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So, I was playing on a whitelist server for Attack Of the B-Team and I was exploring when suddenly, the server decided to crash. I logged back on and then all I saw was black and then the server crashed again, whenever I logged back on, the server would crash but all the other players could play completely fine. After that, I asked to owner to delete my player.dat file and he did, I am back on now but for some reason, when I stand on some of the blocks that I have previously placed before my player.dat file was deleted, I lag off of it. Also, I can't destroy or place on some of the blocks either... For example,I cannot stand on or break the stone coffee table from the furniture mod. If I stand on it, I lag of it, or, if I try to destroy it, the block appears again! And the other players can stand on or break the block that I cannot just fine! 


Is there anyway to fix this, sorry for making this hard to understand too!

Edited by XxSaRobz09xX
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