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Will you guys quit breaking the platform?


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Its the entire platform, not a single modpack. You keep pushing things out as "stable" when they are nowhere close to it. You never give server admins any warning and it causes havoc for anyone running a custom mod pack. Not to mention that the built in modpacks are broken as well. For example this shot.

In the background you can see crash files from a custom mod pack that's broken, but this is about the Tekkit modpack that is part of the platform. When you launch it, it asks you if you want to update. I clicked yes, it downloads the files and when its loading you get this. Obviously this wasn't tested at all if there are incompatible versions built in.

On the custom mod pack side, every time you guys change something the custom mod packs are broken. Last time around the launcher wouldn't even pick up the custom mod packs, wouldn't save settings like RAM allocation, and you moved the location of saved games without notifying anybody. After everyone got their saved game locations moved, you updated the launcher and fixed the mod pack loading and settings were being saved, but you moved the saved games back to their original location and caused another round of breakage. Again without any notification. Nothing in the change logs.

You have a setting in the launcher for using beta builds. Why don't you actually use that to its full potential? Setup a forum for beta testers to report problems, and a separate forum for server admins to report problems that arise in custom mod packs due to launcher changes. If you had the infrastructure in place on the forums, I have no doubt that lots of people would give you input BEFORE you mark something as stable and push it and cause all kinds of problems. I know I would. I would have no problems at all adding a test world to my current server configurations and having 10-20 people run through it so problems could found before they became mainstream.

As things are now, I am tired of getting screamed at once a month because of problems caused by the platform when I had no idea changes were coming. I understand that you cannot possibly test every single custom mod pack in the world, and I would not expect you to even if it was possible. But what I do want is for my server and my single player games to run as smoothly as possible, and that simply is not the case the last few months. And the issue of incompatible on a default install is just sloppy. Its a pretty glaring oversight that's pretty easy to catch and even easier to fix, and it should have been.

If you don't want to take suggestions and make procedural changes I guess that is your choice. I suppose you could even ban me, which again would be your choice, and I am all for having the freedom to make choices. But understand that stuff like this forces choices upon people, such as getting pressured to remove the Technic platform altogether and going with something else. Especially when this thing breaks in the middle of a scheduled competition. That's not a choice I want to make, but I also don't want 500 pissed off users.


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The launcher is a community project provided to you free of charge, and is developed in a handful of people's spare time. Feel free not to use it if it's too much work to copy your save games and click 'reset pack' every once in a while.

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Instead of just ranting and acting like we are out to purposely make your life miserable, how about some detailed reports as to what is actually happening so we can work to fix it?

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@GrnEyedDvl, I can understand you are frustrated but instead of ranting about the platform right off the bat, ask questions backed up with detailed reports to the problem you are experiencing. The way you have approached this issue is exactly what sct said

Instead of just ranting and acting like we are out to purposely make your life miserable, how about some detailed reports as to what is actually happening so we can work to fix it?

Technic aims to provide a stable platform but they are not perfect. Things happen that they are unaware of. Please be a bit more considerate after all of the hard work they have done and make it easier/nicer when problems need to be brought to their attention. Otherwise you come across as a troll.

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I really like how nobody actually read this and then goes off about my ranting. This was not a rant, and there were suggestions in my "rant" that were completely ignored.

The launcher is a community project provided to you free of charge, and is developed in a handful of people's spare time. Feel free not to use it if it's too much work to copy your save games and click 'reset pack' every once in a while.

I know how it is developed, and have been involved in numerous such projects myself. In fact I happen to own a site that is about 10-20 times bigger than this one, and when we screw up (which does happen, especially recently with some upgrades) we don't respond to people this way. We also make damn sure we announce something BEFORE we launch it just so people know there may be some issues. And that site happens to host thousands of mods for a particular game platform, its not like I am not familiar with modding or coding or the issues that come with it.

If anyone doubts me on that, then I will post a link to the site in question and prove it. I use the same name there as here and its well known who owns it.

