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[Always latest] Shnoop's roleplay server [PVP] [20 slots] [Plugins and mods are default] Keep on shnoopin'

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Hey Shnoop,


I'm having trouble connecting to the server. When i log on i bug out and keep on dexcending in the ground. I le in Spain but on other U.S. servers I go I don't have this problem... What should i do?



Falling through the world is a sync issue, just give it a moment or 3 and you'll pop back up where you should be. I think the server could use a restart though, i've been getting terrible block lag, mob lag, and disconnects several times for about 2 hours now.


Minecraft username:skylordkeaton




Why you want to play on this server:Because I watched Chimney swift play with his friends so I decided I would try it to.


How you found this server: The Technic forums.


Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: I have been banned once from my friends server because we were fighting.


How well do you know the mods?: I know the witchery mod quite well.


How often do you play?: 3 to 5 times a week.


Why do you feel you should be accepted?: I play this mod pack alot by myself and feel it is time to play with others and meet new people.


I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes


About the spawn, we have 2 worlds, one we cheat in, and one we do not. Its the other world I need builders in especually. As for the lag today, I didn't know the server was gonna run at all when my computer was asleep, so I guess the test was a success. Also skylordkeaton is accepted!


Also feel free to mention to me in-game whenever you need a restart! If my bro is on it won't help the lag but sometimes it has just been running to long.

  On 3/13/2014 at 7:23 PM, Midnight1088 said:

Falling through the world is a sync issue, just give it a moment or 3 and you'll pop back up where you should be. I think the server could use a restart though, i've been getting terrible block lag, mob lag, and disconnects several times for about 2 hours now.

No, I give it an hour and i'm still lagging. Maybe it is because the server is run from the U.S. and I'm in Spain (btw my internet is terrible) But when I go on a vanilla minecraft server from the US i don't have a problem.  If it would be possible maybe hosting with a hosting service like MCPROhosting would solve the syncc problem. I realy don't wan't to go back to singleplayer

  On 3/13/2014 at 8:55 PM, shnoop123 said:

About the spawn, we have 2 worlds, one we cheat in, and one we do not. Its the other world I need builders in especually. As for the lag today, I didn't know the server was gonna run at all when my computer was asleep, so I guess the test was a success. Also skylordkeaton is accepted!

shnoop I would love to help you with it. If you need help just give me a call( on the forums)

Posted (edited)

Do a complete log out of technic launcher. Its a glitch where I assume it occurred because you are remembering your password. Either that or 2 minecrafts are open. Java can be funny and touchy, so I suggest log out of technic launcher then completely close the program. Sometimes it works, sometimes it takes a few tries, its a weird program to deal with. Hopefully that helps.

Edited by shnoop123
  On 3/14/2014 at 6:16 PM, shnoop123 said:

Do a complete log out of technic launcher. Its a glitch where I assume it occurred because you are remembering your password. Either that or 2 minecrafts are open. Java can be funny and touchy, so I suggest log out of technic launcher then completely close the program. Sometimes it works, sometimes it takes a few tries, its a weird program to deal with. Hopefully that helps.

It doesn't, Every time I logg on I fall until is says end of stream. I'm always stuck at Kzzalstars's smeltery. What should i do shnoop I can't play like that


Falling is a sync issue. Not sure what that other stuff is. If you think it'll help I can move your character... not really sure what I can do here, give me some ideas?

  On 3/15/2014 at 6:30 PM, shnoop123 said:

Falling is a sync issue. Not sure what that other stuff is. If you think it'll help I can move your character... not really sure what I can do here, give me some ideas?

IDK, I realy wan't to play, But I can't posibily think fo any idea. Maybe it is just my internet that sucks, although I go on other servers with less signal and i don't have the problem. Maybe looking for hosting would help, but of course that would requiere money. BTW when i'm falling I can't even use the chat. The hosting is the only idea i could think of. Maybe you should set up a donation center


End of stream usually indicates a connection error or break between the client and server. From what I've heard the server hardware is just fine, the lag and disconnect issues seem to all be connection related.

  On 3/16/2014 at 1:34 AM, shnoop123 said:

That's meh gurl!

