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Don't get me wrong the technic launcher is a great Idea but rather then running it through a beta a Opt in beta phase you kind of just forced it on us. Which from experience I know NEVER works well but then again any real gamer would know that.

Okay lets look at the launcher for a second we'll start with Pros since its clear it's easier to list those


1. Provides Support to people with accounts that are legitimate.

2. Provides a unique Interface

3. Allows you to download the Technic and Tekkit mod packs without having to visit the site.


1. Creates 3 times more issues and frustrations.

2. Allows for no real optimization or choice of what mods to install for your pc spec (things like Mo Creatures is Fluffware which just bogs down the machine I play on)

3. takes away any real installation control which often causes confusion and therefore issues of human error.

4. Loads MUCH slower on low spec machines then just modifying ones pre-existing minecraft.

5. the Creators were too busy puffing up their own egos to actually take notice that it does more harm then good right now and therefore the mod packs themselves suffer delays.

6. and one I'm personally contemplating may force individuals to assemble there own IC2/BC packs which will be less bulked down by fluff addons and will allow for an actual enjoyable user experience.

now I know it's optional to use your packs and launcher, and I really don't mind the account thing since I have one but you have to admit when your work causes more frustration then actual enjoyment. Common sense would say stop, look where you went wrong and fix without yanking the carpet from under peoples feet.

to be honest the brokken Tekkit release worked better for me on the launcher then the actual Technic release, atleast then my mods weren't conflicting and I wasn't having Issues out the ying yang.

Well the moral Don't allow for an option that doesn't work most of the time. and as always when trying something new give people a choice in the matter. well that and you pulled a Blizzard Entertainment. Launcher to Installer is like WoW Cata to WoW Vanilla right now.


We've mentioned previously that we are going to implement optional mods. Since we do this on our own spare time for no pay then you will understand why we have to depends on end users to test the launcher itself and help iron out the bugs.

It is slowly getting more stable and I do hope to sort the ongoing memory issue but this isn't my 9-5 job and most likely never will be. I help out the technic team because I enjoy the challenge and helping out a lot of people to have a hassle free Technic experience.

Since the launcher has only been out for a few days if it's not up to your standards I can suggest you just leave it for now and come back an try it again in a few weeks. It costs you nothing and never will.

Hopefully this reply provides a bit of insight into what I happening behind the scenes. Once we launched I took time off from the launcher except from critical bugs as it took a lot I time and effort to get going. Once things settle down I'm sure a lot o the core functionality that is currently missing will get implemented.

You'll just have to be patient is all




Don't get me wrong the technic launcher is a great Idea but rather then running it through a beta a Opt in beta phase you kind of just forced it on us.

I'm mildly curious, did you wait until Minecraft was out of beta mode to play it?


There go's that crazy Jay?, arguing with bad posts again.

for ease of viewing, my responses will be in bold italic.



1. Creates 3 times more issues and frustrations.

As someone who was constantly on the blog comments answering questions, i can tell you right off the bat that if you discount the people complaining about not having premium accounts, that statement is dead false.

2. Allows for no real optimization or choice of what mods to install for your pc spec (things like Mo Creatures is Fluffware which just bogs down the machine I play on)

This has already been stated to be in production, on top of which, you can use the modloader config do disable anything you don't want, anyway. (also, Are you seriously calling flying horses with inventories a "fluff" addon? there are certainly fluff addons, but mo creatures isn't one of them)

3. takes away any real installation control which often causes confusion and therefore issues of human error.

Actually, the removal of installation control causes LESS human error. It's the act of modding the installation by the end use that causes human error. for the majority of people, the installer works with significantly less hassle

4. Loads MUCH slower on low spec machines then just modifying ones pre-existing minecraft.

That expense is noted. This is because the launcher modifies its own minecraft every time you play. The upside to this, is that you can have your technic without switching out jars, and can feel free to mod your base minecraft, which is especially useful to people who play technic, but also modded servers that aren't tekkit

5. the Creators were too busy puffing up their own egos to actually take notice that it does more harm then good right now and therefore the mod packs themselves suffer delays.

The launcher is infrastructure. For sake of argument, we can call it a highway. During the construction of the highway, overall traffic suffers, due to diverted resources, but after completion it results in a very large net gain in speed, because it allows things to go from point A to point F, rather than from point A to B, then B to C, then C to D, then D to E, then E to F

6. and one I'm personally contemplating may force individuals to assemble there own IC2/BC packs which will be less bulked down by fluff addons and will allow for an actual enjoyable user experience.

Most users can barely tie their own shoes (for evidence, go look at the whale box, good god.), so the idea that these folks are going to go make their own mod packs is laughable. And for some odd reason, there aren't many complaints from people who actually know how to use their computers and the internet. Go figure.

now I know it's optional to use your packs and launcher, and I really don't mind the account thing since I have one but you have to admit when your work causes more frustration then actual enjoyment. Common sense would say stop, look where you went wrong and fix without yanking the carpet from under peoples feet.

