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Quarry alternatives


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Ok, I TRIED to remember this but apparently my memory is failing me more and more lately...

Are there alternative to quarries?

I don't really mind the quarry itself but the hole it leaves and the billions of cobblestone it gives have proven to be a bit of a problem for me.

I would like to know if there are options, even in mods that are not in tekkit.

I remember there was the miner in ic2 and another machine in a mod that would only mine ores (but I don't remember this other mod, I think it was on the universal electricity website but seems to have disappeared).

Anyone can spare a thought?

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if you just want ressources, the MFR Laser Drills might be what you want (already in tekkit) they get ressources out of the bedrock...

however, due to it's massive power requirements (to operate them at full speed you'll need to generate 20kRF/t for a single drill) this is rather endgame equip...


if it's just the storage space you're lacking, have a look at DeepStorage Units, you can save your cobblesone in there ;)

DSU's are cheap and with the right setup at your quarry, you can have a chest with filled with ressources and all the 'crap' went to different DSU's (i used diamond pipes in the beginning to do a quick sort at the dig site and seperate cobble, dirt, gravel,... from all the useful materials...


that way, nothing spits out of your setup and you save materials for when you need them ;)

later you can attach these DSU's to your AE-network so nothing is lost in crafting and using them...

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(i used diamond pipes in the beginning to do a quick sort at the dig site and seperate cobble, dirt, gravel,... from all the useful materials...


You can do it with itemducts without any filtering setup: quarry -> vanilla chest on top-> itemduct with servo sucking out, and a series of DSUs (cobble, gravel, dirt, sand?, marble?) than a series of chests (diamond?) or an ender chest.


Just don't go with corners on the itemducts.... Trust me.


Back on the topic: I read somewhere about a script for turtles with mining just the good stuff and replace it with something else. Just as quick as a quarry.


Personally I put my cobble where it came from (filler from buildcraft) and a nice layer of dirt on top (my entire island looks like a flatland).

Edited by bochen415
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Eh, the flatland look/quarry holes is what I'd like to avoid.

I remember there was an advanced machine (maybe from complex machines?) that would mine only the ore but I don't remember the mod :/

I do know about laser drills but they sound a bit cheaty to me, also because I tend to oversize my fusion reactors :|

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You probably want the Ender Quarry from Extra Utilities. It is expensive, leaves the landscape intact, and is - to my knowledge - currently not in Tekkit. Not sure if Extra Utilities is on an old version, or if it's just disabled.

Edited by Curunir
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Or you can use cobblestone, dirt, gravel to make singularity.

Or make octuple compressed cobblestone.

About holes: I use Mystcraft ages. And I am about to mine in deep dark (Because I want to have octuple compressed cobblestone and if it is smooth black I need at least five to build 2001 monolith)

I asked for progarm for turtle to mine room for quarry but nobody answered.

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Or you can use cobblestone, dirt, gravel to make singularity.

Or make octuple compressed cobblestone.

About holes: I use Mystcraft ages. And I am about to mine in deep dark (Because I want to have octuple compressed cobblestone and if it is smooth black I need at least five to build 2001 monolith)

I asked for progarm for turtle to mine room for quarry but nobody answered.


the most pitch black material I know of is the "fabric of reality" of the DD mod even octuple compressed cobblestone still has a structure (but I admit, it's quite black ^^)


for the program, lua is a pain and normally the quarry digs it's own hole (all Materials are lost in the process, but a little loss is ok I think at max size this is 64x64x5 = 20480 blocks)

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Have you tried mining with a turtle as an alternative?  I just recently tried using this OreQuarry program on a mining turtle and was pleased with the results since you can specify blocks that the turtle should try and ignore.  On a 10x10 area 75 levels deep, I managed to hold everything returned by the turtle (including dirt and cobble) easily in a silver chest.  (I did modify the code as it assumes the lowest level the turtle can safely dig down to is level 5, but with flat bedrock on Tekkit, I changed that to level 2 to increase chances for the turtle to find diamonds.)

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Also possible to make overly complex machines using terrain smashers and redstone in motion for tunnel boring machines that mine deep underground, leaving the surface mostly untouched(only hole being where you dug down to build the tunnel bore.  They can be expensive to make, difficult to design, but, the important part is they are actually quite fun.  Especially if you enjoy the challange of designing and building complex structures.  Plus with redstone in motion, you can actually bring your refining equipment with you on the tunnel bore.  The whole device can also be operated using the force manipulator from mffs instead.  Just know that using a computer to control the force manipulator can cause memory issues on servers over a period of time due to repeated process thread creation each time the computer its self is moved.


Second option on the exact same line as the tunnel bore, is the plunge bore.  Instead of using terrain smashers, which can only be rotated horizontally, you use ME Transition Plains.  The difference here is this bore operates vertically, like a quarry.  It also requires a lot more player interaction due to needing to control height and issues with wireless redstone breaking when moved.  Drawback to this design is the same as a quarry, it leaves large holes in the ground as it operates.  You could also use the mffs force manipulator to move this bore as well.  Same as the tunnel bore.


Also note that the ME transition plains require a small me network be built on the plunge bore.  Both the network and the transition plains require power to operate.  And you'll need to give the ME network enough time between moves to reconnect with its components and finish moving any items into and out of the network.  Something like 3 seconds. between each move.


The terrain smasher design can move quite a bit faster and still operate just fine if you do not use an ME sub network.  A delay of as little as 1 second can work, most of the time, and still allow all items to make their way to a chest of tesseract.

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Best way to get ore are the MFR Laser. It's power consuming but If you can build a fusion powerplant then power isn't an issue.

To feed the fusion reactor with power and deuterium just hook a tesserect underneeth the reacter. The new tesseracts can send power,items and fluid throu the same tesseract.

Edited by badkruka
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You could always just put your quarries / turtles / RiM mining bores over the ocean, then cover it over with a simple flat layer when you're done.  The hole will be basically invisible if the water is deep enough, and most don't pay much attention to the seafloor anyway.

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