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I might have broken my launcher


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Okay so I am using the launcher on my ubuntu partition. I have never had issues with it until recently. I have no real access to internet so I had my roommate give me the files to the new b-team modpack so I could install it manually at home. I have done this before with a pack that I had to re-install without web. I did everything that I did before, yet when I started the launcher it acted very oddly. The launcher acted as though I had no packs and all the slots were addpack. I checked my installed packs file and it was blank with only the template for having a pack but blank, and a single addpack template filled out. I tried re editing it about three times. Each time the installed packs file reset itself. I tried doing it without the b-team files in there and it still broke. I have no idea what to do.

I thought that a web connection would fix it but my ubuntu won't pick up the weak signal I can grab from wendy's and that isn't enough to download the pack at all.


Anyone have an idea or had the same problem?


Edited by Wraithz10
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