They DO acknowledge that the account thing yanked the carpet out of a bunch of peoples feet. And not a single fuck is given.

to be honest the brokken Tekkit release worked better for me on the launcher then the actual Technic release, atleast then my mods weren't conflicting and I wasn't having Issues out the ying yang.

There is only one mod that's at odds with anything else in SSP right now, and it's millenaire, which is easily disabled. As for your broken Tekkit, you clearly didn't try using the zeppelins.

Well the moral Don't allow for an option that doesn't work most of the time. and as always when trying something new give people a choice in the matter. well that and you pulled a Blizzard Entertainment. Launcher to Installer is like WoW Cata to WoW Vanilla right now.

That's the moral is it? Don't allow for an option that isn't 100% functional? You do realize that the other option was for us to all wait longer for the release of Version 6 right? If that is something that you would have supported, then sir, i must give a hearty "Fuck You".



"I'm sorry I will never know a woman's touch, and you will never be..."

The only touch I need is from your silky, delicate artists hands baby.
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Don't get me wrong the technic launcher is a great Idea but rather then running it through a beta a Opt in beta phase you kind of just forced it on us. Which from experience I know NEVER works well but then again any real gamer would know that.

Okay lets look at the launcher for a second we'll start with Pros since its clear it's easier to list those


1. Provides Support to people with accounts that are legitimate.

2. Provides a unique Interface

3. Allows you to download the Technic and Tekkit mod packs without having to visit the site.


1. Creates 3 times more issues and frustrations.

2. Allows for no real optimization or choice of what mods to install for your pc spec (things like Mo Creatures is Fluffware which just bogs down the machine I play on)

3. takes away any real installation control which often causes confusion and therefore issues of human error.

4. Loads MUCH slower on low spec machines then just modifying ones pre-existing minecraft.

5. the Creators were too busy puffing up their own egos to actually take notice that it does more harm then good right now and therefore the mod packs themselves suffer delays.

6. and one I'm personally contemplating may force individuals to assemble there own IC2/BC packs which will be less bulked down by fluff addons and will allow for an actual enjoyable user experience.

now I know it's optional to use your packs and launcher, and I really don't mind the account thing since I have one but you have to admit when your work causes more frustration then actual enjoyment. Common sense would say stop, look where you went wrong and fix without yanking the carpet from under peoples feet.

to be honest the brokken Tekkit release worked better for me on the launcher then the actual Technic release, atleast then my mods weren't conflicting and I wasn't having Issues out the ying yang.

Well the moral Don't allow for an option that doesn't work most of the time. and as always when trying something new give people a choice in the matter. well that and you pulled a Blizzard Entertainment. Launcher to Installer is like WoW Cata to WoW Vanilla right now.

You're young aren't you? I can tell.

Lets start with the cons:


1. Creates 3 times more issues and frustrations.

Is that a scientific figure? Because according to MY calculations it makes things eleventy k more better.


2. Allows for no real optimization or choice of what mods to install for your pc spec (things like Mo Creatures is Fluffware which just bogs down the machine I play on)

For a REAL GAMER you sure don't "get" how to edit some modloader configs. Heck, we give you a button and everything!


3. takes away any real installation control which often causes confusion and therefore issues of human error.

I dunno guy, now we can guarantee that the installation will always be .techniclauncher/technicssp (or /tekkit, or /yogbox). Maybe you just confuse easily?

4. Loads MUCH slower on low spec machines then just modifying ones pre-existing minecraft.

Its true. Maybe you should stick with vanilla?

5. the Creators were too busy puffing up their own egos to actually take notice that it does more harm then good right now and therefore the mod packs themselves suffer delays.

The correct term is 'getting blown', you'll learn about it when you get older.

6. and one I'm personally contemplating may force individuals to assemble there own IC2/BC packs which will be less bulked down by fluff addons and will allow for an actual enjoyable user experience.

Fret not! AMCO modpack is out there for you!


now I know it's optional to use your packs and launcher, and I really don't mind the account thing since I have one but you have to admit when your work causes more frustration then actual enjoyment. Common sense would say stop, look where you went wrong and fix without yanking the carpet from under peoples feet.

Ok first admit you are a silly biscuit.


Well the moral Don't allow for an option that doesn't work most of the time. and as always when trying something new give people a choice in the matter. well that and you pulled a Blizzard Entertainment. Launcher to Installer is like WoW Cata to WoW Vanilla right now.

The moral eh? How about "No." We aren't going to double our work load and keep doing it the old way because a small minority doesn't like it.

The moral of the story: lol farts

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