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Everything posted by plowmanplow

  1. A chunk loader for your base when using remote quarries. Quarries keep their chunks loaded.
  2. BuildCraft 3, which includes all the versions for MC 1.4.x includes the increased speed/power of the quarry.
  3. The maximum energy consumption of a quarry is just north of 48 MJ/t. The numbers play out something like this: At 10 MJ/t the quarry will move at a constant speed without pausing. It takes energy to move the gantry, and to break each block. The quarry consumes 60 MJ for every block it breaks, regardless of gantry speed At the gantry's max speed the quarry will use 32 MJ/t (0.26 blocks/tick) At the gantry's max speed the block breaking will consume a bit over 15 MJ/t
  4. Temporarily turn off your anti-virus before starting. Enable it after it runs successfully. (just a suggestion)
  5. I know how to start a fire with sticks and some dry brush. That doesn't mean I'm not going to use the lighter I have in my front pocket. Thermal Expansion's conduits are superior to BC conductive pipes in every way, in every circumstance. And not just a little better. It is like the difference between flint&steel and a cigarette lighter. Plus, conduits are WAY better when it comes to system resource usage.
  6. Yes, the default Tesseract energy loss is a brutally punishing 25%. Phased pipes lose 5% (when they work) and suck in an extreme way compared to Tesseracts. Changing Tesseract loss down to at most 10%, and preferrably 5% to match phased pipes to discourage their use, is prudent.
  7. Never use conductive pipes or phased pipes. Ever. They suck. Always use Thermal Expansion's Redstone Energy Conduits and Tesseracts. (also, change the tesseract energy loss in the config to 5% to match phased pipes or convince your server owner to do so to discourage phased pipe use since they suck so hard and are currently broken as you have seen)
  8. 3 chunk loaders per player: I do allow players to place but not craft loaders. Yes, they could use some sneaky automated placing/crafting mechanism, but it is so trivial to monitor where they are in all dimensions (the /chunkloaders command) that anyone who broke the rules would just get booted. Besides, as long as there isn't more that a few hundred chunks force loaded it hardly matters.
  9. I have a server with up to 10 people on at once. I allow 3 chunk loaders per person and no real limit on quarries. We have had 7 64x64 quarries running in a MystCraft age. Hell, someone screwed up and spilled over 170K entities into the world. The server never even stumbled. Rule with an iron fist. If someone does something malicious, just ban them and tear it down. If you are running a big server there of course have to be compromises. Only ban some of the bad stuff in the over world. That way if you have to reset the nether or an age from corrupt ions it's no great loss.
  10. 10 active, concurrent players through hundreds of worlds (pocket dims, ages, etc.) and no permissions problems of any sort. Both on Tekkit Lite and the new Tekkit.
  11. I've been using PermissionsEx for a while. Seems to be working alright.
  12. - 7 active people on one of my servers and at a solid ~20 TPS - Folks decide to set up 5 64x64 quarries in mystcraft ages with power and items linked to overworld processing... still solid ~20 TPS - only 3 people on the server, none of the quarries running, 2 people in pocket_dims... sometimes as low as 15 TPS I'm not too worried about the minor-ish lag, but not sure how well it would scale. Someone screwed up with a quarry/processing setup (for which they were forced to wear a cape with "Dunce" stenciled on it: http://mc.wegoboom.biz/capes/Dunce_cape.png ) that popped 170K+ entities out into the overworld and the server only dropped to ~12 TPS and the lag was hardly noticeable, but again, not sure how well that would scale if there were 20+ people on instead of 3. IMHO, if at all possible, I'd leave them in because they are pretty freaking cool.
  13. Did you have a chunk loader of some type in the nether? If the chunks aren't loaded (wherever they are) no machines will function
  14. Sure. Made a MV solar array factory using turtles with remote inventory monitoring and summary/activity display. Quite entertaining to watch. Was in Tekkit Lite so I hope things are better now, but that thing wouldn't run for more than 10-15 minutes before the server just silently stopped responding. No errors, no CPU load, no disk activity, no logs, just complete hang of the process requiring a "kill -9". All the code was fairly simple, and extensively debugged by multiple people. It "should" have worked fine. Super fun though. I still use them all the time. I've actually implemented an online player detector with CC in the new Tekkit. I have a background perl script that starts before the server and monitors the server log. The script simply creates a file on the disk in the mods/ComputerCraft/apis/players/ directory for each player that is online and removes them when they leave. Makes it super easy to have a simple program running on the computers to monitor for the existence of the file for a particular player. Been running since the weekend Tekkit came out with not a single problem. Saved the program to mods/ComputerCraft/apis/custom/playerdetector.lua. All players have to do is make a startup file with "shell.run("/apis/custom/playerdetector.lua", "myplayername")" and it works just like the detector from TubeStuff.
  15. Keeping in mind that much of what a CC computer was needed for can now be achieved with the MFR Programmable RedNet Controller (PRC).
  16. Well, true, that was stated by King Lemming and he should know, hehe. However, in my opinion, one should always design systems to self-regulate and having engines running when they aren't needed doesn't really qualify. :)
  17. If you don't see the higher ram settings then you are most likely running a 32bit version of Java. Do this: open a command prompt (cmd.exe) type "java -version" (without quotes) and hit enter The last line with text should say 32-Bit or 64-Bit If you have the 32bit version you need to remove all instance of Java from your system (uninstall) and download the latest 64bit Java 7 JRE from java.sun.com
  18. Super simple. Make a Cobblestone Structure Pipe and connect it to the top of the pump with a gate attached. Set the gate to emit redstone when full energy. Engine will never overload/seize.
  19. MineFactoryReloaded (MFR) is the auto-farm be-all-end-all of automatic farming of plants and animals http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1629898-147-powercrystals-mods-mfr-21-powerconverters-netherores-and-more/
  20. RedNet cables from MineFactoryReloaded
  21. Hmm, don't know about that seldom upgrade thing. MCPC+ updates FAR more often than MC vanilla for lots of fixes.
  22. Well, then you have to guess what version you are using. Changing your launch script to run the new jar, or better yet making a link to the full MCPC+ jar name and referencing the link, preserves the original file name so it is easy to know which build you are using.
  23. The kinetic generator makes ton of heat now. There are ways to dissipate that heat, but it's still a hassle. I think what makes more sense is to have a duplicate of the one item you have your battery in. Keep the duplicate in your energetic infuser and when the one you have runs down just swap it for the one in the infuser.
  24. Download MCPC+ here: http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus/ (pay close attention to which one you need, ver for 1.5.1) Place in same folder as your Tekkit.jar Change your batch/script to run the MCPC+ jar instead of your Tekkit.jar
  25. I would imagine it is by design... the name itself implies that
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