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java.lang.RuntimeException: No more entity indicies left

big indicator that theres no more entity IDs available, potentially mod conflicts if the entity ids arent being all taken up.


yea i was thinking of making a custom bteam pack, with metaworlds instead of archimedes ships and perhaps better dungeons mod. But I havent gotten around to it just yet.

java.lang.RuntimeException: No more entity indicies left

big indicator that theres no more entity IDs available, potentially mod conflicts if the entity ids arent being all taken up.


How do I fix that?


Generally, you don't. Either there are no more IDs available (in which case theres no way for you to fix this without removing other mods) or theres a conflict that ends up causing this error to be thrown instead of the real confliction, in which case, you might be able to fix it by removing incompatible mods or removing mods and then putting them back one by one until issue arises again then seeing if theres any conflict of IDs, entity names, etc.

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