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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. Post your issue on the issue tracker after reading the guidelines. Links in signature below.
  2. What is it about the leaves thats causing the issue?
  3. those pieces are not highly saturating (they're near equivalent to apples) and you'll go through a ton of them. I recommend a potato farm if you can since theyre easy to produce and they're one of the best foods of vanilla minecraft.
  4. Post issues on the tracker after reading the guidelines, see signature below.
  5. In the future, you can make multiples of 1024 into the next tier of size, for example: -Xmx4096M becomes -Xmx4G
  6. Post issues to the tracker after reading the guidelines. links in signature. Also, read the >board rules HonorableJudgeGman, as it specifically mentions not to sign your posts.
  7. Harvester from MFR was able to chop it down. Took it a good 5minutes but it was able to. Also that axe would work but it won't work from the base, this is often the case for larger trees. It attempts to look for wood up to a certain extent and leaves, if it fails to find leaves it wont recognize it as a tree. This limitation was done to prevent a crap ton of lag from happening (like treecapitator would with large trees like the redwoods or the sacreds)
  8. Post on the issue tracker after reading guidelines, links in signature. Edit: Damn it Munaus XD beat me barely.
  9. some notes about the tutorial - the reinforced chests, lockers, and storage crates do indeed work with the pipes just fine. However keep in mind that the crates fail to broadcast all of the items available unless each crate has a broadcaster on it, this said it can store a ton of the same item and it seems to fill out when it can but it'll have residual items in it. Looped pipes cause issues in any fashion (even if the loop is very large) and should always be avoided. Microblocks can be used in compact set-ups to avoid loops on machines. Using the extraction orientation property on the chip, you can make a single pipe run on machines to make an input/output system wihtout the need of the additional pipe being ran for output - however this is set on a per machine basis for the side that is intended to be the output. Using a hopper on a chest to extract items is too slow for the upgraded chips (even non-upgraded in some cases) to be effective and using the pipe directly on a chest is a better way to go as there won't be any delay caused by a hopper. you can have a dual chest set-up next to each other (using reinforced chests or a trapped/normal chest) - this said, reinforced chests can be placed next to each other if they are the same type and not have them join together by placing the same type a block away (air gap between) then placing the non-connecting chest in-between that, then removing the unnecessary third chest. the timer for stock keeper seems to be based on a 100 tick timer (like the other pipes & chips) however I'm entirely unsure if it uses 100 ticks initially then lowers itself until the stock is kept (similar to how MFR machines use the idle bar at a longer duration initially until it finds work then making it a lower delay between cycles) For mob farms/grinders, using a tesseract set-up to send items into the system can prevent pipes from being needed to be ran directly to storage, however this will cause an issue with storage if it is not maintained and have a bunch of items flow into the system, this can be bypassed by using a buffer chest that if it fills up, to turn off the tesseract on that end, thus turning off the connection for the other (Sending only) tesseracts to accept input. Junction pipes should really only be used at intersections, otherwise the regular pipes will be randomized each time and cause a long delay for items to be sent to the right direction, the junction pipes (along with the other pipes which act like junction pipes) is a lot smarter than you may think. For the trash system, there is a much more compact system available with regular redstone, and probably could be more compact with the use of ProjRed:Integration. I could describe this if you're interested and provide pictures. I believe this covers all of the info i wanted to make note of from watching the video. Any questions/clarification on things, let me know.
  10. Unfortunately DoxNotch, not everyone feels that way. It's a shame. Edit: But I digress from the original post. Let me actually watch your video for once lol. Haven't yet.
  11. Glad to hear it works. I had no idea if it did. Only suggested it since it is the primary tool in project red.
  12. More leaves than a Sacred Oak? I've harvested a Sacred Oak with the harvester with zero issue (outside of the chunk(s) not updating immediately, but when you start chopping down thousands of blocks with a machine, thats understandable)
  13. I try to use tesseracts to avoid that issue whenever possible. Less stuff in the walls/
  14. Using microblocks to solve the issue though then requires the use of a saw and blocks, using my method doesn't require a saw to be used let alone the use of additional blocks. But this method would work as well, especially in existing systems where there is a large amount of storage set-up already.
  15. Don't forget the guidelines for the tracker too, that link (along with the tracker link) is in my signature.
  16. I've actually had no issues related to PR Trees and harvesters.
  17. Shadow - you can attempt some of the other tools (like the Screwdriver) to see if they work, otherwise just make sure the inventory you want it to connect to is placed first then the pipe (or vice versa) before placing other inventory options.
  18. post on the tracker after reading the guidelines. links in my signature.
  19. If it says the work is completed but no spawns happen, check your set-up and make sure the space available is 3 blocks high. Remember the normal spawn rules for space are still in effect.
  20. Post on the tracker. Look at my signature for the link as well as read the the guidelines, link also in signature below.
  21. I agree this was an "issue" related thread but seeing it was taken toward the discussion side of things I feel this location is just fine.
  22. The client config would be in the same location as the server config, just instead of the server folder itd be in the modpack folder for the player. Also, you can try a semi-colon as a separator, it's another common one to be used. If not, you will need to head to mcf and post on the tropicraft forum.
  23. I'm going to repeat myself from another thread, who do we contact to lock threads at this point? Even though necroing isn't against the forum rules (oddly enough)
  24. I believe the user list is comma separated, but not entirely sure. You may need to look at the mods original post on the minecraft forums for information on this or ask the mod creator directly (or await a response from someone here who knows) As for the block breaking, make sure your game is closed out completely (launcher can be running) before saving the changes otherwise the game will not notice the changes and may overwrite them when the game closes.
  25. Those options you see are related to NEI cheat mode (you can change what mode NEI is in via the inventory screen, bottom left button then through the inventory button there) Afaik, the xbox version of minecraft does not support modpacks nor does it work on the same version of minecraft as the computer version. If there was a way to do this it would have to be done with the a vanilla minecraft server with the version identical to the one used on the xbox.
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