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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. If you have an issue with the modpack, post on the tracker after reading the guidelines, links in my signature.
  2. Please make sure you follow the tracker guidelines found at '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> and post on the tracker.
  3. Again post on the tracker and read the guidelines. links in my signature.
  4. No you don't need a poppet in the poppet shelf. Keep in mind though that the shelf only loads up the chunk it is in and anything outside that chunk shouldn't be loaded from the shelf.
  5. Please make sure you follow the tracker guidelines found at '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> and post on the tracker.
  6. As long as the item is in your basic vanilla Minecraft inventory, it should repair itself over time - regardless if you're holding it or not and regardless of your morph.
  7. Not that I'm aware of. I believe FTB is the only launcher that has the latest now but I haven't ran that launcher since FTB ultimate was a thing so im not sure if the mindcrack related pack is out (they spoke of making it publicly available but didnt hear anything after that)
  8. Make sure you give them your external ip address. @ mindlessdream - why did you recommend them to download uTorrent?
  9. If there is an id conflict, I recommend adding in idfixminus to solve those issues a bit more easily.
  10. The new Mindcrack "FTB" (Crack the beast is the new name? I don't remember...) has it and it didn't seem to take Zisteau too long to get through most of the basic content (he spent a few episodes on getting started on it due to the massive changes from their previous FTB season) so, I can't see how the research time spent is too great.
  11. the slime ball isn't used for auto-repair properties but rather the Ball of Moss added by the mod. I'm assuming you used that and got that confused. The tool will slowly repair itself over time and it can take quite some time depending on the repair level. Each level of the auto-repair will make it go faster and it will be faster in daylight. You can manually repair the tool though if necessary using whatever material the head was made from (sounds like alumite in this case) - if the tool is marked as broken, it shouldn't auto-repair until you manually repair it, so keep this in mind. You can tell if the auto-repair is properly working as the tool when you hold it will appear to "blink" briefly. Also, make sure the tool is in your primary inventory and not in any backpack or other storage system added by any mod.
  12. Post this issue with the necessary information on the issue tracker, both the link to the tracker and to the guidelines is in my signature below.
  13. Let me go ahead and quote the same post I just referred DoxNotch to since we're on page 2.
  14. You post where you need to post. That is on the issue tracker. make sure to read the guidelines as well (both links are in my signature below) after that, with the necessary information we will be able to assist you in fixing this issue, if we can.
  15. DoxNotch, see the post literally above yours.
  16. If the server continues to stutter you can attempt to edit the server.properties file and lower the max distance (i believe the default value is 10, lowering this to 6 to 8 should help increase performance)
  17. That quote is from >this thread. and is quite true.
  18. The GUI could cause that particular issue in your testing, quite reasonably, considering the server is now doing additional work of outputting text to the window (which is causing additional updates on the OS and video...to actually be able to visually see the text).
  19. Wish people would read posts a bit more closely and read the page their post will be on...

    1. mrmunroe


      Business Studies teaches us about how user error is the fault of the company or service.

    2. Kalbintion
  20. I would agree Thaumcraft would make sense in this type of modpack, since it is more based on research and development using magical elements rather than being straight out magic based like ars magica (granted i love that mod) but this said, what GenPage mentioned in his post is true. I wouldn't see this being an additional mod added unless the B-Team push for it.
  21. Literally see the post above yours for information on reporting issues.
  22. If for some really bizarre reason you cannot post on the tracker, the error is due to the mapwriter.cfg file located at C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/hexxit/config/ - head there and delete it. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character ' ' in 'C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/hexxit/config/MapWriter.cfg:1'
  23. A car with no wheels would be better than having no car at all Loader But indeed, that is what my point was although put in a very creative fashion.
  24. The above post is indeed the solution to it (though install java 7 jdk not java 7 jre) however this still isn't on the tracker as it is intended by staff.
  25. Outside of agreeing with you Cookies160 on people needing to use the search bar, there has been NO notification one way or another through the use of logs that would suggest that java is the issue. Please do not assume something without being able to back it up.
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