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Haveing problems with trying to join a server !

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I try to join a server and its says logging in and then tells me that the mod forge loader does not have some  versions of mods installed and I have reset my mod pack 3 times! plus some times when I click play it will freeze up then say reading pack error ! Plus , Plus the server has people playing on it ! Please help ! Thanks if u can !


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If you tell us which versions it says you're missing, I'll be able to tell you what the problem is.


The most likely thing is that you're running a different version of the B-Team to the server, but who's running what I can't say from the info you've given.

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Cookiebucket, without knowing which mods it's complaining about, I can't help (though if it's complaining and you're sure you've got 1.0.9c, then try 1.0.8).


Mannofaction, what you've got is something else - a full page of MFR errors, right?  Can you post your logs to the tracker, please? (links are in my sig).

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