doesn't deserve my very limited time and attention! You're competing for *my* time, not vice versa. Crawl down out of your own asshole for five minutes and realize how tiny your contribution to the gaming world, let alone the art world at large is. And how brief a human life is. And how unlikely it is that anybody will remember your name or your work five years from now, and how introducing unnecessary barriers to entry only decreases the likelihood that anybody will ever give a fuck who you were or what you did by the time you're old enough to brag to your grandchildren. If reaching other people with a little piece of your imagination, your mind, your soul, is not the purpose of creating art, what *is* the point?

(yes I did join the forums *just* to post that rant, and props to the Technic team for all the work they do to make sure the works of non-asshats get as much attention, appreciation and pleasure of sharing their dreams with others as is possible)


Venting is cathartic and can help us all process and move on from these troubling turn of events as of late, but let's keep the wild insults down and stay classy. I'd like to be able to say that while both sides have been heated, we are able to be the bigger man (or woman).


I think the attitude on display from certain mod authors (not just forestry) is a much wilder insult than a few bits of profanity personally, but as you wish :)



Alblaka who made Industrailcraft seems lukewarm about technic pack.

The stuff I'm linking is a bit aged, so I'm not sure if it is still relevant.

He was obviously happy about the financial support the pack gave via donations.


Initially though he was angry at technic, since he felt it was illegit:.


(NOTE: By modpack he means the Technic pack)

It is also evidenced that he has given permission for Industrialcraft:



"He(Kakermix) DID contact me afterwards and got my approval for the modpack and excused for using it before asking."

I've been browsing his forums and Alblaka seems at best cautious about technic and his forums in general are severely hostile towards it.

This is an interesting thread:


They wane support a lot when a person mentions using the mod through a mod pack and the thread goes on to claim that technic posts fake donation links for the modders and pocket the donations themselves.



I've been browsing his forums and Alblaka seems at best cautious about technic and his forums in general are severely hostile towards it.

This is an interesting thread:


They wane support a lot when a person mentions using the mod through a mod pack and the thread goes on to claim that technic posts fake donation links for the modders and pocket the donations themselves.

That how paypal scam thing makes me laugh... do people even look at the page. You know even if technic said "-bleep- this, no more simple and easy donate buttons, here are links to the OPs go their and read on where to donate" their would be this exact post "Technic's donate page uses Proxies and web tricks to take people to a mirrored copy of the OP to trick them into donating to an offshore bank account owned by the technic crew."


The thing is that those retards aren't even sophisticated enough to dream up theories about proxies and mirrored copies, rofl. According to them, we're all too stupid to notice that the paypal account we're making a donation to is not the one we intend to, or that technic folks are sophisticated world-class hackers who can pull off paypal fraud and the best application they could come up with for that knowledge is to scam a slow trickle of donations to video game modders. Give me a fucking break. I don't know why I felt the need to post a big rant about it. I guess I just hate ignorant assholes shooting their mouths off and trying to pass themselves off as experts - particularly in a field I actually have enough expertise in to pick apart.

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I guess I just hate ignorant assholes shooting their mouths off and trying to pass themselves off as experts - particularly in a field I actually have enough expertise in to pick apart.

The sheer ignorance of those people is an asset. People reacting wildly violent, like FlowerChild, RichardG, typical users on the MCForums, they help. We get to stay silent and the theories get wilder and wilder.



The sheer ignorance of those people is an asset. People reacting wildly violent, like FlowerChild, RichardG, typical users on the MCForums, they help. We get to stay silent and the theories get wilder and wilder.


Actually on further reflection the thing that really got to me is some pissant internet troll accusing a person of a (fairly serious) real-life crime just because he doesn't like the person or his work. You don't just spread false rumors of felonies because you want to discredit people. That's not even trolling, it's serious bottom-feeding, borderline sociopathic behavior. Especially as idiotic as law enforcement is in this day and age (they have a track record of arresting people and locking them up based on false accusations, without even bothering to do basic legwork, in some places).



The sheer ignorance of those people is an asset. People reacting wildly violent, like FlowerChild, RichardG, typical users on the MCForums, they help. We get to stay silent and the theories get wilder and wilder.

actually, we should do whatever we can to anger them even more. Eventually, they will make such a wild and stupid claim, that EVERYBODY will know they are lying. Then, the obnoxious owner of the mods get creativity raped by everyone, and nobody likes their mods any more. win for everyone, except for the dumbass trolling mod owners

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