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Everything posted by plowmanplow

  1. We might have a disconnect here. MCPC+ "replaces" the Forge jar when starting up the server. Also, there are six matches for a pack with "agrarian skies" in the name. Please provide a link.
  2. I assume you are referring to this Bukkit plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ultimate-skyblock/ What are you using to provide Bukkit support? MCPC+? What modpack are you using?
  3. During my time providing support for custom modpacks I have occasionally run across a pack which required PermGen allocation to be higher than the default 128M. I've seen questions about this before so I figured I would make a post about it for folks to gander at, but also so that it would show up when searched for as well. I have also seen posts by folks looking to include LiteLoader in a Technic custom modpack. For 1.7.2+ this is as simple as dropping the LiteLoader jar file into a modpack. For <=1.6.4 it is a bit more involved. The Java arguments which are passed to the client process by the launcher are pulled from the "version.json" file inside the modpack.jar. That file can be edited to provide additional command line parameters such as for PermSize and to include libraries such as LiteLoader. For PermGen space on a server you simply add this to your command line: -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128mThis can be set to whatever you need so bumping it to 256m is straight forward. In the client, since the Launcher will pull the version.json file out of modpack.jar and overwrite the file in the "bin" folder it is necessary to edit the file in the modpack.jar to persist any changes. Simply add the PermSize changes to the parameters at the top of the file like so: "minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --session ${auth_session} --version ${version_name} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${game_assets} --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker",becomes "minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --session ${auth_session} --version ${version_name} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${game_assets} -XX:MaxPermSize=256m --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker",In a similar fashion, it is possible to add the LiteLoader initialization like so: "minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --session ${auth_session} --version ${version_name} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${game_assets} --tweakClass com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker",note the addition of: --tweakClass com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweakerAfter the change to the startup parameters, it is necessary to add a library definition to the version.json file as well. Look for the section right at the top that has this line: "libraries": [then add the following directly after that and before the first existing library definition: { "url": "http://dl.liteloader.com/versions/", "name": "com.mumfrey:liteloader:1.6.4" },For those of you who don't want to go editing your own files I have prepared downloads with the changes already in place. These are Solder ready but can easily be used in your standard modpack by unzipping them. Forge for 1.6.4 Build 965 with LiteLoader: https://copy.com/VJWY16eHefyt?download=1]1.6.4_9.11.1.965_LL Forge for 1.6.4 Build 965 with 256M PermSize: https://copy.com/B0y1EHeTTLwU?download=1]1.6.4_9.11.1.965_PG Forge for 1.6.4 Build 965 with LiteLoader and 256M PermSize: https://copy.com/3zQXwpU4YMR9?download=1]1.6.4_9.11.1.965_LL_PG
  4. ForgeMultipart goes in mods1.6.4
  5. Machinist's Workbench http://teamcofh.com/index.php?page=machinist-s-workbench
  6. Yes, the very first hit from a Google search for "forge multipart" yields this: http://files.minecraftforge.net/ForgeMultipart/index_legacy.html
  7. This is being caused by the OreSpawn mod or something intefering with that mod's entity spawning. I am not super familiar with OreSpawn but you'll want to post your crash report in their threads/support forums/etc. to get better help.
  8. Feel free to keep the thread going for the server. Crafting Suite/Project Bench is a good one, but keep in mind that the latest TE has one too.
  9. Hmm. The pack "works" at the moment. I haven't gone through and tested things like worldgen balance (ores, fluids, etc.) or integration (like TreeCapitator and a quick glance shows that it still needs at least Galacticraft and ProjectRed integrated, maybe more).
  10. I see no unexpectedly missing textures. There are very few missing overall and those are from mods not really considered "complete".
