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Everything posted by Torezu

  1. Converted accounts use the email address you gave Mojang for the "username". If that doesn't work, you have internet connection problems or antivirus/firewall behavior issues, or your copy of Java or the launcher needs reinstalled. In any case, Munaus is correct: post a bug report.
  2. Fyi, your external links don't appear to be links at all.
  3. Closed. FarmerFist has an all-in-one thread for his servers.
  4. Moved from Big Dig Servers, which this isn't, to a place where you're more likely to get a coherent answer.
  5. 3.1.2 would indeed be Tekkit Classic. Thread locked, as question has been answered.
  6. Nah. It's not really a bug. More like a feature.
  7. That's unless you're one of those fortunate few that can still use their IGN for login because they never converted their account.
  8. This doesn't really belong here. Use the tracker if you'd like to report a bug, but I'd perform a short forum search first.
  9. It looks like Java is probably not installed correctly. I would reinstall it, since you're slightly out of date anyway, and make sure you get the 64-bit version.
  10. You need a link to the launcher page for your pack. You are not allowed to post a link to your own launcher, as we have no idea whether it is or contains malware.
  11. Thread locked due to OP being banned. Please use this thread instead: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  12. OP: The warning points will expire. I can't remove them. I locked the other server thread, so you can use this one. I'll edit the other thread to add a link.
  13. Minecraft, or the launcher, is still using 32-bit Java. My guess is that you don't have the 64-bit version correctly installed.
  14. All of our food is genetically modified to make us hungry a few hours after eating it. We wouldn't actually need to eat if we never started.
  15. It even had a public warning on it.
  16. Fyi, your post needs fixed to use either actual black (not a dark font) or a light-colored text. It's difficult to read right now.
  17. Not very much, since anyone using it for ads gets...ummm, punished.

  18. It's not instant like the other one was, but there's a Moderating Team button at the bottom of the main page, and the Online status of the staff is in there. Unless they're hiding from you.
  19. This is incorrect. This is correct, with one caveat: if someone violates your TM, you are responsible for protecting it, typically with a cease and desist letter followed by a civil suit if that doesn't work. If you fail to protect your trademark, you go the way of the escalator, though in your case being genericized is...unlikely. Disclaimer: IANAL, but I have been to a couple of small classes on IP protection, given my occupation.
  20. Update your Java version first, since that often has to do with how data is read on transfer. Unfortunately, this just sounds like a bad case of server-client comms lag, and Hamachi may have a lot to do with it.
  21. I'm fairly certain this server is closed, so I'm locking the thread. If it's open, the OP can contact a mod to unlock the thread, but the Hexxit version should also be added to the title.
  22. Thread locked. There is specifically no place to showcase mod packs because there would be 5000 people trying to get their modpack noticed. You're probably going to have to go one (or both) of two routes to get attention for this: host a popular server on the custom pack section (and advertise on other sites if you want to), or put terms in the platform that people search for. Otherwise, the pack is likely to disappear into the depths of the platform archives.
  23. EE2 gets boring because that's all you need. Use the new stuff. To answer your question, not really, since EE2 was never updated past MC 1.2.5. So, I guess it depends on what pack in the launcher you used to start the new world, but the answer's likely to be no, still.
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