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Every time I load up a world their is always one thing wrong with it or something odd about it.


The first world I spawned had CRAZY alps and highlands biomes they look a lot like the far lands


The second world I had never spawned any vanilla biomes until after 2000 blocks or so


The third world never had any villages, all villages were like 700 blocks apart, and they were all messed up, the roads spiked up and down, house were high in the air, and They would never spawn in plains biomes



Can anyone tell me what's going on? I just want to find some cool villages?

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Biomes O Plenty seems to make villages spawn in more biomes - more specifically BoP biomes. I live in a village that's in a BoP jungle biome, and I've seen one made out of Mossy Cobble next to a forest biome.

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Its partially because of the two b different world generators. BoP is a modded version of the vanilla version. They work well together while doing terrain generation but when it comes to villages they conlflict ever so slighty and messes some of the villages up...

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