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Everything posted by phazeonphoenix

  1. Did you download the latest OptiFine or a version built for MC 1.5.2? Hexxit is still based off MC 1.5.2 and you need a version of OptiFine for that version.
  2. The Intel GPU in question is pretty dumb. It's not 3D accelerated. It's the bare minimum that was needed to display a desktop environment on screen and that's about it (that whole Windows Vista Compatible fiasco a while back). You'll either want to upgrade and install a real video card (if it's possible that is, if you have a laptop you're out of luck) or get a new PC. Not much you can do outside of that.
  3. The ability for Redstone Engines to power BC pumps was put back in as an exception to the rule after some outcry in the community. That and Wooden pipes are really the only use for them now.
  4. What I usually do when I wish to store a new type of item in a new DSU with a Storage Bus attached is "format" the Storage Bus with that item so only that item will fill that DSU. I then take out all my Storage Modules and run to the I/O Port. One by one I place Storage Modules into the IO Port configured to import into the system. This will empty the Storage Modules of what items can be placed into the DSUs and because I removed all other storage nothing else is moved. I think we all have. It's nothing to be ashamed of lol
  5. You have some sort of error in this file. If you made a change to this file you'll need to look at it again and try to fix it. It appears to be on line 1346. If you didn't make any changes you could try removing just that file and see if it's recreated when you next launch Hexxit or RENAME your hexxit directory, relaunch Hexxit, exit, copy the file from this newly created modpack directory into your old one then delete the new directory and rename your original one back to it's original name.
  6. Out of the box, the Tekkit server package only supports Forge based mods not Bukkit based plugins. Fortunately you can use MCPC+ for 1.5.2 to enable bukkit plugins. Simply download the forge jar file and replace the Tekkit.jar file in the server root directory and (continue to) use launch.bat or launch.sh to run the server. It will create the plugins folder on first launch.
  7. The monoliths won't kill you and nor do you take fall damage so do some base jumping to get down .
  8. You know as much as the rest of us. If there's not a "Let's Test" Version that says it's 1.6 then there's no ETA. It's not like there's a super secret code to enter and magically get a 1.6 version. The only answer is soon. :-/ As you can tell I'm sure they get this question all the time and you can only answer "soon" so many times before you get sick of it.
  9. Use DimDoors with Rift Signatures? Not an elevator but it would work.
  10. Honestly I'd be very surprised if you'd be able to keep your world. Tekkit is at the mercy of the devs for the mods in the pack. Just the changes being discussed to TE would be enough to break an older world let alone any of the other mods in the pack. I again say that a newly named pack would be best because those servers that want to stay at this version would be able to without the headache of "switch your tekkitmain version to x.y.z to play on our 1.5.x based server, then switch it to the latest to play elsewhere."
  11. I think the trick is patience. It is essentially random. yes yellow with yellow will give blue and green the chances are random and a little slim. Start farming lots of gystahls and learn to love gystahl pickles! and you'd better have made at least one set of the chocobo armor...
  12. Have you upgraded both your server and your client? Both need to be on the same version to work and you'd get an error similar to this if they're not. The other possibility is there might still be an older version of AE that is preventing the up to date version from loading in your client's mods folder.
  13. Here's yet another dynamic DNS service. DNS is short for Domain Name Service and is responsible for changing "www.google.com" to "" A dynamic DNS service gives you a "subdomain" on one of many domains, for example bob.example.com which you configure to change into your IP address when you sign up for the service. Anyone wishing to connect to your server would use bob.example.com. The problem is that most residential ISPs provide what's called a dynamic IP address. That means your IP address will change from time to time. When your IP address changes either you or one of the many helper utilities out there will update the IP address for bob.example.com to point to the new address. DNS has nothing to do with port forwarding and you will still need to configure your router as normal for hosting a MineCraft server. Nope. I've never had to configure the Server IP setting. It's use stems from more advanced server configurations where a single physical server has multiple IP addresses associated to it and you only wanted to host MineCraft on one of them.
  14. This post has some answers to a similar question (I'm too lazy to write another one lol). Has anyone given thought to putting together a general Tekkit guide?
  15. Reis and mapwriter store waypoints in different files. For mapwriter the file is in %appdata%\.technic\hexxit\saves\mapwriter_mp_worlds\<server name or ip>_<server port>\mapwriter.cfg and I believe reis is stored in points files named after the server name and dimension id inside %appdata%\.technic\hexxit\mods\rei_minimap. The formats are different but easy to figure out. You'd have to manually convert the waypoints. Unless someone else knows of a converter.
  16. There isn't a way to do it exactly like that as far as I'm aware. Without additional help AE's automation capacity is either always on or on a crafting request. Probably your best answer to this would be to smelt everything to rubber bars and use a ME Interface to automate smelting of plastic when you need it to craft. You could also use level emitters to kick on smelting of rubber bars into plastic once your supply falls below a certain number. Two level emitters connected to a Programable Rednet Controller configured to be an RS-Latch can be arranged to turn it back off again once production reaches an upper limit.