You are one that didn't actually read the post. Resetting a pack isn't going to do any good at all on a brand new install, or an updated pack. For instance, I have never once played the Hexxit mod. There is nothing to reset, its never been installed. I ran that modpack for the first time 2 minutes ago, and got this. Just how is resetting my pack going to fix that? I suppose I could manually go through the pack and fix all the problems, but that kind of defeats the purpose of an installer doesn't it?


Instead of just ranting and acting like we are out to purposely make your life miserable, how about some detailed reports as to what is actually happening so we can work to fix it?

"CodeChickenCore doesn't support v 1.5.2" isn't specific enough?

This is a mod installed by default by the Tekkit modpack that is incompatible with other parts of the pack. How much more information do you need? Putting a different version in the pack fixed it, but that was just one example. I posted another on 20 lines above.

That shit was too long to read, but why do you have an Industrial Craft 2 crash juxtaposed in an image with Tekkit, which does not contain the mod Industrial Craft 2?

The shit that was too long to read included the explanation of the code behind it. You are too lazy to actually read a post and then complain about ranting?? That is the very definition of ranting.

Accusing someone of ranting when you haven't even bothered to read the post is a bit hypocritical don't you think?

@GrnEyedDvl Also your issue with Tekkit Lite is invalid. It is an issue with IC2 and "seasonal code".

See above.

I really like how nobody responded to the BETA testing comments. Its really not that hard to create a subforum and let people willing to use the beta platforms comment on them before they are released. Instead we went from launcher version 322 yesterday to 325 today (which is fine) and it still has problems (which is not).

I am assuming that the reason for 3 version updates in a 24 hour period is because you found problems, and I am glad you got them fixed. All I am saying is that you could have found those problems in the beta test process, if you had a structure in place to let people who actually use the beta launchers report them.

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Your suggestions have been noted I'm sure.

As for the IC2 bug, it is out of Kaker & Co.'s control.

I didn't say anything about the IC2 bug, in fact I specifically mentioned that it was part of a custom mod pack but that this post was about something else. The only thing I said about custom modpacks is that they broke them last time around because the launcher wouldn't save them, and that they moved the save file paths around.

In the background you can see crash files from a custom mod pack that's broken, but this is about the Tekkit modpack that is part of the platform.

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I didn't say anything about the IC2 bug, in fact I specifically mentioned that it was part of a custom mod pack but that this post was about something else. The only thing I said about custom modpacks is that they broke them last time around because the launcher wouldn't save them, and that they moved the save file paths around.

Ok, now I'm confused. So how is it relevant?

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The shit that was too long to read included the explanation of the code behind it. You are too lazy to actually read a post and then complain about ranting?? That is the very definition of ranting.

Accusing someone of ranting when you haven't even bothered to read the post is a bit hypocritical don't you think?

Considering that you read, parsed, and understood the entirety of my thought almost instantly, no, I don't think it's hypocritical. Your OP's signal to noise ratio is abysmal, and I got a couple banal paragraphs in before I started skimming. The issue with your post is that you assume that other users are having the same issue as you. In the case of the IC2 log, that is the case and we've addressed that issue on our front page. In the case of the other issues you have posted, that is not the case. So, is posting a screenshot of you having an issue that nobody else has reported, without logs or diagnostic data "specific enough"? No. No it is not.

I'm not saying the issue lies between the chair and keyboard, per se. But with only rage and complain, here's a screenshot of an error message, who the hell can say? And frankly, your behavior has marked you out as someone I don't particularly care to keep around in the community. If a less abrasive player posts a related issue, or if you post something that is actually actionable in any way, then we can begin to troubleshoot, but in the meantime, feel free to fuck off to a different modpack.

I doubt you on that.

Yeah, a lot of people don't realize how big this thing is. If your project is 10-20 times larger than us, that means you serve 25-50 million users monthly. I don't doubt your project is large, but I think you're underestimating us a bit.

