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Everything posted by plowmanplow

  1. @TokiWartooth: So, what is the use of two tesseracts at the quarry? I would think it makes most sense to just teleport everything back to your base and sort/process it there?
  2. If you set it up properly, fuel can be a fantastic way to provide power. It is SOOOO energy dense compared to other fuel sources.
  3. I could go into the math detailing quarry energy consumption, but the BC wiki does a fine job of that.
  4. Indeed. Quarries will use about 48 MJ/t if you have enough power. They are speedy at that rate, but that's quite a bit of power.
  5. Hehe, ahh. Yes, the WorldEdit "fixlava" command finds flowing lava and turns it back into a source block.
  6. Go to location in nether with "consumed" lava Stand at the lowest level of the consumption with your character just touching a bit of lava at that level (creative mode helps here, but MMMPS works too) type "/fixlava 150" Continue "up" levels at that location until all lava in that area is "fixed" if ( ! lavaFixed == true ) goto #1
  7. I maintain both a 64x and a 128x Sphax patch for Tekkit: https://www.jaj.com/tekkit/SphaxTekkit64x_Patch.zip https://www.jaj.com/tekkit/SphaxTekkit128x_Patch.zip You will, of course, need to copy that over the files from the base Sphax for the appropriate texture size to get a workable Tekkit pack.
  8. The nice thing about the "Chunk Loader" over the Teleport Tether is that the system will keep track of who owns them. That being said, just type "/chunkloaders" in the game and you'll get an external app which will let you track them all down and break them. Then you can use some plugin or mod to prevent players from placing them.
  9. My server maintains right at 20 TPS with 4-5 people on and literally 100s of magmatics running inside chunk loader managed chunks, along with all the stuff that much power would operate.
  10. Retroactive ore generation "might" do that. Also, if you have a crapton of flowing lava (pumping from the nether) it can suck down the TPS as well.
  11. As for MMMPS, I recommend just disabling modules in the config. That way, you can later easily pick and choose what you want to enable since disabling MMMPS completely is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You can tune nearly every aspect of the suit. Don't want super fast flight? Slow it down. Want lava to kill you quick? Easy peasy. Want the autofeeder to consume food like John Candy on the day after fat camp? Go for it.
  12. That version of AE is likely compiled with a version of the BC API that Tekkit isn't using yet. Plus, that is a TON of changes to make to something that is a release candidate, so don't hold your breath.
  13. Was getting some errors when placing rednet cable in an area where a floodlight was located: Server log: http://pastebin.com/jjNAXYVm ForgeModLoader-server-0.log: http://pastebin.com/eQxidR6j
  14. What do you mean by "remember jobs"? That they disappear from the crafting terminal? That they don't complete crafting? Much more info would be helpful here as my relatively extensive ME network seems to operate just fine.
  15. Dash: Thanks. I remember seeing something about that in a changelog, but I guess I had forgotten and didn't make the connection.
  16. I seem to be missing the "Custom Colour" and the one for the glowy bits in the Tinker Table for MMMPS. They are all enabled in the config files. Any suggestions?
  17. Thermal Expansion in this version has a feature that is supposed to re-populate existing chunks with Uranite. However, I let it run for more than 2 days and it didn't finish so not sure what's going on with that (maybe nearly 60 mystcraft ages?) I went ahead and turned off the retroactive ore generation. However, my server is running in the 18.5 TPS range with 100% single core usage with no one logged in. We've got about 50 chunks always loaded, but nothing in those loaded chunks is doing anything at all. Less than 200 entities. No active processing, quarries, etc. Solved: We had 3 locations in the nether that were pumping lava to the overworld. They had basically been exhausted so there were 3 LARGE radii areas with 3-4 layers of flowing lava. I went to all of them and "fixed" the lava with WorldEdit. All the lag went away and I'm back to a solid 20 TPS.
  18. You can hook up RS conduits to turbines (big or small) and pipe it into energy cells. My experiments have resulted in less than stellar power production, especially considering the costs, but might just need more research.
  19. Might a Jailer's Safari Net work for that?
  20. Yeah, not really sure why no one seems to be aware of the Water Pump Pipe (WPP). It's been in since Tekkit Lite.
  21. Aqueous Accumulator just needs to be adjacent to source block(s) and causes the least lag because the water doesn't have to "flow". The Water Pump Pipe only needs a single source block so it can be very compact in a build. The AA "might" be faster, but the WPP can easily keep up with 4 combustions.
  22. BC Pump for water = old and tired Aqueous Accumulator or Water Pump Pipe = the new way. Doesn't consume source blocks or need power
  23. Heh, yeah. I started it up before heading to work this morning and checked back at a bit after 4pm. Still regenerating so I decided to disable FlatBedrock regen and restart. At the rate it's running right now it'll take a couple days to complete. I assume it is rate-limiting itself to spare some server load since I'm hovering around 18.5 TPS (with no one logged in). A high-rate "fill" with WorldBorder can spank it a lot harder.
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