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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. Make a post on the tracker after reading the guidelines. Links in my signature below. (quick note about this issue: you need to tell it the path to the java.exe file, default is C:program filesjavajre7binjava.exe - there is an alternative option but do some searching in the tracker as ive answered this issue before)
  2. Make a post on the tracker after reading the guidelines. Links in my signature below.
  3. Refer to the pinned topic at '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> in regards to what I mean about that. It specifically states to report any issues and bugs to the tracker, this includes an incorrect java version. Also the reason this issue is reported so often is that most people do not know how to read the logs or know what version of java they have. It is often difficult to expect everyone to know this type of information.
  4. Not incredibly hard, you should just be able to download the server files, run it, and have your family connect to the server using the computers internal network IP (typically a 192.168.* number) If you need to find your internal IP address for the machine the server will be on, you can follow these steps to get the info: For Windows: * Press Windows Key and R * Enter in "cmd" * click ok or press enter * type in "ipconfig /all" * Look for a line with "IPv4 Address" (in some cases you may only have an IPv6 Address, and you would need this value instead) For Mac: * Run terminal * type in "ifconfig -a" * Look for a line with "IPv4 Address" (in some cases you may only have an IPv6 Address, and you would need this value instead) Edit: If for some reason the line of IPv4 Address does not exist on Mac output, it may be under a different header. I am unfamiliar with Mac to a massive extent and am not 100% sure if it prepends the info with the same as windows (last i knew i believed it did but it has been a few years since i did anything with a Mac)
  5. Post your issue on the tracker after reading the guidelines, check signature for these links.
  6. Maestro, avoid assisting people on the forums, the staff wish issues and bug reports to go on the tracker. This also has already been brought over to the tracker where I am assisting them.
  7. Post on the tracker and follow the guidelines. links in my signature.
  8. Depends on the forge used in the modpack. In 1.0.10a it uses #965 leaving you with a few options: OptiFine 1.6.4 HD U D1 and Optifine 1.6.4 HD D1. Do not get the light version.
  9. That exact set-up is known to cause chunk loss. It should be avoided to be used near things you care about and most likely will be fixed in future versions.
  10. Avoid assuming issues without actually seeing any of the information Cookies160, them attempting to do something can cause more issues than it solves.
  11. Does this issue exist WITHOUT optifine? If it does, there may be another issue at hand. If it doesn't, optifine is the issue and honestly optifine has some issues with this modpack, and it also matters if you got the right optifine version.
  12. Your issue at http://forums.technicpack.net/tracker/issue-782-aotbt-not-launching-on-mac-1068/ was seen and you were told to update your OS, which is the main way this issue will be resolved. Unless the mods start supporting java 6 again, there will be no other way to fix your issue.
  13. Try the server download from http://www.technicpack.net/attack-of-the-bteam If you continue to have issues, post on the tracker after reading guidelines (see below in my signature for those links)
  14. Check this board: http://forums.technicpack.net/forum/75-attack-of-the-b-team-servers/ for a better chance at finding a server to join.
  15. TMI isn't in this modpack, it is NEI. As for the issue: Make sure you're in cheat mode.
  16. Post your issue on the tracker after reading the guidelines, check signature for these links.
  17. Also make sure you read the guidelines for the tracker (link to that in my sig along with the tracker link)
  18. Post your issue on the tracker after reading the guidelines, check signature for these links.
  19. Post your issue on the tracker after reading the guidelines, check signature for these links. (Quick note: that line about the unknown character tells you the path to the file you need to delete to fix this issue)
  20. Post your issue on the tracker after reading the guidelines, check signature for these links.
  21. Post your issue on the tracker after reading the guidelines, check signature for these links. Edit: Btw, quick note about this issue is that _JAVA_OPTIONS is a environment variable like PATH and CLASSPATH but is used to add default options to java being ran. this can be edited where you first went to look at adding PATH and CLASSPATH
  22. Loader, who do we ask to lock this thread at this point?
  23. Post on the tracker after reading the guidelines. Links in my signature.
  24. Post on the tracker and follow the guidelines. links in my signature.
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