  11. Your modpack.jar is the Forge installer, not the Forge universal binary. You have renamed all of your mods to remove the version numbers from the file names. This is very bad. Managing versions of mods is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a pack and without versions in the file names you will be hard pressed to do that. You have block ID conflicts between BoP and PowerBoxes. You have many item ID conflicts. Check your FMLClient log. Your ComputerCraft (1.63) does not match your OpenMods API. CC recently updated and almost no other mods have switched to the CC-1.6 API. This is additionally complicated by a change in the CC API which requires that other mods integrate the BundledRedstone API as CC no longer does that internally.
  12. Galacticraft: http://ci.micdoodle8.com/job/Galacticraft/ You need Optifine 1.6.4_HD_U_D1 from here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/249637-174-optifine-hd-d1-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af-and-much-more/
  13. I'm going to assume your "Configs and Mods" is your server stuff: Remove DamageIndicators You need to manually install the most recent recommended version of ForgeMultipart in both client and server. The client is auto-downloading a different one than the server is. Client modpack: You should seriously consider updating ProjectRed You have no config files (except one) in your client modpack config folder. You MUST sync up your configs between client and server.
  14. Please don't start multiple threads for the same problem. It makes it very difficult for those of us who try to provide support to figure out what's current. Something is amiss. You claim that your PC has 8G of ram, but that crash report shows that you have a 32bit OS installed. 32bit Windows can only use (a bit under) 4G of RAM total. Additionally, you won't be able to assign more than 1G to your client which can cause problems.
  15. Simply make a zip file with your config and mods folders and put it somewhere I can download it. Additionally, it would be extremely helpful to have a link to your technic pack page.
  16. Client only mods which need to be removed for the server: REIMinimap DamageIndicators OptiFine Mod Installer (what is this? The correct optifine download for 1.6.4 is just a jar file like any other mod) Mod notes: Why do you have a (old) version of CoFHCore and no Thermal Expansion? You have some old versions of other mods (bspkrscore, BiblioCraft, ProjectRed, etc.) with known issues. If you are starting from scratch it is prudent to get the most recent compatible versions from the mod author's preferred distribution channels. Why have you added a PowerConverters mod that is different from the one I linked in my original post referencing IC2? PortableJim's version (which I linked) is far superior. I would recommend that, once you get the server working, you should set immibis microblocks to autodetect cuttable blocks to get a working start. Doing it completely manually is a pain in the butt (experience talking). Making these changes allowed me to start your server and to connect with the client.
  17. Alright. Downloading now. As for the advanced solars, I'm not sure I understand your consternation. The link I posted way back in the beginning has a link to Sentimel's Advanced Solars which are very nice (and more feature rich than Atomic Stryker's version).
  18. yes, your config and mods folders from the server should be enough.
  19. At this point I am going to need a link to an archive ZIP of the client pack you are using. I can turn that into a server locally for testing in a minute or two and try things out to see what's going wrong. You don't need to make a whole pack page for it yet, just upload it to copy.com or something and give me a download link.
  20. This looks odd. You should never have this file named this way anywhere in your pack: 2014-04-30 16:36:22 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] Examining for coremod candidacy ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- I'm seeing some really weird stuff in that log. I think we'll need to have an archive of your server before continuing.
  21. Well, when I posted it there was. However, there is a giant link that says "For legacy builds click here"
  22. Edit the virus protection policies on the modpack folder to give it an exclusion.
  23. Problem 1: You have a ton of item ID conflicts in your modpack. IDFixMinus does a moderately okay job but isn't perfect. You still need to check your FML Client logs to identify and fix ID conflicts if they exist. Client only mods in your pack which need to be removed on the server: ArmorStatusHUD IngameInfo mapwriter notenoughkeys However, you have a larger problem. You have so many mods installed that you are running out of PemGen memory when trying to join the server. This is fixable (editing version.json in your modpack.jar) but will require a bit of editing. Making these changes allowed me to start a server with your pack (minus those mods) and join it with your modpack/client.
  24. "technuckpack"... umm, yeah, I'm not clicking on that.
  25. Heh, you just posted a link to this thread. Just try removing that mod and seeing if it works. If not, come back here and post your technic pack page and/or modpack download URL.
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