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I can't log into any servers on bteam. It closes with no message. Please help!

I get the same. If you the check mods folder in .technic and go to bteam, there should be a crash folder. You will find an error log there, use it to report the bug on the tracker. Tracker button's on the top of the forums.

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Hey, on my singleplayer attack of the b team world i can break blocks  but i dont get them back and the tall grass doesnt disappear but it takes a few seconds and the blocks pop out but i still dont get them and i cant open any thing or morph PLEASE HELP :/ And Also It works fine on any other world but i had alot done on my one world

Edited by EPICNINJA1356
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if i join a server that i played since the beginning on i cant join anymore (no im not banned) but it says Logging in-connecting to the server-Blackscreen (minecraft doenst react anymore)- dirtscreen- Launchermenu.

i really loved this server but now i cant join anymore so PLZZ HELP

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If i play for like 2 to 3 min a glitchy thing apears in the left top of my screen and then after 20 sec it says it doesnt react 


dont look at all the screen shots i tried to capture the glitchy thing


its on the top left


if someone can help me Pleas its pretty irritating to just be able to play only 2 minutes every time


And btw i dont have changed anything to the folder i just downloaded it and start playing

Edited by Crashingtnt
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I have a problem. My game crashed and after that i cant go into my save. Its not even showing my save in the place you choose saves. I've checked and my save is still in the right folder with all the files. I tried to make a new world and put the files into that one, but it disappeared after i did that. Please help!


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Im playing on an updates attack of the b team server. Im looking through NEI and I am trying to work on galacticraft and it says i need an ingot compressor to make compressed ingots but the NEI says that the ingot compressor is not there. Also idk how to power the circut fabricator to make a waffer. Someone please help. Thanks for reading!


Nevermind i think i fixed the problem XD

Edited by sgtsqruille83
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Does anyone know how to get the Sphax Texture Pack for the mod pack? I seem to be having trouble with it. 

I can download the texture pack, and the Attack of the B-Team add-on. But when I put them together, only the original sphax textures work. It's like the add on isn't even there(I wish there was a download of just the whole thing to be honest. I'm sure I'm not putting the add on in the right folder)

Does anyone know how to help? I'm playing on a Mac, if that helps. So when I try placing the add-on, titled "assets" into the Sphax Folder, it wants to replace the existing "assets" folder. When you replace it, the whole pack doesn't work. When placed anywhere else inside the assets folder(textures, minecraft, etc) it only shows the original textures, and not the ones for the mod pack.

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Grim, that'll depend on the zip program you're using - try copying the contents of the assets folder into the other assets folder and overwriting (most zip programs merge the two together, overwriting only if there's another identically named file, but some will remove the original folder before copying in the new one).


Alternatively, you can extract both assets folders to somewhere where you merge them together, then copy the combined one back in, that'll work.

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You might not be aware that double-posting is rude, Monstar, but deliberately doing it multiple times within a few minutes in an active thread I don't even know how to respond to.


In answer to your question, Yes, there are absolutely ways of stopping it from happening.  I'll need a less vague set of info from you (preferably the log) to give you a less vague answer.

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I just made this account in order to report some problems I've been having. I've actually encountered the problems that 1Monstar seems to be running into quite a few times, as I've been playing the modpack on a single player world fairly often. Certain things seem to randomly crash the game that don't seem to have conflicts most of the time. For example: turning on a beacon, upgrading a tool in tinkers' construct, injecting dna from advanced genetics, and turning on a pipe are all causes for crashes that I have run into that don't usually crash the game. I don't think it's a problem with any of those specific mods, but I honestly have no idea what could be happening. Another more drastic problem that seems to be occuring fairly frequently is that every once in a while, a crash will delete the "level.dat_old", which seems to be player data. It can easily be replaced with a back up, but it becomes a pain to have to do that every hour or two.

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