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Hello Technic community! I'm relatively new here but as a voltz player I am not. I'm still playing Voltz 2.0 until voltz 3.0 is pushed to recommended. I know there are still many of us that play voltz 2.0 so if you're in need of some things to do, I may have a video for it.


I currently have around 10 videos and I am looking to expand. I have lots of future content planned as there are many things i have yet to record. I'm not here begging for subscribers or anything just here to help players looking for an edge or players who are willing to learn. I also try to present my videos clearly so that they can be understood. If anyone need any help with anything I've recorded, just drop me a message and i'll help you out.


Furthermore, when voltz 3.0 is released I will then start making videos for that.


My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoknFdBl5-LHTKgtAur6Tg




Hints, Tips & Tricks is the Series I am currently working on...


Hints, Tips & Tricks #1 (Fuel-less Rocket)


Hints, Tips & Tricks #2 (EMP Proofing)


MFFS Mining:


20-30k Obsidian an Hour:


How to hack into a Locked Electric Chest!


How to use a Tracker! (Sorry about the breathing)


Efficent Fulmination (By ClaytonRayG)


Let's build a Spacestation Series: (This had to be discontinued as the server I play on reset half-way through it's recording).


Episode 1:


Episode 2:


Inspirational Builds:


Tunnel Bore


My spacestation!

Edited by ixbrandon
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