  17. Ooh so what you want to use is the Filler. Despite the name it can be used to clear marked areas as well as fill marked areas and build basic structures like stairs, pyramids, etc. It's only marginally more complex to use than a quarry. The primary differences between Fillers and Quarries is that Fillers will obey your 3 dimensionally selected areas and that Fillers don't save what they remove. The removed blocks are broken and drop to the ground then disappear in half a second. You can run around after where the Filler is breaking blocks and pick them up before they disappear but it was done to prevent Fillers being used as a cheaper alternative to Quarries for mining. As for landmarks I think there are some problems with them. I had odd behaviors and difficulties marking areas before I learned that method I described. Sometimes only one face of the cuboid I was attempting to mark would be marked or worse yet what looked like a cuboid selection was actually two oddly shaped selections overlapping. I've also had situations where the outlines wouldn't display properly until I log out and back onto my server. I didn't mention that you can use 4 markers to mark 3 dimensions if you place the 4th above or below the middle one and still only right click on the middle one. I usually start with the middle marker placed where I want to place the quarry itself, place the "arms" then go back to the middle and right click, place my quarry and go.
  18. Hmm from my understanding... you can only define a quarry's width and length not it's height. I place my quarries with 3 markers. Drop them in an L shape and right click on the middle one (don't right click on any of the others while you place them) and it will link all four corners. Place a quarry next to a marker and the marked outline will change to the yellow and black color and be the size of your marked area and 5 (or maybe 6 I forget) blocks high. Any block that exists in that yellow outlined area will be destroyed. It's not mined it's zapped out of existence to make room for the quarry structure first. Then the pipes are built and finally it starts digging down to bedrock. It seems as if your quarries are glitched out in that first stage where it clears blocks before building the pipe structure. Try replacing them using the method I described above.
  19. Just like real computers, CC computers (and turtles, which are literally computers with the ability to move and perform certain actions) are able to be booted off a removable media device. In CC's case that mean's disk drives with disks in them. It's already a feature of CC to execute any script (program) named startup in the root directory. If there is a disk drive attached to a computer with a disk inside with a script named startup it will run that instead. It's a file you would create as or rename to startup and not a built in program. I once used a "swarm" based turtle mining script which utilized a "master" turtle placing blank "slave" turtles next to a previously positioned disk drive. The slave turtles would boot up, run the startup script from the disk and head off on their way to dig the hole I'd requested. It was complicated as hell to get to work but it was pretty cool to have 16 turtles digging a 64x64xbedrock hole when I did have it working. It was far too error prone to use as a primary mining technique though.
  20. Do you have a firewall running? Are they able to ping your hamachi IP? Do you have a direct tunnel and not a relayed one? Hmm any other possibilities guys?
  21. You must be playing Creative with NEI's "creative plus" interface. I have no idea what the real name is but it's a creative mode interface that's more like the survival inventory than the tabbed thing Minecraft usually has. I think it allows the various rows of your inventory to be "swapped out" with your hotbar thus creating the illusion of multiple hotbars. But this not the way it's usually played. You can use the "C" button in the top left of the inventory screen and it will change to "C+" if you're in that mode. Temporarily use "C" mode or play in Survival. You'd still be able to use NEI to spawn items for you so playing in Creative is not strictly needed.
  22. Is he talking about the quantum matter? I haven't upgraded my server to 1.0.10 to know what it looks like yet.
  23. ME Condensor takes items placed in it and either destroys it (poof it's gone) or uses them as raw material to produce either Matter Balls or Singularities. This is the full explanation of it's interface. It's just a garbage can with a couple extra bells and whistles unless you need Singularities.
  24. It's a possibility. Usually when you do that you get either missing mod or invalid mod version messages. I'm unsure but the changes between the last and most recent latest builds where relatively minor bug fixes so MAYBE it's letting you past that first hurdle and giving you a different error message. You do have to run the same version of the pack as your server does.
  25. Wrapping a modem (or more generally a peripheral) is the term used when you execute something like: modem = peripheral.wrap("back") which then allows you to do this: modem.open(2) instead of: peripheral.call("back", "open", 2) So it's a convenience more than anything. The peripheral.wrap function works on any peripheral not just modems. As to where you would wrap the modem and open the network channel would be early if not first before the rest of your functionality. Typically you'd have some form of configuration and setup to do before the meat of your code comes into play. Just a question, and I'm making an assumption that you're new to CC programming at least, why did you jump to using modems as a first step? You don't have to wirelessly send it commands. In fact, that's more work to make that function properly. You can place a turtle down and get the same basic console as you would when using a computer. You can place a disk drive next to a turtle just like a computer and be able to access the files on it. In fact, if there is a script named "startup" on a disk the turtle will execute that script on the disk when the turtle boots up. A turtle boots up when first placed or when you press and hold ctrl + R (command + R on a mac I think). With turtles I recommend that approach because it's so easy to impulsively remove a turtle to move it and after the fact realize that had your code on it. The files are recoverable but not while in game. Someone with access to the server files would have to retrieve it for you. Pain in the ass.
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