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Everything posted by Karaktar

  1. ok thanks think i got it figured im going to make the ver numbers link where ever possible to the mods main page what i mean is there website lol not the wiki main page
  2. ok i tried but i broke it take a look at the mod list it not good i sorry
  3. uh ok where do i find the wiki to help on nvm found it
  4. Alright either way I'm ready to help just point in the general direction please
  5. id like to offer my help though i have never done any wiki work i think its invaluable to this pack i cant code or anything but if theres anything i can do to help like compile information and such pm me or post here i think i will follow this topic i guess i shouldnt lie lol i can sort of code but not really and not to any great extent and probably not of any use here any how but i do want to help so just shoot me a line if anything comes to mind
  6. i havent experiance any trouble finding ores mind you i quickly built a quarry first chance i got after that no problem and it only took me maybe an hr to find the mats to build one
  7. what the hell i will chime in on this too lol try playing around with the timer (square wave) passed to a counter then send to a passthrough finally to a null output on the final count (so it doesnt keep opening and closing) since right now there isnt a delay circuit (coming in the next release ) i think that may work either that or using a button for input then a pulser lengther to a timer might be tricky to set up the timing also make the prc manual it will help explain things better imo it needs more work before this really becomes as usful as they want it to be
  8. well im not sure i was under the impression it lights up and stays lit while its connected either way if your standing in front of the detecting computer and its not lit then somthing is either wrong with the ports or with the code it self i havent tested the new release with keys im still using the original so i cant say for sure its not the code
  9. Ok the red ring is important it means it's connected I would start from scratch and double or even triple check the port I assume by double sided you mean you built the door twice back to back facing out
  10. Come to think of it you would need to invert it to make that work
  11. There's a player sensor block in nei just place that where the door computer is up top and you should be good to go
  12. And do you have some screen shots Also press tab and double check your name i didn't think mine had any uppercase but it did
  13. Its case sensitive I had a similar problem till I figured that out
  14. i think what im going for is something using your code that i could have run multiple things like open the door turn on me system turn on light all depending on where i was in the building esentially creating a smart home in minecraft at least that my vision
  15. i can see your point about user friendliness however if like your key it could simply be an optional feature it would eliminate that problem and i can see your point about mistakes however i don't think your giving enough credit to ppl yes there are some complete idiots out there with barely enough brains to breath let alone come in from the rain however it is my opinion that if the question were posed by the computer in a matter of fact way it would be simple enough for most players to muddle through with very few errors and would make it more customizable and suitable for a larger variety of uses aside from a door lock and opener however i respect your decision to go in a different direction with it and only ask permission to take your code as it is now and expand on it to the ends that i wish to see it accomplish with the help of the cc community all credit for the original code will still go to you one more note i am certainly not knocking your work or your code i think it was very well written i just believe it can do more then it currently is i am not trying to take anything from you or your work thanks
  16. Ok i hear what your saying and now without prejudice I must ask did you test it in game to see if it works either way I will test latter I can't right now I still think that if we simply have the computer ask for its location and then have it run the code it should be able to allow custom radius if you don't feel like continuing to work on this I understand if I could please have your permission I would like to enlist other help from the cc community I of course will give credit for your code
  17. im looking for the code i saw on a wiki that had the radius variable soon as i find it again i will post it here for you it involved telling the computer where the block you wanted turned on was in relation to the computer and then setting a radius for turning it on when the player got within the radius of the block it would turn on the block aha found it here it is os.loadAPI("ocs/apis/sensor") -- the location of the redstone lamp relative to the sensor local offset = { X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 0 } -- how close a player has to be to activate the lamp local radius = 5 -- find the distance from the player position to the offset function distance(pos) local xd = pos.X - offset.X local yd = pos.Y - offset.Y local zd = pos.Z - offset.Z return math.sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd + zd*zd) end local proximity = sensor.wrap("left") while true do local signal = false local targets = proximity.getTargets() for k, v in pairs(targets) do if distance(v.Position) < radius then signal = true end end rs.setOutput("top", signal) end
  18. What if you add a variable for computer location ie we tell it where it is in the world then the rest should be easy also did you read my post about easier editing of white list?
  19. would also be nice if you made it so we could edit allowed players without starting from scratch i think creating a file to reference players from would allow that course you would need to write in and end and it listen for input to end program
  20. try using myst instead just make a dense ores world and then place a dim door and done no need for multiworld
  21. i believe you will find this thread most helpful i know i did http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/customizable-player-proximity-detecting-door.45502
  22. i would think the best way to deal with that would be a worldguard type plugin and a huge area set for spawn protection and then make it non pvp in the area if that doesnt work i would also suggest going with a grey list and making spawn killing against the rules and banning offenders starting with a temp ban and moving up to a perm ban basically running a server is work its fun but its also work to keep ppl like that in check makes no difference if its tekkit or not ppl are ppl and will do stupid stuff dealt with appropriately you will eventually build a player base that respects you your server and other players dont expect it to happen over night
  23. do i have to use the tinker table to turn off flight
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