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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. Bad login is related to minecraft login session - close the launcher completely and relaunch it. The LAN server option btw is only good if you intend to be playing at the same time all the time, otherwise the server can be left open 24/7 and your family can get on without the necessity of the map owner running the game and opening it to LAN (thus leaving themself in the game) also, the LAN option can fail on some situations with modpacks as the mods may not be intended to be working over a LAN setup (even though they should theretically work, their coding may be different for a server-side and client-side set-up causing issues when you open a client-side map to the world) As for the connect issue, I would need to see the error in full in order to figure it out. If i had to guess though, it could be antivirus software preventing the connection but again, need to see the error more.
  2. The FPS rates seem to be incorrectly calculated it seems for some people in this modpack. I'm unsure why.
  3. Post on the tracker and follow the guidelines. links in my signature.
  4. Post your issue on the tracker after reading the guidelines, see my signature below for the links.
  5. you can use any source of power to power them.
  6. Increase available RAM? This may not necessarily help but it is worth a short (if you notice no changes what-so-ever, just change it back down to what it was). This is done via the cog icon in the top right. You can also attempt at using optifine, however this may cause more issues than help and i only suggest this as a final resort. Any additional suggestions would require to know your computer specs so these types of things can be more tailored to you.
  7. Post on the tracker after reading the guidelines, links in my signature. Include the server log.
  8. Ah. Yeah that'd be an issue as well. Typically if you have issues with tconstruct you should consult the books you get from the mod (Materials and You v1 and v2, as well as Mighty Smelting)
  9. Make sure you have the part in the casting table before you attempt to pour the molten gold. stone parts can only work with regular stone and not cobblestone - wood parts may not work with mod-related planks (should, but may not).
  10. In general, adding mods to any modpack requires you to download the mod, and then place the mod in the mods folder located in the modpack folder.
  11. This forum section isn't the issue tracker. The Attack of the B-Team issue tracker is at: http://forums.technicpack.net/tracker/project-4-attack-of-the-b-team/ (However, i will make note that you need to uninstall java 6, reboot, then install java 7 to fix this issue.)
  12. I don't believe any of the members of the server has stated or shown the map seed. Assuming this is true, it is probably because they do not want people spoiling locations of spawners, strongholds, etc.
  13. Second time i quoted myself. Go me?
  14. Post on the tracker after reading the guidelines. Links are in my signature below.
  15. On the tracker there is a button that says "Start New Issue" - click it and fill out the information. Below is the instructions on getting logs and how post them: Getting Crash Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Select Attack of the B-Team modpack * Click on the Cog icon located on the bottom left of the modpack logo * Click on "Open Folder" * Open "crash-reports" folder * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Launcher Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Click on the Cog icon located on the top right of the launcher * Click on the "Logs" button * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasting Logs Use one of the following methods to show us your log files: * Attach file to posting * Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * http://mediafire.com * http://dropbox.com
  16. Post on the issue tracker after reading the guidelines (signature contains the links to them) - I would be willing to assist after you post your issue there. Make sure to include the logs.
  17. Issues should be posted on the issue/bug tracker after reading the tracker guidelines (links found in my signature below)
  18. It is unfortunate that the Liquid XP LXP is not compatible with the OpenBlocks LXP but this is the way it is (Perhaps bugging either mod maker will eventually allow compatibility between the two, but of course this could just annoy them and/or make them not want to do it.)
  19. Make sure you're using the XP liquid FROM Open Blocks (ie: XP Drain), the Liquid XP mod will not work with the Open Blocks XP related blocks.
  20. The Liquid XP and the OpenBlocks Auto Enchantment Table are not compatible with each other. The XP used in both cases are different. You may attempt to use the MFR Unifier to make it the OpenBlocks Liquid XP or just use an XP Drain over the Tanks provided by the OpenBlocks mod (this can also be used to work with the larger tanks added by TE). Also, when setting the auto enchantment table to auto-drink, make sure you set a side of the table in that interface ot where it should attempt to "drink" from (hold right click to move the table, left click on side to enable it, it'll appear red)
  21. I looked at the changelog for 1.0.10a - I see no notification of forge updating so it should be the same forge version. You can verify this yourself on the main minecraft screen on the bottom left. It'll say "Minecraft Forge" then some numbers. The last three in that line is the # you want to compare to.
  22. Again, make a post on the tracker. I'm willing to further assist once you do that.
  23. Without going into a technical stand-point about finding this information, removing the additional mods and seeing if the issue exists would indicate an issue in the main modpack, if there is none, continue adding a mod one by one and testing until the memory leak presents itself, thus signifying which mod is causing the issue.
  24. Please post your issue on the tracker, after reading the >tracker guidelines
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