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Crash Test Dummy
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Everything posted by SXScarecrow

  1. *epic guitar solo*
  2. So I return to the community after a LONG break, and once again I. HAVE. NO. IDEA. WHAT. IS. GOING. ON. (No seriously, since when was KJ resurrected?)
  3. Apparently, I'm a Dummy now. Woop woop!

  4. In my 1.7.10 modpack, I don't add the jar file into that folder. I just use an edited version.json and it just works. So of course I recommend something that I know works.
  5. Yes, the version.json needs to be edited and packaged inside the modpack.jar nine times out of ten. This is because in the version.json you are specifying a load order inside the minecraft wrapper. If you do not do this, it is likely that forge and liteloader will conflict/behave weirdly or as you stated, liteloader simply won't work. Make the changes, and zip your edited version.json inside the modpack.jar file, replacing the previous one.
  6. If you go to the Liteloader install page, it will give you a small tutorial about how to modify a version.json to create a liteloader install. Then, you need to stick that version.json INSIDE your modpack.jar file, replacing the one that is already there.
  7. I would like you to send me a link for that one. I found many packs with the word 'generation' in them, but not one explicitly called 'Generation'. To prove my point, I just tried to create a pack called Millenium, with a slug of 'millenium'. This certainly does NOT exist on the Platform, and yet I get the same error.
  8. That isn't the issue. I highly doubt that the slug 'generation--sck' exists, even if the pack was hidden. I think it's a Platform bug; I've experienced similar issues before.
  9. I'm trying to create a new modpack on the Platform called 'Generation'. However, every time I do, I receive this message: After trawling the Platform, I cannot find a pack called 'Generation', nor can I find a modpack with the same slug. Bearing in mind I am importing from solder, I changed the slug to something unique, as seen below: And yet I still get the error messages. Can someone tell me what's going on/help me fix this issue?
  10. Thanks for confirming that, I'll get right on it.
  11. Quick question; I've got a Solder-enabled modpack on the Platform, and although Solder seems to work fine (I can publish new builds through Solder and download them), the Mod List tab seems to have disappeared from my modpack page on the Platform? Where did it go and can I get it back?
  12. Wondering: Will Technic ever fix the constant 502 errors, or will the Platform only be accessible 1% of the time?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CanVox


      We're making some server conversions tonight that will improve behavior.

    3. CanVox


      We pull in enough money from ads to pay for the servers to serve our users, our historical problems have been that in Platform 1, we were using a framework that did not scale well enough to make it a fixable problem.

      With the new platform, we can scale up to match users, our main problem over the past few days has been the manpower to adjust things to handle the bandwidth.

      So over the first 3-4 days, we've improved caching at both the launcher and the website, rebu...

    4. CanVox


      Haha welp I posted a lengthy description of what we'd been doing but it was too long for the shoutbox and so it got eaten. We've been doing a lot of fixes for the platform and tonight the largest one is going through.

  13. It goes without saying that I've had to remove the links in the OP because they link to Cauldron and MCPC+ files, which have been subject to a DMCA takedown notice. I will replace them shortly with standard Minecraft Forge server zips, but they will not be have Bukkit on and thus plugins will not work. I strongly suggest people go out and find alternatives to Bukkit, or wait for 1.8 and Sponge.
  14. I have another idea you might want to consider. I always have a hard time with changelogs; I keep forgetting what I've done! What if Solder automatically generated a changelog for you and slotted the newest entry into the Changelog section on the Platform page? So, if I update a mod version from 1.1 to 1.2, it would be automatically recorded in Solder and added to the Platform page. I would make a PR for this feature myself but my knowledge of PHP is sadly lacking at the moment, and I'm not sure how the new Platform will work with Solder. I don't want to create something cool and then find out its useless with the new version! (Said every mod author ever).
  15. Here's an idea: while we wait for it to get fixed, transfer your modpack over to the vanilla launcher and run it from there.
  16. Updated the OP once again. Now includes libraries and required minecraft_server.jar for the MC version (Cauldron calls minecraft_server.jar during loading). Also includes link to Cauldron website and the Cauldron version for each file.
  17. It would be helpful if we could see the crash report that comes up when you try to add Universal Electricity to the modpack. Also, UE-core is what you should be using.
  18. I've updated the OP to include Cauldron (the successor to MCPC+) versions of the 1.6.4 and 1.7.2 server files. I've also added a Cauldron 1.7.10 server file download, enjoy!
  19. It's a Class Cast Exception. Basically a java class file (in this case Obsidian TNT) cannot be cast to another class file (a mob it seems). Try running your server on peaceful difficulty and see if that helps.
  20. Eloraam is BACK! Check her Twitter!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SXScarecrow


      Meh, it looks like she's having a hissy fit about the EULA change regards mods we got involved in over February.

    3. planetguy


      RedPower was awesome, but frankly I don't trust Eloraam's update cycle. With ProjectRed coming along, now I don't have to, either.

    4. Sabakugaara8


      Personally, I hope her return will bring on a new era of RP.

  21. It's a scala issue, I had it on my modpack. Download scala-library-2.10.2.jar again and place in the appropriate libraries folder. For good measure, update your java to Java 7 Update 51.
  22. We decided early on not to fork, but the speed of progression means we may end up doing so!
  23. Apologies if it is in the wrong place, I thought it had better go in a forum about creating things than anywhere else. We are doing this for several reasons: The three of us had all run successful servers and communities before (one of us still does, with my help) and we wanted to try something new, a challenge if you like. Two of us have excellent experience creating and managing modpacks and from time spent here, I know lots of people struggle with it. We wanted to simplify the whole process, and when 1.7.2 came out, we were inspired. My server and community ran into difficulties and was shut down. I needed something else to fill the gap. We honestly believe we can create a launcher of excellent quality to benefit the community. The way we see it, even though they are some exceptional ones out there, we can do just as good as they have. More competition is not necessarily a bad thing. So there's some of our reasoning. Once again, apologies if this is in the wrong place.
  24. So I return to the community, sorry for the absence guys! Also, big thanks to plowmanplow for helping out people in this thread in my stead. You have earned yourself a cookie!
  25. Hi there, It's been a while since I last posted here, but I've been tied up with exams etc, and in a collaboration with two other talented people (we like to think ourselves as a sort of unholy trinity) we are working on a new project; yet another flipping Minecraft Launcher! The name kind of sucks at this point, but we have a working prototype (well, working on Mac anyway, Windows testing is coming). The general idea is to allow end users to create their own modpacks within the launcher, so they literally select a MC version, what mods they want, and the launcher downloads those mods and launches them in an MC instance. For versions post 1.7.2, ID conflicts won't be an issue, however we still have a lot to fix before this idea becomes a reality (we already have it working at a very basic level at this stage, so its not impossible, just flipping difficult). Of course, in addition to this there will be premade modpacks on the launcher ready to grab at any stage, and we are also planning a Platform-like system for public, user-created modpacks. There is a huge amount to figure out, but from the start we decided this would be a proper community project and so we would like to hear your feedback on what this new launcher project should and should not include. I have much enjoyed Technic over the years and am constantly amazed at what comes from this community of awesome nutters, but now we want to see if we can do it too! Please post your feedback below and if you come up with a decent name, feel free to share since we suck at naming things! (Seriously, look at my modpack, geez....) EDIT: Unsure of where to post this so I stuck it here, seemed to be the most appropriate place.
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