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Nah. That result shows the guy made 11 posts and isn't even part of the moderation team. Not even the worst boasters would try to claim ownership over a community with a personal rate of 2 posts per year on average.

The total war wiki on the other hand has a bio of him quickly taking charge and bringing order to chaos. Also, he loves slapping people, and I'm just super scared of him now knowing that. I say we all cover in terror of not only his slapping ability, but also his obvious skills of wordsmithery that have dominated this entire thread. In between our alternating bouts of wetting ourselves in terror and being dumbstruck by his radiance, progress to satisfy his every whim can commence. If we're lucky his powers to control a vastly numerically and culturally superior userbase will not be turned upon us.

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Nah. That result shows the guy made 11 posts and isn't even part of the moderation team. Not even the worst boasters would try to claim ownership over a community with a personal rate of 2 posts per year on average.

The total war wiki on the other hand has a bio of him quickly taking charge and bringing order to chaos. Also, he loves slapping people, and I'm just super scared of him now knowing that. I say we all cover in terror of not only his slapping ability, but also his obvious skills of wordsmithery that have dominated this entire thread. In between our alternating bouts of wetting ourselves in terror and being dumbstruck by his radiance, progress to satisfy his every whim can commence. If we're lucky his powers to control a vastly numerically and culturally superior userbase will not be turned upon us.

Still, 1.4 mil views over 7 years is an average of 16.7k views per month, that's not too shabby.

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True, but even a cursory glance at the forums here shows there's as many posts here on average as there are page views to that wiki. Plus he's one of 12 listed admins for the community, and while he may claim "its well known who owns it" that doesn't really hold much weight with people who aren't in the know.

I just can't stand name dropping like that, especially when done to throw the weight of unrelated fame behind a demand and/or argument.

Edit: Thought experiment. How many posts do you think this place would have by now if the rules against memes and similar no-content posts were not in place? I'm thinking this place would give 4chan a run for its money.

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I'd like to see the link as well. The only relevant results google has to give is a total war series modding wiki that has 1.3mil front page accesses since creation in 2006.

Unless he's claiming relation to a 99 year old silent movie.

He's talking about this place. According to the forum stats, it has about 260k members and nearly 12 million posts.

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Those forums do have more double the users and a lot more posts, but two things wrong with this picture.

1: GrnEyedDvl on those forums is listed as part of the technical staff, "Can read the Technical Cathedral, which contains a small amount of slightly confidential info." I also don't see any announcements by him, just the other moderators. That doesn't scream "owner" to me.

2: I see a lot of emphasis on roleplaying, and over 1/3rd of the posts are unrelated to the games. Heck 1/10th of all the posts on that forum are political discussions, compared to 1/10th of all technic posts are in off topic (which is still 50% about minecraft modding thanks to kittyjail).

I don't see any reason to believe this guy has any experience with a modding project 10-20x the size of technic, let alone being the owner.

What I do see is a moderator of a site that only has the same posting averages as technic because they encourage hot button discussions, trying to name drop some weight behind his hissyfit.

Course that's just me. And I am the guy with a mark against him in the Disneyland HR records because I didn't bow to Her Majesty Oprah as her procession passed backstage while I was on break.

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Besides, the forums are only one part of Technic.

Personally, I used the launcher for over 6 months before I joined the forums. I don't know for sure (I think I'd need a red name) but I suspect the forums users are only a fraction of those who use Technic.

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Oprah is not any more royalty than my nutsack. Give respect where it's due, and don't worry about it.

This is the same with moderators, their facetime with the public generates the impressions that in turn creates respect. Cheap Shot is a good example, he's goofy from time to time, but he does get serious enough to do good, well thought-out posts when needed.

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She might as well be with the amount of celebrity worship the people of LA do. My 2nd trimester pregnant wife was forced to work her entire 6 hour shift without break due to Oprah's visit. They couldn't spare to let anyone rest when the horde descended on cafe orleans all desperate to see their queen and become closer to her by eating the same meal.

Californians are crazy. I still have hearing loss from the red carpet rollout for pirates 3.

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