I might have a idea, but it is a bad1 Maybe reseting the world would help but I doubt it. The point is, ON every US server I go I don't have the problem except this server, I still login daily but it won't work, maybe it is Kzzalstar's house thst is making the problem.

Posted (edited)

(Name) omgikwileennaam

(Age) i would like not to say its private i hope u dont mind

(why) unwhitelisted servers are full With griefers and Whitelisted servers dont have those so i can build Without being afraid of being griefed.

(how) i found the server on Youtube

(bannned) yes, but it wasnt my fault

(mods) i know a lot of mods

(how often) almost every day 4 days of the 7 and everyday in vacation

(why accepted) i'm a nice person that likes to help others

(rules) yes i know them now





I Hope U Accept Me :hchatter: 

Edited by Omgikwileennaam

Even though you did not keep the format correct, you answered them. I will accept you but I want to hear more about this banning even if it is in private

Posted (edited)



Minecraft username: mirac1999mirac


My age: 14


Why you want to play on this server?: Because I love small communities and hate griefers. I've been searching for one accepting all ages for a half an hour now, and I finally found one. So I love small communties because you get close friends, you feel like it's only you and your friends (though the chat), Nobody can grief you, you don't have to be scared, and you can build where ever you want, People are more friendly, and friendship :D


How you found this server?: After typing ''Minecraft Attack of the B-team server whitelist'' in Google a few times, I finally found a good looking server.


Have you been banned from other servers: Some rude admin once banned me because  I made smileys after each sentence (Not doing anymore), though I just started on the server.


How well do you know the mods?: All knowledge from videos from Bdouble0100, but I can't really remember it all, else this is my first ModPack I've ever played.


How often do you play?: I would say 3-4 hours on average.


Why do you feel you should be accepted?: I'm that kind of person that helps people, gives people, and love the reaction people get from it, and if I won't get accepted, I'll probably never find a server accepting my age.


I have read the rules and I know I will banned for breaking them: Yes baby

Edited by Mirac1999
Posted (edited)

My IGN is: TheGavino


Age: 17

Why you want to play on this server: I would like to play on an AoTB server without compromising any mods or items!

How you found this server: I saw the application on the forums

Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: No! I'ma good kid?

How well do you know the mods?: I know the mods quite well! I am especially familiar with tinkers construct!

How often do you play?: As much as I can... Like every day for at least a couple of hours

Why do you feel you should be accepted?: I am a responsible player who isn't one of those griefy cheater guys! I am a decent builder, and I enjoy exploring and playing with others.

I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes I have read the rules and agree with the terms n such


I hope you guys are still accepting applications! I skimmed through the posts and didn't see a not accepting any more applications post so :)

Edited by TheGavino

-player section-


Minecraft username: curti140

(optional)Age: 17

Why you want to play on this server: I love this modpack and i think it would be even more awesome with other people, and I love roleplaying in general

How you found this server: through the technicpack forums

Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: no I have never been banned

How well do you know the mods?: I know how most mods work and how to make certain items

How often do you play?: every other day

Why do you feel you should be accepted?: because I would really like to join your community, and share my knowledge :P BTW! I am certainly not one of those annoying griefing types, I just want to enjoy the game with other people.

I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes


-Roleplay section-


Role-play character's name: Curt Reingard

Character's background story: Curt was born in a small village, his mother died during labour and his father was killed short after by a filthy witch named: Agony Fury

Without any parents the testificates in his village raised Curt to be a strong and responsible adult, learning him the traits of a blacksmith and the knowledge of an engineer.

When Curt turned 21 he knew it was time for him to spread his wings and explore some of the world, on this journey he met some wonderful people and made some new friends.

But one day he stumbled upon an area that he knew he wanted to live in and sell his amazing smithing works.

And his adventure continues.......

Character's age: 21


accepted! Also EVERYONE be aware we are gonna implement a screen shot report system later, this to to prevent greifing and why we disabled player morphs. Please report all greifing as soon as possible so I can see if I can have it fixed, the sooner the better!


Can someone help with a problem I've, when I join the server it says ''bad login'' I've tried to restart and refresh the IP, neither worked. I've been in the server once, and went out because there was dinner. When I came back I couldn't join. Heeeelp me! I miss the server aldready :I

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